You may not like the actual game but there is no disputing that this is the greatest role playing game ever made

You may not like the actual game but there is no disputing that this is the greatest role playing game ever made.

Attached: 55C24478-5032-4247-BE47-D2FB718A0791.jpg (220x330, 23.26K)

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I don't like that you can't save whenever you want

Definitely not the greatest anything but one of the best games in recent years.
However, the amount of mind-bogglingly idiotic amateurish design decisions is still way too large for an actual videogame that isn't a mod for skyrim and it's also genuinely a scary commitment to be a fan of the studio that chooses the engine for its game solely by how the forests would look in it.
Basically fuck you, cryengine and fuck you warhorse for dooming not only your game to run on this steaming pile of shit of an engine but also your players to experience that.

COmbat seems kind of shit.

I prefer Mordhau combat


Combat and locking system is shit. Other than that, yeah it's alright.

It's an indie game that blows the fuck out any open world RPG. Pretty good If you ask me.
It definitely deserves more acknowledgment

Immersion is unparalleled.

[Spoiler]Henry is here!

Attached: Unparalleled Immersion.png (1359x817, 1.42M)

dead game

>it's another European trash peasant that can't get over the fact that "his game" is hot garbage even by Western standards

Attached: 1584243380313.png (500x496, 105.9K)

Best open world RPG of past 15 years.
>so many memorable storylines and quests
>writing makes you actually care about characters
>doesn't hold your hand
>historically authentic setting
>game is low-key hilarious

Attached: 9we1wqyi5li01[1].jpg (1920x1080, 349.43K)

neat game but I got bored of it real quick, like an hour after the tutorial quick. I could see the appeal though

I'm playing it right now
How do I avoid dying in fights with more than 1 enemy? The camera lock is absolutely fucking retarded


I just wish they would get someone to fix the character models. No one ever looks natural when talking, it's immersion breaking.

You can. Just buy these savedrinks. They are cheap anyway. I need 2 minutes in dice to get one. And i used about 5 of them in whole game anyway.

They chosed cryengine 10 years ago. Almoust everything changed. Real problem is not cryengine but idea to have armor layer system.

Agree. They could make it better.

There is no disputing that if it wasn't for the historical accuracy controversy Yas Forums wouldn't give a single shit about this game.

Run away. Bait them by arrows from camp. There is only one place in game where you have to fight with more enemies. First battle. Worst part of whole game.

>role playing game
>can't even play as a little girl

Attached: 1460883173715.jpg (1920x1200, 425.96K)

Yet entire thread talking about game never even mentioned "le based dev". Only you did

Don't fight if you can't win. This isn't Skyrim.
Run, shoot arrows, wait for them to go to sleep then poison their food etc. Or simply don;t fuck with them.
I beat the whole game and in my 100+ hours I only fought 3 people ONCE, that was quest related.



I 100%ed it not too long ago.

I demand a sequel.

Best is subjective but it sure is the most life-like game I've ever played, it's also very interesting how they managed to make such an entertaining story and environment while sticking to realism and history.

>win battle with 4 guys, by a hair
>sleep in their camp fuck you
>back to town
>cumar ambush
>Lol dead
>Have to do first battle again


I just make enough saviour shits now and save wherever

That's a bit hyperbolic, but it is a much better RPG than most that come out.

You can't create your character and it's voiced so no

Currently playing it and I love it. Only complaint is that you can't get a permit to hunt even after being buddy buddy with all the lords and shit

Self insertion is not essential for a great rpg

Dont think Ive ever even seen a screenshot of this game. Only the cover.

>How dare a story come with a character with their own voice

>Real problem is not cryengine but idea to have armor layer system.
No way, fag.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1024x768, 142.73K)

Is Henry Radzig's son because he fucked the blacksmith's wife or did he just give Henry away to some poor childless couple?

>Skalitz pillaged by cumans, circa 1403
As witnessed by Theresa the mill wench

Attached: Screenshot_44.jpg (2285x1283, 561.52K)

The game is great, I just wish my computer was good enough to run it.

I did get an SSD since I tried, but I Doubt it will make that much of a difference.

I moved the game from my HDD to my SSD recently and it's an improvement. Loading times are much quicker and I'm not getting nearly as much pop-in.
Was even able to bump the resolution up a bit.

I am still using performance mods and a custom user.config though.

>dunno how to do spoilers
Howbout you reat thefucking FAQ, newfag

blacksmith sounds like the biggest cuck

But that is why performance sucks. That is why all characters load so long in cities.

The gameplay, story, and atmosphere are all subpar and not even close to as good as people meme it as
>inb4 hurr the whole is greater than sum of its parts
no, that isn't true either

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You can. There’s a quest later on that allows you to become the huntsman for a particular region.

I got Kingdom Come for free off the Epic Store last week and it seems like a really well done fan game or mod that somehow also has professional voice acting. I can tell just by playing it that I like all the same dorky shit that Daniel Vavra does, and it's obvious he and his team cared a lot about this project. I almost feel like it would be better if the gameplay were more like Darklands where there's a main quest you can potentially discover and interact with, but you can also just set your own goals and wander the map chasing them down.

More like a really loyal friend. He went with Radzig out to bumfuck nowhere, in order to not separate Henry from his real father - if he had stayed in Prague, he could have been a very rich man and sought-after swordsmith.

Third try. FML

It's explained in the game - Radzig knocked a girl up, but he couldn't marry a commoner. To save her reputation blacksmith, being a good friend, married her and took Henry as his own son.

>that this is the greatest role playing game ever made.

Yeah but that gives you a huntsman title though. I want Henry to just get a hunting permit without the title, like how Hans can go hunting without being the huntsman. Making Henry a huntsman on top of being a lord's son, the Prbytslavitz bailiff, and all the other stuff is just too much

Why couldn't Bannerlord be more like this
8 fucking years goddamit

loyal friend my ass, Radzig could just have his head chopped off or something if he refused. dude must be scared to shit

I liked it. My only problem was that it was way too short.

So name a better one.

Took me 130+ hours to beat it with all DLCs.
Didn't even 100% anything, missed a bunch of treasures, sidequests and locations.

How? The main quest is really short. Looking for the treasures was a lot of fun though. I feel like it had a lot of cool unique features like that and how you had to learn to read to actually read books.

you played it on a toaster, didnt you?

you can switch targets by hitting tab, walk backwards, press q to block, have a shield

Because you bought an early access game you silly cunt

did you only do the mainquest?
the game is fucking vast when you do sidequests and explore a bit you easily spent over 150 hours in it.
maybe you just rushed though it dunno

>I don't like that you can't save whenever you want

I didn't even play vanilla, I put it this and the bow reticle mod and thoroughly enjoyed all 173 hours of my first playthrough.

I didn't rush through it, took my time. Also played on Hardcore so got lost in a woods bunch of times, plus there's no fast travel.

I really enjoyed this game, but I dont feel like replaying it like some of my favourite games

There isn't much role playing when you don't get the opportunity to make Henry not be a fucking retard in every single story sequence.

>bow reticle mod

Attached: 5cd[1].jpg (600x693, 42.92K)

>low level reading
>words are all jumbled
It's a shame that when you progress they all get fixed instead of having some larger, tougher words still jumbled

The bow is sadly unbalanced. It goes from completely worthless without to completely broken OP with it.

Longsword with no shield is the chad build anyway

I have 53 hours and did the quest up to where you fight at the bandit camp. I don’t think there is anything after that right? As for side quests I did all of the hunter quests including the infamously buggy bird one, all of the treasure maps and I’m certain others. I’m not one to rush through games like this but at 53 hours I had italian armor and my favorite horse all decked out so I don’t think there was much left for me to do

The bandit camp in the north or in the south?

>I have 53 hours and did the quest up to where you fight at the bandit camp.

kek that's maybe 1/3 of the way through the game

if i had a good pc i have a feeling i'd be playing the absolute shit out of this game