How did this shit happen, differnt team from RE2R?
>The Spiders are cut from the game
oh thank goodness
>R3MAKE is a remake not a remaster
Holy fucking shit dude!
Are you retarded
Are you
Different people in charge and the project was too big to handle along Resistance.
lol ok then don't play it or something i dunno man
that's the purpose of a remake, changing the game.
Fuck off Nomura
A remake is to make something again you dont change anything at most you update looks and add some QoL things
have fun paying 60 for the same exact game that you already played but now with better grapfixxx
Disappointing that they rushed it out, should've given it another year in development.
I dont know why you went into if I buy remakes or not
Why is that relevant whatsoever
Your definition of remake is wrong and thats all there is to it
If you want to change the game and only keep the selling points like names locations and characters then is a reimagining or a spinoff and not a remake
The problem here is the full price. It looks like a RE2 DLC.
?? If you want to play the same game, then you can just go and play original. I can't believe you're this stupid, why would you want to pay $60 for the same game?
This has nothing ro do with me or what I want to do this is about you not knowing what remake means
There’s nothing wrong with changing things in a remake, but most of these are just removing content without adding anything worthwhile to replace them. Or just straight downgrades from the last game like the gore system.
quit making up definitions user
When you change the story it causes you to remove stuff that was in the story before.
>without adding anything worthwhile
Also your opinion is subjective
No asshat that's called a remaster
Worked for REmake, REtard.
>not the same game
All of the original is in it, they added on top.
the real issue I have with this game is the amount of stupid retards defending it
it is mind boggling
the game is an obvious rushed chink job and people still defend the mess like they are capcom stock holders or bribed journos
at least have some integrity in your daily life
An actual remake would have the same graphics obviously, not keeping the same graphics is them cutting stuff from the original.
>tfw new game comes out so T/v/itter flavor of the month game to hate changes.
what did you expect with as little time as it took to develop? of course it was going to be garbage
We can add "hate changes" to the new negative dogwhistles like "cool and badass" for "ugly woman dressed like a man".
>When you change the story it causes you to remove stuff that was in the story before.
This wouldn't be such an issue if there weren't some gaping plot holes being created because of it (if certain people don't die then it becomes an issue for other numerical sequels).
These are not changes in the stories; they're terribly written retcons.
>your opinion is subjective
Really? Who would have thought?
I have never understood the love for spiders, or crows.
They never added anything to any RE game, definition of a filler enemy. In RE2make/RE3make every enemy fulfills an explicit niche. Only complaint I have is that recycling Pale Heads for RE3make was a bit lazy and made NEST 2.0 less interesting, but recycling enemies is classic RE 101.
>listfag has moved onto RE
Can I finally trash Monster Hunter World now?
He's parodying FF7-2 apologists / paid shills.
Nooooo.. Michael was right
Where is the crack?
have sex
Okay now tell me the other side. What exactly was added
>rpd part was removed
is that shit for real ? being ambushed by nemesis with a rocket launcher in the original made me shit in my pants back then.
You play as Carlos in the RPD segment and no Nemesis does not make an appearance there.
even a broken clock is right twice a day
RE3 was great and has better gameplay than RE2 because of the QoL changes
eat shit have sex, purists
>Carlos goes to the RPD
jesus, whatever.
>have sex
Is it good enough to pirate?
piracy is currently not an option
Pale Heads from re2
I want you to know that I already downvoted your recommendation.
it will be soon enough
you don't HAVE to be in the zeigeist like a cuck consoomer
play some other games, free yourself from the consumerism
go back to resetera/twitter/co/mblr
It's a liberal dogwhistle, jackass.
You can expect all the consoomer shills to be super liberal, it's a 100% overlap.
except it's literally one of the top sellers on Amazon right now. Your doomposting threads are worthless and im playing it right now. You lost m8.
>claire is recessed chin goblina
>jill is a man face and has a recessed maxilla
RE has used real people since 2002 though
>Only zoomers like it, everyone who played original hate it
Enjoy your souless game for 60$
have fun paying 60 for the same exact game that i'll just get for free
at least back then graphics weren't good enough to make a 1:1 copy of the person user
compare original jill to new jill, disgusting
>tfw enjoying the fuck out of it, could barely put it down yesterday
Wow, that's a lot of cut shit.
I'll wait when it's dirt cheap
Except im 30 and have played the original countless times, a few hours before REmake 3 came out in fact. Thanks for asoooming.
>B movie feeling
Every RE game ever, in fact it's sort of the point. Not a valid complaint in the slightest. Did this retard take the previous games/stories seriously?
>multiple nail polish colours
>just like my idealised pornstars
jesus. every single girl is a total slut now. thanks jews.
But what does the based Sphere Hunter say about it?
Re2 REmake wasn't worth $60 and I loved that game. This is looking like it should be a $30 game.