Remember when experimental games had more than a sack of potatos for a budget? Those were the days...
Remember when experimental games had more than a sack of potatos for a budget? Those were the days
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I presume the SH2 boom helped this one and others exist in some capacity back in the days of the PS2 era, good story, poorly executed gameplay and level design.
You have games like Vampyr and A Plague Tale: Innocence nowadays.
Rule of Rose was widely regarded as shit when it came out and only started getting praise once everyone found out it was rare and wanted to flip their paperweight for loads of money on ebay.
B-but little girls!
That was the only reason I was interested in the game when it was announced, well, more or less, marketed as horror with some weird motifs, I never bought it tho, I had to pirate it, in the end it wasn't exactly worth its price on release date if I ever tried to find it, I was more interested in getting a legit copy of Haunting Ground... too bad I didn't get that one either.
>people stopped buying games that aren't AAA MULTIPLAYER 400 HR experiences with a big brand attach to it
>ReMeMbEr WhEn ExPeRiMeNtAl GaMeS hAd MoRe tHaN a SaCk oF pOtAtOs fOr a BuDgEt? ThOsE wErE tHe dAyS...
Cool aesthetic. Everyone who likes surreal media about solving a mystery should play it. That one Clocktower game was similar too. Both are set in Britain as well.
personally i blame PC gamer sensibilities for this happening
f2p MMOs was the single worst thing to happen to gaming
Clock Tower 3?
Rule of Rose is a weird case where it gets a million things right but one important thing catastrophically wrong that brings the whole thing down. It's hard not to say it's a bad game because its combat is literally infamously terrible, but it almost feels like a slight against it due to pretty much everything that isn't the combat being at least an 8/10. But God fucking damn, that combat is atrocious.
Yeah I think so.
I haven't played it, but there's been a lot of instances of misunderstood games being regarded as shit. I really don't give a shit about reviews by professional critics anymore. I'm more inclined to believe the passionate fans than them.
Death stranding? But what happens if Yas Forums all bands together to make sure the game is hated, they review bomb and mock the developer endlessly for wasting valuable resources.
Death Stranding is in no way innovative or experimental.
You can say that about every game posted here then.
It's a shame, I know, but we got the indie scene now. Have you tried lost in vivo? It's short tho
This isn't one of those cases. Rule of Rose is hot garbage getting pushed by youtubers who run second hand video game stores and ebay pages trying to make easy money.
>Remember when experimental games had more than a sack of potatos for a budget? Those were the days...
>what is death stranding
Eh, the game has its charms but its release circumstances notwithstanding, it's really not worth the price in the secondhand market which I think is more damning than any actual qualities about the game itself.
The game has cute girls!
is this abandonware now?
>implying Rule of Rose isn't shit
>implying you didn't just hop on the "le underrated gem" bandwagon because of the girls
>decide to download this game finding it at random
>thread for it on Yas Forums
Why does this always happen?
We're watching you.
She was my favorite, too bad there wasn't much to any of the girls in the end.
Rule of Rose randomly gets threads around here. No real rhyme or reason for it, though there was a period a couple years back or so where someone had near daily threads for like a month straight. I remember because it happened right around the time I bought the game.
we are in a hive mind bro
>want to play the evil within
>open Yas Forums
>rare the evil within thread is there
>getting pushed by youtubers who run second hand video game stores and ebay pages trying to make easy money.
Citation needed. That's a pretty bold claim, user.
You just know.
yes and? We can't remember older games now because the market changed?
Still happens from time to time.
It is a shame that the seventh gen pushed budgets so much.
>regarded as shit when it came out
Just like van Gogh's art and Poe's books?
This is my impression of Ico from what I've played. As far as I've played the combat segments are atrociously tedious since every single enemy takes like thirty hits to kill and you have to go through a dozen or so of them every mandatory combat segment.
I'm not sure I could enjoy Rule of Rose. I fucking hate it when children are the villains in a horror setting, they're mostly just really grating more than intimidating.
It actually really fucking bothers me. We lost so, so many good studios that gen. The AA games/middle market practically collapsed. Did the HD console manufacturers have no fucking foresight that this would have some severe consequences for developers?
I almost feel like we lost a majority of game developers that actually cared about games.
>Did the HD console manufacturers have no fucking foresight that this would have some severe consequences for developers?
You can't just stagnate technology because it negatively affects some people. The real problem is the market's constant unceasing demand for graphix and the total dismissal of games that don't meet an arbitrary graphical standard. Which people on the board happily engage in.
fuck that shit we need to make MONEY
If it makes you feel better the game is not quite horror in the general sense, it seems to go for a more "unsettling" atmosphere rather than spooky or scary, more like a mindfuck.
>gameplay is complete garbage
fuck off, reddit
>Did the HD console manufacturers have no fucking foresight that this would have some severe consequences for developers?
Why would the hardware manufacturers, who's entire purpose and livelihood is to drive and push higher graphical fidelity, would stop for a single second to go "but what about the games that aren't the shiniest and most expensive that make our hardware look the most impressive", then go "let's just not make new technology because it would create a disadvantageous environment for these developers"?
Remember when lots of games from that generation and before came out pushing the console's limitations in some shape or form? SH cheating the PS1's draw distance with fog, SNES games with pre-rendered sprites to simulate 3D and then going beyond the console's specs by adding special chips or even more compressed data, God of War 2's graphical fidelity, etc.
The PS2 itself wasn't a SOULFUL console, but it was the last console with SOULFUL games.
Quite frankly I think we reached an acceptable graphical level during the 7th gen. Anything after that has been excessive and unnecessary. They should focus on allocating resources on bettering the game experiences instead of this mindless pursuit of higher graphical fidelity. Not to mention flatten the expenses of the tech used for games to allow for more inventive and quirky games.
Ok plebbit
What was experimental about this game exactly? It was your run of the mill 2000s survival horror with bad gameplay and semi interesting premise.
The industry got complacent and is no longer pushing for optimization, games are heavier and bloated now.
The nice little indie darling of the ps2 generation was fucking Shadow of The Colossus.
Personally I think it's just that the number of games being made is much larger but the same number of people are working on them, similar issue that anime has.
I just played Shadow of the Colossus and that game is absolutely staggering with what it did with PS2 hardware, even if the framerate is single digits most of the time because of it. It's like a PS3 game that thinks it's hot shit and can run on the PS2. Everybody was always trying to push forward as far as they could, it's just that that pushing used to be cheaper and now what was once the cutting edge is considered lazy and low-effort if you do it again today.
It's usually downplayed to focus on how many individual beard follicles you can render on generic brown hair shooter man's stubble, but more powerful hardware gives developers much more freedom and flexibility in what they can achieve than on weaker hardware. It's not just a case of how much graphix you can cram into your game on a bloated AAA budget. It also helps that the tools for creating art assets become more advanced and efficient, allowing you to do more with a lower budget or less resources. It's usually just communicated the most through more graphically impressive games.
imagine Coach giving them pleasure
It gets worse when you look at the reduction of things like particle effects compared to the original and the PS4 remake.
There's still a portion of 7th gen games that retain that soulfulness. They're just in a lesser quantity compared to the PS2
FUCK off. Fucking BBC obsessed fags can't give my nigga a break.
That looks like they wanted to increase visibility more than that it was somehow impossible for them to create big dust clouds. If you look at any other part of the fight leading up to that, there are lots of big dust clouds obscuring the camera to similar amounts that aren't present in the original game. Looks more like somebody said "i don't like how the player can't see much" more than that they threw their hands up and couldn't achieve the same effect.
i just like Coach as a character you racist faggot
You mean, in america? This shit was quite
popular on japan
>Combat is the whole gameplay
This is a horror game not a action game
I really found Rule of Rose to be one of the most beautiful and unique pieces of media I've ever experienced, for what it was going for.
The story themes and depiction of the children and how they interact with each other, their personalities, the helplessness of the protagonist, everything is so morbid and captivating. The developers aimed to create an environment in which the children were mostly without adults being present to direct and moderate their behaviour, allowing for spiraling cruelty, jealousy, and generally the characters dealing with difficult emotions and social navigation as immature children would. It really struck a chord with me and brought up a lot memories of the intensity of growing up. Then on top of that when you learn all the extra "deep lore" bits (from online and also ingame) it adds so much to the experience.
Sure it's goofy at times, but it's not to detract from the experience. The TV show "The Wire" strives and succeeds to be highly realistic, whereas fuckin ps3's "Heavy Rain" tried to take itself VERY seriously and was a total, total fucking balls up (although it had its fun moments too).
Since I played RoR for the first time last year I feel I always want to recommend it whenever I see a thread pop up.
However the combat is so dogshit that the next time I play it I'm going to put godmode on, and anyone thinking of giving it a go I'd nearly want to recommend you do the same even for the first playthrough.
But it stands for Big Brappin Colon these days
If there is a game I would love to see a remaster, remake, mod, anything as long they fix the gameplay a bit.
hope 9Tf of PS5 can bring back particles effects
The dist particle effects are clearly more advanced though. They're just not larger. Do you look it and go "me no see big dust clouds, puny dust clouds be bad technology"? The real complaint is changing the actual gameplay of the fight by making it less hard to see when you're behind the enemy.
>i-I'm not a bbc obsessed freak!
Fuck you, you literally worship dicks based on their race. YOU are racist and a bitch