Why do so many people hate Saint Denis? I like it way more than Los Santos

Why do so many people hate Saint Denis? I like it way more than Los Santos

Attached: SaintDenis.jpg (1500x844, 250.17K)

Runs like shit.
Looks like shit.
It's too fucking tiny.
It's shit.

nothing to do in it

Peds going out of their way to get run over by you


Saint-Denis is a major historical city in France. Today it looks like this.

I remember an Australian going there. Then Christchurch happened.

Attached: Saint Denis.jpg (1000x625, 133.19K)

>looks like shit
It's rather industrialized but I found much of the architecture to be beautiful

>accidentally bump into someone
>40 pigs in a mile around you are suddenly alerted and start shooting you down on sight

Attached: 1561452921505.jpg (223x251, 6.2K)


It's a fucking videogame. Who cares