So now that the dust settled, what's the Yas Forumserdict?

So now that the dust settled, what's the Yas Forumserdict?

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too short

I've played it on normal 'cause I haven't played vidya in a while, and kinda regret it. You get more difficulty modes after beating the last. Nightmare is where it's at and inferno is like damn. Leaves more to be desired, and why are there auto scrolling scripted scenes in my RE game?

Outsourced Developer/10

die fagget with your shit thread


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An alright game, but not an amazing remake and clearly rushed out. The core is simply strong, REmake 2 gave them so much to work off that a game reusing much of it while adding stuff here and there was never going to be outright awful. But so much is missing and they really didn't expand on ideas the way they could have.

Remember when everyone was talking about what if Nemesis is a supped up Mr X that always follows you around a semi-open world city? Actually enhance the ideas of RE3 which itself always felt a bit rushed and flawed? They didn't try cause rolling off the success of 2 would be enough to generate a lot of sales. Hitting the okay enough line is good enough for cumsumers

It was an alright extra for buying RE Resistance.

Short but I found £40 on the floor the day I was gonna pre order it so I’m okay with spending only a tenner on it.
Me and my dad play through all the resi games as they come out :)

Its not even that its too short, its just not very good. Every section feels so tiny. It can be entertaining on a first playthrough because the pacing is so crazy. New things are happening at a very quick pace. The problem is that on their own none of those sections really do anything interesting. The Carlos defense section in the hospital was something straight out of RE6 and I'm not even exaggerating. Ending the game in yet another generic sci-fi lab is also so goddamn boring. Boring is the main word that comes to mind when thinking about RE3make honestly. Its a lot of different kinds of boring thrown at you at a breakneck speed and lots of explosions are happening oh man nemesis is here oh wait hes gone oh now im carlos oh now im jill oh now im carlos oh now im jill oh nemesis is dead oh nemesis is dead again oh the game is over

goddamn its fucking shit bros

I enjoyed it. It was a little shorter than I would've liked. They made a fair amount of changes from the original too. It's really more of a reimagining than a straight remake. Not as good as RE2 Remake but still pretty gud overall.

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>Re imagine
>its called Remake
the amount of COPE holy shit!

The pacing is too fast. You can tell the game was rushed because even the cut scenes don't feel complete, they just end too quickly and then it's on to the next set piece without really fleshing anything out. I also would've liked to have gameplay sections of making your way to the R.P.D. and The Nest 2(as Carlos)

First playthrough should be done on Hardcore.

this, speaking as the fool that started on standard

Spot on.
The game is not bad. Some might even say good. But the developers decide to only do the bare minimum. Just be "good enough" to sell.

Its short. It has basically no costumes ( Re3 had like 6). Eventhough they added some new stuff, they also removed parts of the original. And why all this?

Cause it was rushed. Fuck the fans. Fuck everybody who dreamed about cool new stuff. This game will sell like crazy, and it will be a testimony that its ok to just be "good enough"

A decent game that happens to be a shit remake. I'm fucking gutted.

okay game but a shit remake, also they ruined nemesis.

It's very good. Haven't finished it yet though. Seeing how short it is, you should probably not pay full price for it (I didn't). Not a remake at all though, be prepared for it being a completely different game. Looks gorgeous and runs smooth as butter, better than REmake2 for some reason.Hope they do more games in a similar vein, maybe something original. I really like how RER2&3 play.

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I agree as well. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's definitely undercooked. Think about what an expanded city section would have been like with an actually tracking/roaming Nemesis encountered throughout instead of the miniaturized version of the city we got with basically "press forward to not die" setpieces here and there featuring Nemesis.

It hurts. Worth a play but it over relies on stringing set pieces together over actual substance.
Hospital is legit, however, and the best part of the game. Would Carlos again.

It must have been intentional that Carlos gets all the "real" areas of the game while Jill's sections are basically setpieces strung together.

>saves your remake

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Anyone else getting really low res textures on some objects? I just took a break after getting to the hospital so maybe it will be fixed when I relaunch but it started happening around the sewers. It's mostly just background stuff that isn't important but it's annoying, the S.T.A.R.S photo on Weskers desk was just a grey blob for me.

And yet people keep on saying that a roaming Nemmy would be impossible because he is so much more complex than Mr. X.
The truth is that there's no point to making him prowl the streets because the game is extremely linear and only cares about wowing the player with its set pieces. Barely any reason to backtrack other than you having found the lockpick or needing to go back to the station to progress.

The game is sincerely not bad by any means, but it's a shadow of what it could have been. Didn't people say that the game was going to be all about a semi-open world Raccoon City with lots of side content? That's the main thing that got me curious about it.

Alright game, had fun, but it was underwhelming, here are my thoughts:

RE2make cast a large shadow over it.
Same price as RE2make despite not having the same polish and amount of content.
Weird pacing by introducing nemesis and carlos right at the beginning
The raccoon city streets feels shrinked, underused and unremarkable.
Nemesis, which was the biggest apeal of the original game, is underwhelming in almost all of its aspects (i dont know how much does he change in the other difficulty settings)

Overall it feels like it was rushed by b team or at least pipelined with the developement of RE2make, meaning that b team couldnt learn from experience and feedback of RE2make team, which is a shame because it has the core to be as good as RE2make.
It made the mistake in my opinon, of following the original too much, meaning that it has a lot of what was bad in it that comes from RE3 also being a rushed game (linearity ,lenght, actiony), but without any the goods in it(nemesis, zombie infested streets). What it should have been done was being more like RE2make to attempt fixing the bad in the original game, just look at the remake hospital section, which feels more like RE2make, and how it is the best part of the game by far (the sewers was cool too and it uses the same gimicks as RE2make),

I noticed that too, and some stuttering on cutscenes

Any hope of someone frankensteining both REmakes' maps together into a huge one? Could be interesting.

Does using the ng+ benefits disable anything like the infinite weapons in 2 stopping you from getting S+ rank?

I just wanted to say, final Nemesis on Nightmare isn't even a little bit fair. If I fuck up even one dodge this double nigger combos me to death every time.

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No. RE3 doesn't have S+ rank and you can still get the top rank (S) with the infinite weapons

i do wish it was a little longer/more areas for the sole purpose of utilising the different enemies more. the enemy variety is actually quite great at least compared to REmake 2 but many of the enemy types just felt limited to 1 or 2 areas each. only played it on standard so far and i know Nightmare changes enemies around, but as is:
the big warehouse where you get the 3 fuses introduces the Pale Heads back in (which was a nice surprise) but felt like the devs realised last minute "oh shit the dogs, hunter gammas and hunter betas only showed up in like 1 location each" and then dumped them there. another drain deimos nest somewhere else and more than a single licker showing up somewhere woulda been appreciated.
i'm not overly upset about Clock tower/park/dead factory being cut but thinking on it now, they would've made great environments for some of the other enemy types to come back just like the original

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So there's no negative repercussions whatsoever? Sounds a bit too easy.

What's there is great but there isn't nearly enough of it, Too much cut content in a game that desperately needs it and was already short in it's original form. Throatfuck scene gave me an erection.

8/10, would recommend over the original for every new player getting into the series because they will get more out of the story and what they don't know is missing won't hurt them as much.

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its a shame about how short it is because while it lasts, its actually great and I enjoyed it more than RE2R.

but yeah its waaay too fucking short.

is gore mechanics from re2 really gone in this one?

All but the head exploding. zombies do lose limbs but they just drop off, they don't tear before coming apart and falling to the ground. Also in sections where the game throws lots of enemies at you (i mean lots) it just makes the bodies explode once they are on the ground so they don't chug the game.

Is it possible to down Nemesis in the flamethrower part? I tried downing him every chance I got but couldn't get him there.

what about decals ?
do we get real bullet holes and new layers of textures as damage increases ?

what the fuck capcom

the game needs him to set the burning building setpiece that leads to the boss fight.

I'm playing on inferno difficulty right now and it's fucking garbage.

I don't think they are as extensive as REmake 2. You also can't cut off limbs, saw zombies in half with the shotgun, etc.

That's what I figured eventually. Also in his second form, when he's knocked off a building while running and his "heart" comes out, is it a time limit or a damage threshold that causes it to go back in? I could never get off more than a single grenade of any type into it but it seemed to stay out longer when blasting with the shotgun.

it's shit, and the enemsis is ugly

No reason I can't down him, get my reward and then have him get up and torch the place.

The gore is actually toned down a ton imo, in fact it doesn't really feel satisfying to shoot off limbs any longer and it's hard to tell how close you to are to removing a limb. I really liked the limbs just melting off when using acid rounds.

Yeah, the pacing is fucked. There's no sense of buildup or mounting dread as you're just shuttled from one area to the next to fight a new enemy type for a few minutes. I get that 3 was much heavier on action, but it doesn't have to be some ADHD bombardment of novelties.

Yeah you do, that's the same as REmake 2.


>saw zombies in half with the shotgun
I could never manage this. How?

Consoles are ruining gaming.

>Hardcore difficulty is punishing but good
>get to this part
>die 500 times
what the fuck is happening
is it because my health is in Danger, I can't outrun it?
I get like 3 feet down the stairs and die every time
you can't run forward and past it
shooting it with grenades does nothing
what am I not getting?

>what if we used shit from the latest CG RE movie ha ha but instead of a super concentrated sniper shot from a helicopter, it's a bigass gun mounted in a bigass room for no reason ha ha wouldn't that be great?

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Carlos both in appearance and his gameplay sections are the best part of the game. Play on Hardcore for your first run though, even if you played mostly standard in RE2make. The amount of ammo you find on standard is insane.

Sorry, meant this pic

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nigga you can be at the top of the building by the time he wakes up

guns in general are not as satisfying, the shotgun has too much spread and weak enemy feedback and the assault rifle kinda feels like a peashooter. In RE5 and 6 assault rifles felt like actual rifles, but in this game it feels like an automatic "lol 9mm"

I like it a lot

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why can't you manually sort your inventory without taking out items and putting them back in order? it's a small, nitpicky complaint but still weird.

All I need is for someone to model swap Claire with Carlos so I can have Leon and Carlos' brotastic adventures.

If a AAA game is being made in one year in 2020 it's a red flag every time that's not enough to make a masterpiece

shoot them in the gut, that's it

Consoles are solely responsible for the gaming industry existing and continuing to exist.

Have you tried pressing Square?

>game shows you that the recoil on the portable railgun is so immense that the concrete cracks under Jill's feet
>she somehow doesn't even get knocked back or hurt by it in the slightest
10/10 GOTY

Jill is nice but Claire is the supreme waifu.

It's weird. I feel like people are less receptive to the campaign while liking the multiplayer. I figured we'd have the oppsite.

It's a matter of expectations. People thought nothing about REsistance so the only way it could go was up.
Doesn't hurt that Val is so cute as well.

she's a supercop
It feels to me like RE3make is trying to normalize a lot of weird goofy bullshit so that the throughline of RE1 to RE4 feels less jarring

you mean like most RE games?