Saved $1000

>Saved $1000
Thank you, modders.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04-09-27-19-1.png (720x827, 384.11K)

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But you can't save shitty gameplay.

but VR retards told me you can't do the puzzles without VR
the game looks like utter shit anyway

Played it in VR.
Honestly looking forward to replay the game in a flat version for fun

Modders doing Valve's work for them, as always.

I'm not buying VR until someone releases a tactile suit. It's still nowhere near being a fucking holodeck simulation, but pretty good already.

I decided to wait until I can plug the game directly into my brain. Full immersion, best graphics.

here you go save $500 more

Attached: ultra low mod skyrim.jpg (1280x720, 75.23K)

That's illegal, you should be required to buy a VR headset for a game that was made for VR

>vr game
>play as woman
>can't squeeze own tits
whats the point

Attached: laterfags.gif (112x112, 24.15K)