Game is patched to have new mechanic

>game is patched to have new mechanic
>it's shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>game has fan service to people who don't play the game

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>New mechanic
Isn't this basically just them reusing an Un mechanic again?

Man nu-Magic really is shit

Mutate was first mentioned a few months ago in an un-set, but it wasn't until yesterday that we knew what it actually did.

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the kaiju seem kinda underwhelming

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Ikoria will be a big pile of shit

>not playing a custom non-rotating format

All card games turn to shit in the end because of power creep.

>game introduces the Extra Deck

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>game has memes in it

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That looks cool
Still not going to get me to regularly play planeswalkers: the loyalty countering
Who? do they mean rodan from bayonetta?

Wait did they actually fucking do that? give me the rundown

>banned in brawl and commander quite literally 5 minutes after it was spoiled
Is this the fast banning in Magic history?

commander's for tards. they ban anything.

How is that thing remotely cat-like?

It's a pseudo-command zone, a command zone 2 if you will. Notpartner


why are there stale memes in my cardboard crack?

Is it a command zone or does outside the game just mean sideboard like it usually does?

>WoTC: "So, Timmy, if you could make a magic card of your own, what kind of card would YOU make?"
>Timmy: "Oh man, like, a huge DINOSAUR!"
>"Uh huh"
>"which could like, shoot huge fireballs and lightning from it's mouth"
>"and it would also be, like, both a dinosaur and a LION at the same time!"
>"Thank you for your time, Timmy!"

Ikoria's Godzilla-related cards are alters of cards from the set (note the name directly below Rodan's name, that's the card's real name for gameplay purposes).
I still don't see how Rodan would be blue at all, but that's WotC for you.

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neither, they made a completely new thing. Now you can 3 commanders if you want, my mom really loves me

The only reason I want to use mutate is to give Questing Beast more keywords.

Only cards broken in a singleton, multiplayer format are banned in commander.
That said, the ban list would be much smaller if broken fast mana like Sol Ring, Mana Vault and Mana Crypt were banned.

Man I expected nothing from the new set and yet they still managed to disappoint me.

Braids isn't broken. it's a hugbox format.

You can now thanks to keyword counters.

>casts murder

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It seems tempting but every card in your deck being different is a really steep cost, especially in a UR deck, I would rather just run 4 of a spell that copies spells, pretty sure there should still be one in standard

>casts unsummon

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>paper magic will pretty much die because all the local game stores will go bankrupt from coronameme
>MTG will lost a tremendous amount of its playerbase/income and will come spiraling down

anyone here happy that all the retard tycoons who invested thousands into these cards for profit are now even poorer?

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You joke but remembering what the fuck your opponent's creatures do is going to be a big problem in this set. It's going to be a nightmare in paper magic.

speculative mtg investors were a mistake.

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How the fuck does mutate work

Are wizards aware the copyright on these characters is still active

>Wizards releases a Secret Lair series with le epic new art for a premium price
>whales buy that shit
problem solved

>investing in paper magic like it's the stock market
Makes me laugh every time. They're finally getting what's coming to them

No omg tell their lawyers hurry!

>Dark Ritual
>Sol Ring
>No one can play the game anymore

Excluding the land, that's a two card lock-out that no one can do anything about, unless they have a force of will in hand.
The funny thing is that Braids is fine as one of the 99 cards in your deck, but the turbo autists at the rules committee think that a banned as commander and banned in general list is too complicated for the average player.

Based retard.

ah yes, i remember the days of vintage metagames being dominated by the turn-1 braids.

oh wait it never happened because she's not broken.

speaking of gamer rules committee, why is there still a reserved list?

>have 6/6 trample in play
>play Vadrok underneath it
>Now it's a 6/6 with trample, flying, first strike, and the mutate trigger

You can play the Creature as an Aura that gives all it's abilities to the creature you played it on
You can play the Creature as a Creature and turn one of your other on the battlefield creatures into an Aura that gives all it's abilities to the new one you just played.

What is the appeal of this higly uninteractive "You got answers, I lose, you don't, I win" deck? I have played it myself btw.

I think Magic is the largest victim of "designers sucking their own dick" I ever had the displeasure of dropping.

>haha, remember Un-sets, the sets where we introduced funny cards with references?
>yeah, now it's a set where we test mechanics
>who would have thought, this mechanic we've tested is now official!

It's nu-design. Everything has to be exactly correct and accessible, no fun allowed.

You cast the mutating creature for its mutate cost, and if it resolves, you place it on top of, or beneath, the creature it's targeting. You treat the creature as if it's whichever creature is now on top, and it has all abilities of the creatures below it, on top of its own abilities.
Any ability that says, "Whenever this creature mutates" will trigger regardless if they're on the creature you cast with mutate, or the newly mutated creature on the battlefield.
If the target creature dies before mutate resolves, then the mutating creature still enters the battlefield, but you won't get its mutation trigger.
Hasbro has a deal with the company that owns Godzilla.

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Because WotC would literally get sued into the ground if they broke their "promise"

i'm here for my enjoyment. i'm not here to make things fun for you.

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the wording seemed to imply you only got one companion

Your commander is basically an 8th card in your opening hand that can't be removed in any way.
No shit that would completely change the vintage meta and allow for any degenerate combo you can think of.

Paper Magic was already dead user. You should have seen it coming when their investor's meeting contained "we printed X cards this year" (aka not sold). They tried to jump ship to Arena, not realizing that the lifespan of such a game is usually a year max.

People don't realize this game won't die with one bad set or one bad decision, but through years of agony and dying playerbase.

Money on new players adding power and toughness of the two creatures

It's min-maxing consistency/interaction what you want to do in literally every card game?
The less options you give your opponent the better your deck is.

and in vintage they would just counter her or deal with her on their turn.


That's what I'm asking. What is fun for you in playing a deck that's just going through the motions and just hoping the opponent doesn't have answers? The ability for creative plays and rewarding reads is very limited.

I also played Pox, which I also dropped because it's the same thing.

Well yea. Having 101 cards flatout violates deckbuilding rules. Worse, it's even better than another card in your deck - it's a second commander.



He means that if you're playing Commander you can use two commanders with the "partner" mechanic, plus a companion. In other formats you just get the one companion.

you have answers. or your deck is built in such a way where their answers are hobbled.

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Braids is literally unbanned as a blue card. Think about that

If your EDH has "When" in the text box, it's a nu-Commander and should fuck right off.

sorry, I don't play retarded formats

>it's a second commander.
No, it's not. You can only cast it once, and once it's sent to the graveyard or exile, you can't cast cast it again.
Companions are explicitly allowed (minus Lutri), so long as your deck meets their companion requirements. You also can't have them as your commander.
Companions are the only way to have more than 100 cards in your deck, and all the legal ones impose heavy deckbuilding restrictions that almost certainly aren't worth it.

It's funny how much time and money the wasted on not updating MTGO to a client that doesn't look and handle like something from 2010.
But maybe they know most people wouldn't touch the official formats on there with how hard they jew their playerbase with the entry cost and payouts already.

The best decks have a lot of options at all times, and it's why Enchantress is a tier 3 deck. It loses to counterplay. It's also why matches between decks that do have a lot of options are the most fun, because they have a lot of meaningful interactions, stay dynamic, and reward reads and good decision-making.

God I fucking wish they had done all this without doing the legal requirements, it would be nice to see those fucks knocked down a peg in court

Where is the 1x Bojuka Bog in the main?

Partner mechanic?

Sure, you can have counterplay, but then it's just another layer of "Did I have counterplay to your counterplay", where the correct situation to play it is always obvious. Then, when you're set up, it's a one-player game.

>You can only cast it once, and once it's sent to the graveyard or exile, you can't cast cast it again.

You haven't played EDH in a few years, have you? Generally, when you cast your commander, you're probably winning the game that turn.

it's been about 5 years since i played, probably everything is out of date now.

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Magic is a game that requires human interaction to play correctly, any bullshit online "system" won't give the same experience.

Too bad Mark thinks any human interaction is cancer and countering spells is equal to hate speech.

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desu not combining p/t is just to make it less confusing in paper. Hearthstone's Magnetic keyword combines everything and is much cleaner. No need for reminder text or deciding "over or under".

yeah it's basically Augment but more serious

Oh shit Anita is 4 feet tall?

yes it does mean sideboard
however for the EDHfags they allow one companion even though EDH has no sideboards.
also the otter is banned because of how much it is an auto include (even though sol ring isn't banned for exactly the same reason)

Fair enough, I know that feel all too well. Pretty sure my Elves deck is outdated too.


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dude do you not keep up with the news?