Bannerlord is early access vaporware

>Bannerlord is early access vaporware
>RE3 is a half-assed 4h long demo
>FFVII remake retconned by kingdom hearts frauds
>Half-Life retconned by campo santo nu-valve
>Doom Eternal is a forgetable bing bing wahoo puzzle game
>Coronavirus is delaying everything
We actually ended up in the worst possible timeline

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Fuck off from video games then, retard.

Maybe kill yourself retard

You can fuck off anytime sweetie

Fuck off you piece of shit

Cry more, stupid faggot.

>>Half-Life retconned by campo santo nu-valve
Posting a Yui and having such a shit opinion should be illegal. There's a reason everyone loves Alyx.

The shittier the edit, the shittier the opinion.

kys mentally ill valve drone

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play animal cwossing

All those games are good actually.

I'm not a tranny, so no.

>wah waaah valve developer doesn't like it when I'm racist!!!! but i just h-h-hate niggews and spics and chinky winkies!!!!!!! why doesnt vawve wike me

>OP posts truth
>nu/v/ writhes in their consoomer psychosis

wow color me surprised

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Free Tibet. Democracy. Winnie the Pooh. Freedom. Tiananmen Square Massacre. The Great Leap Foward.

Based OP making faggots seethe

eternal fucking blew, beat it on UV and felt robbed.

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Lmao @ all the zoom-zoom faggots seething at OP.

Boomers litteraly incapable of jumping for 20 seconds

No I won't join your Chinese bot filled shithole

Eternal was fun get fucked.


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Disney dropped Winnie the Pooh while hiding from Coronavirus. Help them by bringing him back!

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>Eternal was fun get fucked.

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sho sho valvechink

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>frequently uses slurs

nice revisionism

I forget that children can't get their ADD medication with the virus going on.

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How is that racist snowflake?

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what kind of new buzzword is retcon now

retcon has been around since the mid 2000's, where have you fucking been?

How about you play multipalyer games you faget?



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Good job not posting basedjack user. I know it was hard but you'll manage.

I don't enjoy MOBA and MMOs, and all the shooters I liked are dead.

Are you trying to add to the cancer fire?

>battle royale and decade old shit
How about no

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>only said nigger once

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>>Bannerlord is early access vaporware
Words don't mean anything I suppose.

Literally the same faggot

which games are delayed?

>Jaded retard can't find enjoyment in good games
Fuck off Yas Forums retard we already have enough people like you.

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>early access vaporware
What is that even supposed to mean.
I think shitposting has finally eroded your brain.

Get off from Yas Forums you weak minded faggot.

Love this meme where people pretend that HL's story was some kind of epic where a "retcon" would even matter.

doesnt ff7r have the same writer as the original?

What’s wrong with Bannerlord? I thought people were really liking it

Why ask a literally insane shitposter why he doesn't like [thing]?

>>Bannerlord is early access vaporware
Who cares, it's still good and playable, and they're fixing it with patches every day.
>>RE3 is a half-assed 4h long demo
Just like the original RE3, and every other classic RE game
>>FFVII remake retconned by kingdom hearts frauds
This is a good thing. Why the fuck do you want to play the same game again? The original is still good
>>Half-Life retconned by campo santo nu-valve
Continuity doesn't matter in Half Life
>>Doom Eternal is a forgetable bing bing wahoo puzzle game
>>Coronavirus is delaying everything
Good. I finally don't have to leave my home, I can do whatever I want. I never felt actually happy in years, I was pretty close to offing myself, Corona saved me.

a broken mess that'll never get out of early access, maybe 10 more years

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>Who cares, it's still good and playable
warband with mods is still 1000x better than this empty trash

You've never played the original re3 if you think remake isn't half-assed in comparison

Then play Warband with mods until they release the mod tools for Bannerlord. You don't lose your ability to play the old thing just because the new thing is out. They're both good games

I don't know, it probably is half-assed, I haven't played the remake. But the length isn't the issue here, RE games are all pretty short

>IS Retcon the new buzzword
>He doesn't know

There's a lot of places Jill doesn't end up going because the levels were cut.

>Clocktower - is cut from the game
>Gravedigger - is cut from the game (Giant Worm)
>The Park - is cut from the game
>City Hall - is cut from the game
>Graveyard - is cut from the game
>Jill doesn't go to the RPD police station
>Barry don't save Jill in the end, that scene is cut from the game, changing the story.
There's more locations cut but that's just a few.

>early access vaporware
That's not how that works you piece of shit.

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>Chink chink chink chink chink
>fucking nigger
>Eat my cock you disgusting tranny
>Im going to kill all the jews, HEIL HITLER!
>I don't like niggeeeeeers
>fuck all indians, all my homies hate indians. SHit in the street indian faggots, here's some donation money(0.0001 percent my net value) now shut the fuck up shitniggers
>Im not racist btw
>Man did i mention i fucking hate trannies too? DISGUSTING.

how does he get away with it? How can one man be so based?

Oh, so you used your crystal ball to glean the future and all you cared about was learning the fate of some turkish video game?

You'll learn

Glad to know there are still real sensible people here.