Why do so many people hate Saint Denis? I like it way more than Los Santos
Why do so many people hate Saint Denis? I like it way more than Los Santos
Runs like shit.
Looks like shit.
It's too fucking tiny.
It's shit.
nothing to do in it
Peds going out of their way to get run over by you
Saint-Denis is a major historical city in France. Today it looks like this.
I remember an Australian going there. Then Christchurch happened.
>looks like shit
It's rather industrialized but I found much of the architecture to be beautiful
>accidentally bump into someone
>40 pigs in a mile around you are suddenly alerted and start shooting you down on sight
It's a fucking videogame. Who cares
In SA the remote parts of the map were boring as hell, In RDR2 the countryside is way better than the city. I thought it was by design.
I have no idea how the fuck the justice system works in RDR2, because one of those times I got in a horse crash with some NPC and he started shooting me so I shot him, and the cops just gave me the "move along" order. Every other time they just shot me even if the other guy shot first.
>absolutely no consistency with the controls due to everything being context-sensitive
>try to get on my horse
>lunge across the street and tackle some chink
>too modern
>too much authority
>many narrow streets with too many people, breathe on one person and youre in trouble
>It's a fucking videogame. Who cares
The desert in SA was kino. Area 69 especially.
Only place in the game the frame rate tanks is my only gripe but I play on Xbox one x.
brainlet post
It's full of French people
It makes RDR 2 look more modern than RDR 1 even though its a prequel. It shouldn't be so close to New Austin.
Plus it doesn't even get mentioned in RDR1 people talk about Blackwater as the holy grail of the new modern world yet Saint Denis is apparently just across the lake
Rockstar really fucked up by setting 2 just over a decade before 1. Both games feel identical in their setting, themes, story, etc. It should have been a proper prequel set in the glory days of the Wild West, like the 1860s-1880s.
its like gta v. i really fucking hope they fix the retarded cops in gta vi
Based Jacob poster
Vidya maps are always space compressed, artistic license is involved. Cities in SA are ridiculously close to each other by real life standards but in-story it's treated like a huge state as if it had real life proportions.
I fucking hate autists who don't understand this like Bethesda Fallout fags who believe the fact that DC in FO3 and Mojave in NV are smaller than in real life is due to alternate history.
It looks cool, but the ps4 runs abit slower when entering the city, and there is not as much interactivity considering the size.
I know that. My point stands. Its still too close. When I say too close I mean it should have been off the map., ie the opening of GTA V.
The French mass imported cheap workforce from their colonies to the suburbs of their cities after WWII for the reconstruction effort. Maybe stop inviting Abdul to do the work you should do yourself if it's that important to you.
It's an idealized version of the west. It's a really compressed "greatest hits" collection of everything west of the Mississippi.
By your logic the lake that separates Blackwater and Saint Denis must be the size of an ocean.
The modern places aren't greatest hits of the west, nobody cares about that.
>game forces you off horse because it's trying to prepare your character for a cutscene
>get back on horse to move it closer
>game crashes
These fags just wanted to make a cowboy movie, not a functioning good game
This is retarded to get autistic about. It's a miniature version of the west. New Austin is based on Texas, which borders on Louisiana in real life. They actually spaced out New Austin and Lemoyne in this game.
It's never a consistent ratio, much like the fact that cities are proportionally larger compared to equivalent countryside.
>imported cheap workforce from their colonies to the suburbs of their cities after WWII for the reconstruction effort
What a crook of shit. Mass migration started in the 70s. A quarter of century after reconstruction took place.
New Orleans was the biggest city west of the Mississippi at the time, it was worth including as a signal of the modernization of the west that the gang feared so much. Plus, it was nice to look at.
not-Nawlins and the surrounding bayou were great locations to contrast with the other environments the game had to offer both thematically and visually and fuck you if you disagree.
>Things that never happened.
Why would nobody care about a beautiful old city?
Then why isn't it in the first game. In that Blackwater was the signal of modernization of the west, characters specifically say this. Thats the point, Saint Denis contradicts the first game as a prequel.
I agree with bayou and everything, just not Saint Denis.
They do. But not in old west material.
Who cares about the exact dates, point remains that maybe you should have done the dishes or been a janitor yourself instead of inviting Pajeet and Abdallah over to do it for you if you wanted to stay white this bad.
Knew before coming into the thread sonyroaches hate it because the roachstation can barely handle it at 1080p
Blackwater wasn't a city, it was the capital town of a low population state. And who knew there could be more than one city out there?
>kill someone
>nobody saw me and im far away from corpse
>still no patch to fix this bullshit
fuck this gay shit
There were still cities in the old west though
John Marston?
Louisiana is French land and amerimutt invaders have literally no claim to it.
I know, but nobody cares.
It's a good place to hunt niggers as a serial killer. I like to dispose of the nogs I kill by tossing them to the alligators.
I didn't like being forced away from the beautiful natural surroundings in that chapter and I kinda left the game for a bit, plus I had played it too much so I needed a break. I recently came back and played and took my time to explore the quests in the city and I actually kinda like it. I got this thug-ish look for Artoore Morgan that doesn't look like the majority of Yas Forums's gay fashion sense and yah it's not so bad.
>muh snoy
The city fucking suck ass. It runs like shit and its really easy to accidentally get yourself into trouble with how tightly condensed it is.
they were clearly trying to do something with the witness system but axed it in the end
you can see how theres 3 different shades for witnesses in the minimap when the system is "working" and theyre either investigating or reporting
but the end result is the same, disguise no disguise - youre wanted
and yeah obv theres that bit where you murder in the middle of nowhere and turn wanted
it wouldnt be so fucking terrible if they at least kept pardon letters in but nope thats gone too
fucking rockstar
Blackwater was two blocks, what are you talking about?
why we cant get pure kino like red dead revolver?
rdr1 and rdr2 is soulless as fuck compared to red dead revolver
I'm talking about information gathered directly from RDR1. Trying playing it if you haven't.
I have literally never got wanted on accident in the city
>Amerimutt invaders
> T. Frenchie still buttmad a Corsican manlet sold it for about 309 million in today's money
>never got shot at by gangers
>never had people walk into his horse
sounds legit, you're a very special boy
and by that mean youre a smalldick cuckboy fishing for attention
>Runs like shit.
PS4 fag detected
Amerimutts bought the land in a predatory fashion when the French were in a time of need, making the deal invalid.
The logical thing to do is to return Louisiana to its rightful owners and let them restore true European culture you've wiped out any traces of.
its a small shit i can live with that
but how the fuck this game have less and fun shit to do than red dead revolver is beyond me
rockstar can only make decnet story rest is trash
Jim Milton
I liked it. It was so kino feeling so small and out of place in a big city, like Dutch's gang realizing the world was changing too fast for them to keep up.
Bullshit, the official paperwork said "No Backsies."
I just slow down to a trot. It's like five blocks dude.
Red Dead 2 didn't take place in the west. Red Dead 1 was West-Texas, Mexico, and New Mexico/Arizona. Red Dead 2 was more around Louisiana/East Texas.
>"Hey America we're in a bind and not using any of this land, do you want it?"
>"Yeah sure"
>217 years later
You mean “by accident”, not “on accident”.