Games you're waiting for to upgrade your PC

For me it's the Elder Scrolls 6.

Attached: knight thumbs up.gif (720x404, 3.83M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Doom Eternal

Animal Crossing: New Horizon

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Cyberpunk, also OP TES VI won't be out for 3-4 years

no such games
i'd rather replay games like d2 or daggerfall than spend additional money to play d4 or tes6
i've never felt such lack of interest about new games as i'm feeling now

This. I pray every day that we can emulate it soon.

Cyberpunk maybe, i dunno, i have no job but i should've started as an armed guard before this fucking outbreak, i can still play stuff at 60fps with a i7 2600 but i wanted a bit more power for emulation.
Arena with Daggerfall Unity controls fucking when

thousands are playing it on emu

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None my PC already shits on next gen. But I did upgrade last year for rdr2

New games are never worth upgrading for. With the shit thats been coming out I always find myself playing 10+ year old games and those that run on toasters. I do PC upgrades only when I have money I don't know what to do with or if I have any issue with the PC that affecting my work/gaming

nice. I was worried I'd have to wait till at least 2026.

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Cyberpunk and Bannerlord

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Built this 4 years ago and I can run bannerlord at max settings with some lag in big battles here and there but the game is early access. When do I need to upgrade lads? I was planning on getting two 1440p monitors and maybe change hdd to ssd.

Attached: specs.png (775x681, 93.67K)


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Cyberpunk and Serious Sam 4.

Why did you feel the need to reply like that? The guy has a more than decent build and you find the tiniest thing to pick out to make yourself feel better.

You should be alright for a few more years I would say, the cpu will have to be the first thing you change in the next few years though. If you can get the monitors this year then go for it.

>The guy has a more than decent build

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I am the guy who posted my specs, what is so bad about them? I can play all current triple a games at smooth 60 on ultra, explain please.

Anything good, so probably never again.

I still don't have anything on my list that requires me to upgrade. Maybe Cyberpunk if it's good.

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>I can play all current triple a games at smooth 60
no you can't, you get drops just like in bannerlord
And how on earth do you not have a ssd in 2020?
I had one 10y ago
Did you buy a prebuilt?
And what is the point of getting a K cpu and keeping it at stock

You probably dont need to upgrade, one of the best performance ports in recent memory

Trusting Bethesda now? you been living under a rock?

None I play consoles white boy

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>no you can't, you get drops just like in bannerlord
Yes I can, I get drops in bannerlord because like I stated it is early access and has memory leak issues currently, and the drops are only in huge battles
>And how on earth do you not have a ssd in 2020?
Where are you getting this from? I do have an ssd, I said I was planning on changing my hdd to an ssd
>Did you buy a prebuilt?
Can you seriously not fucking read? The first fucking words I typed were "built this 4 years ago" you dumb fuck.
>And what is the point of getting a K cpu and keeping it at stock
Retarded on my part I know, I had the idea it would last longer and I didnt know how to oc

Attached: ssd.png (544x95, 3.42K)

wont boot
fucking how

no.. you literally can't not get drops on a 4c/4t in modern AAA games:

Yes i skimped on ur posts sue me, anyways u could try to find an i7 6700k and sell your 6600k , but i fear with the new consoles cooming out 6c/12t will be the bare minimum for AAA gaymen

Cyberpunk 2077. I'm upgrading to a RTX 2080 ti.

what are you trying to say

new horizons wont boot up on most emulators
what one are they using where it lets them play

ryujinx retart


More than waiting for games I'm waiting for new versions of tech, specifically DDR5 ram and the 30xx series for nvidia and maybe something new on CPUs
But my pc is only 2 years old, I can push it a bit more, 1080p 60fps is acceptable, but I will upgrade some time in the future no doubt

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my 3770 16gb 2080 runs everything max, but when it stars to become CPU heavy, its become frustrating to see my 2080 being hold back.

try BF1 or V 64 players.

I don't know what to tell you, I get smooth 60 from what I have been playing (DOOM Eternal, Halo games remastered, half life alyx, dayz, bannerlord except for 500 vs 500 battles, dark souls 3, monster hunter, borderlands 3, metro exodus)

Not really waiting on any game in particular, but I bought a 1440p monitor this week. My 970 has served me well but it is starting to show its age so I'm thinking its about time to replace it so I can push 1440p/165hz. Will probably go full retard and pick up the 30xx series when it comes out.

I'm going all consolefag next gen
PC was a mistake.

>DDR5 ram
you can wait.

dying light 2

Not really waiting for any game, but I suspect I'll have to euthanize my 2014 build later this year.

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Enjoy an immensely smaller library of games, paid online and the lack of freedom.

Unironically this

No game in particular, I'm waiting for newer more resource intensive emulators

You get drops in Bannerlord because you have a 4c4t CPU, dingus. It's not 2024 anymore.

You don't get a smooth framerate in half of those games, you are just too dumb to notice otherwise.

it's just like console peesants that don't notice 12fps and 720p upscaled

Do you own bannerlord? Check the threads, everyone gets drops. The game is 5 days old and in early access and a shit ton of bugs.

>you liar! I know what frames you get when you play games because some fag on youtube told me so! there is no way you can know what you get yourself!
Hang yourself lad.

Yes I own Bannerlord. I have a 3700x and 1080 to and haven't had a single drop. I know there was a big with sieges causing framerate drops but that was patched yesterday.

>I know what frames on games you get because they have been scientifically measured
Yes, I trust Steve from GN more than you. And I trust his data more than your shitty opinion.

>everyone is in on a giant conspiracy and lying about my cpu !!11

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I haven't played since yesterdays patch so will check it out.

Yeah mate you know what frames I get and I don't. How low do they drop then? You started this shit by laughing at my build and just replying with laughing memes, I ask you to explain and you just spout shit you seen some youtuber say.


>You know what frames I get and I don't
Correct. And to add insult to injury, I had a 6600k that I upgraded to my 3700x. I know first hand the difference, and Steve's data doesn't lie. 4c CPUs are dinosaurs now. You don't get smooth framerates in most modern games, period

The 3080 will probably be out by then

Forza Horizon 5. My 1070 probably won't be enough when it comes out.

the other video was lies, now this doesn't work bc it's gpu bottlenecked (it isn't)
>laughing at my build
it's shit because you chose to get a cpu obsolete when released

wash your hands dirty fuck

corelets, I swear

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>console war faggotry with pc parts
lmao you tried

This post is to inform you that nothing is any better in terms of price/performance than an RX 480 from mid 2016 in 2020. That shit is fucking sad.

Just made this for you pricks, first battle was 500 and did not go well like I said. Changed it to the next biggest battle and not one drop below 60, what now cunts?
