I dont feel like playing any games. I dont feel like watching any shows or movies...

I dont feel like playing any games. I dont feel like watching any shows or movies. I'm so bored yet I dont feel like doing anything. This quarantine is going to drive me absolutely insane, I actually want to go back to work. I dont know how you neets can do this full time without wanting to deepthroat a shotgun

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we create chores e.g. MMORPGs, JRPGs, life sims

Can't you just enjoy life?

If you're such a slave to your tasks, make them yourself

Just get drunk and shitpost on Yas Forums retard.

I don't play games or watch movies either, I just code or learn stuff. You know, learning ? Giving yourself value by learning new skills ?

>still get to work
>50% of coworkers not coming anyways in so it's relaxing for once
Wouldn't be so annoying if I didn't see my brother invite his friends over as I leave instead of just playing videogames online with them.

>smug the post

We don't have lives anymore, we have assignments. If we were still living in small villages we would feel a sense of purpose and belonging.

I think this is true

get drunk

This has been killing me the past few days. I've just drifted by without really doing anything at all besides researching random topics, listening to lectures and browsing this shithole. literally just staring at my fucking steam library for hours on end
Realizing this has motivated me to start working out and getting back to work on my music/art.
Considering finally learning to code, and I heard Duolingo finally has moonrunes.

Learn a skill, make something, or suffer a little by working out, and usually vidya starts to seem more appealing

Read a book you troglodyte

This is honestly the answer except for the is smoke weed but now all weed stores in ontario closed which I just found out about so now I'm doing mushrooms and gunna lay some witcher 3

I will never understand people like you. Do you really need others to give you tasks to do? Do you have nothing you enjoy? Is life so empty for you that being able to do what you want actually bores you because there's nothing you want to do? If you don't want to consume media like games or shows, create something. Learn a new skill, practice something.

If you really want to work, find something you like and work on it. I don't know what kind of work you do, but is it something you can't do on your own, without a boss or somebody telling you what to do, setting tasks for you, and rewarding you for completing these tasks?

It sounds more like you have no interests and no personality to me, and the quarantine is making you realize that you have no substance in your life and are instead distracting yourself from that fact by performing tasks at your job because you can't find anything you genuinely enjoy on your own.

I feel the same. I used to enjoy playing games, but not anymore. I do not know what happened, maybe I grew out of them, or they really are utter shit, or both.
I feel like I am unable to bring myself to do anything useful. I am in a state of perpetual procrastination. This worries me, because I wasn't like this back in college. Did wageslaving fuck up my brain in the past 6 years?

To add to it, it's is why family is so valuable, but its percieved importance has fallen considerably.

I am not that guy, but something changed in me too. I used to love playing DCS back in the day, but now, even the idea of setting up my joystick feels sickening. I have no idea what is going on with me.

I love how this social distancing shit is mindbreaking all the normalfags, The past month or so have been like any other for me.
The day of the NEET uprise can't come soon enough.

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That's the thing, I was not a normalfag, but I fear years of wageslavery turned me into one. Finally things are back to what they were like, when I was in college. I only have to do absolutely mandatory stuff from home office, go into the office once a week to do some administrative bullshit, that requires my physical presence. No one gives a shit about the quality of my work, because I can always blame everything on the virus.
This is prime time to play games, read books, learn new stuff, work out again, but no. I just can't. I just sit around and browse the internet all day.

>neet uprising
Wouldn’t that mean that you neets might have to do something responsible though? I thought the whole point is that every one else works to enable your lifestyle?

its fun

people don't like being told what to do, that's all.

>It sounds more like you have no interests and no personality to me
Not him, but my problem is that the quarantine and the lack of work are preventing me from engaging in any of the stuff I like to do. Before everything shut down I was working on my pilot's license and my weekly lesson was what got me through the rest of the week. I have other interests but they're secondary and I can't indulge in most of them either, both because they involve going out to public places (the shooting range, for example) and because I'm in a situation where I don't know when my next paycheck will be so I can't really spent a bunch of money on hobbies I can do from home either. The general feeling of unease, the fear of the disease itself, the lack of any real idea of if or when the world will go back to normal, and so also make it hard to enjoy media or games, I just can't keep my mind off the state of the world.

OP here. I work in live event production, my job involves a lot of problem solving on my own and a lot of travel. My life usually consists of flying out, working on a gig, finishing and flying back home to play vidya and hang with friends. Of course my industry has been pretty much decimated since its literally based on large gatherings of people.
I actually quite enjoy my job, the work isnt always fun and can be a bit high stress at times but there is always a great sense of accomplishment when I see the last bit of gear go on a truck and drive away when a show is done.
I think whats depressing me is being home for so long, I haven't been home for this long in a pretty long fucking time. I seriously have the itch to just get on a plane and go literally fucking anywhere. Being home is almost like being on vacation for me but this vacation has gone on way too long.
Honestly though I'll probably be fine once my medical marijuana card gets approved which should be any day now and I'll just get high as fuck all day. Thankfully the dispensaries are still open here in Florida. Never needed one until now because I fly out to the west coast all the time and I would just bring enough weed back home to last me until my next gig

Shut up dumbass

We started like this. We don't know any different.

Smoke a joint. You might as well be high well you're bord. Have you considered reading a book?

>I dont know how you neets can do this full time without wanting to deepthroat a shotgun
they watch porn mostly lmao


neets never had sex

Duolingo is fucking shit tho

Dude I've jerked my dick so much in the past month that now even porn is starting to get boring.

>Considering finally learning to code
lmao dont. It's a waste of your time unless you are like 14 years old.

This is why universal basic income won't deter lots of people from working.

fuck I wish I wasn't fucked in the head so I could just get high like everybody else around here does.

I find true value in life in teaching others self defense.
You have to go out into the world and find that which makes life truly worth it.

but, for being a fag:
>Wants to go back to work out of boredemo
kys OP

I feel the same and I haven't worked since 2010, I'm afraid it's just a possible side effect of growing old.

Whats wrong with you that you cant get high?

Have you been sleeping well?

is this you

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There will be no NEET uprising. We live in the shadows by necessity and always will. If anything, we need these socially conditioned wageslaves in order to continue our operations, so just shut up and pretend as if nothing has changed.

If they awaken it will be us who pay the price.

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I sleep great just at fucked up hours, I'm pretty much completely nocturnal at the moment. I've always been like that though, if I spend more than a week at home my sleep schedule just goes upside down until I have to go back to work. I honestly love nighttime, the sun can go fuck itself.

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Smug or not, he is right. Read a text book and learn something OP.

It's fucking weird seeing people freaking out about this quarantine, I'm still going to work like normal, getting food on the way there or on the way home or making a sandwhich, then doing a workout+play vidya. Nothing has changed since I don't go anywhere else and don't have any friends, from my perspective the whole thing seems really hyped up for nothing.

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>still get to work
>workload spiked by 100% because I have to start covering someone else's duties, in addition to my own, while they're on leave
>my job was already stressful enough that I had to start on anti-anxiety/antidepressant medication
I want to die.

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It wouldn't have gotten this bad if you fucking normalfags could just stay inside for a month.

I work from home and I never go outside. I only grocery shop once a month and don't watch the news so I literally wouldn't even have known about this whole quarantine thing if my parents weren't freaking out about it. It really makes me think at how isolated you can easily become in the modern world.

no but close
I am: youtube.com/watch?v=gyXhysmMNhE

>I literally wouldn't even have known about this whole quarantine thing
I think you're exaggerating here, even browsing Yas Forums as I guess you're doing was enough to understand that something was going on.

There's always some stupid shit going on at one time or other. I'm sure I would've heard the term, but I definitely would not have cared enough to look into it or known what was actually happening because I'm not even on here very often, I'm usually playing video games or watching anime, neither of which really interact with real world events much.

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Do something productive, then. Learn a new language or something.

>working remotely as a software tester (not in the game industry)
>my actual workload is around 2 hours a day
>it was always like that, but in the office I pretended to be busy most of the time pretty convincingly and exaggerated every estimate

On one hand, I’m happy to just sit at home and play vidya all day while getting my full salary, but on the other I’m also scared shitless that they’ll catch on and finally kick me to the curb.

>could not cope
>killed herself
I hope she inspires people on Yas Forums who cannot cope

Are you German?

Jokes aside I suggest picking up some form of physical hobby. Doesn't have to be plain old exercise, could be a martial art, craft, or something sportive like archery which you can do by yourself.

When I was neet years ago, I use to get up and go to gym. I know not possible now. When I came back I would check my porn torrent sites for the latest tranny porn and load up the torrents. Play some games or watch some TV. Plan dinner for later. Maybe watch a movie after dinner

Finally I would have a big COOM to tranny porn before bed

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Does it make you paranoid or some shit? What stops you from getting high?
If weed isn't your thing, there's always psychedelics. Acid is an awesome way to kill 8 hours. Or there's shrooms, if you're looking for somthing more mellow.

>I dont know how you neets can do this full time
They don't. NEETs either eventually kill themselves or live with crippling mental issues.

You need to force yourself and work on schedule
1.You wake up - eat and exercise
2.Rest and clean up your kitchen (for exaple)
3.Learn (I have e-learning from orderly school)
4.Free time (now you feel like you done your work for the day)
5. After work rest
If you fuck this schedule up you brain goes fucky and thinks you have no purpose
T. actual psychotherapist

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>I dont feel like playing any games. I dont feel like watching any shows or movies. I'm so bored yet I dont feel like doing anything.
you need daily routines ASAP

welp, time to fap to the kind of porn you're not into... yet

>i actually want to go back to work

this is the mindset of a slave. learn to see things differently and actually enjoy them instead of forcefully giving yourself false "purpose" by working when in actuality you're just another peon for your fat greedy jewish boss to print money and rape lolis. don't be a slave. be free and try to enjoy things while the time is there you dumb nigger slave


I'm on SSRIs, I can barely get a boner now let alone cum.

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get a cheap hobby

Depends on the strain, some give me massive anxiety panic attacks, like the floodgates have been opened and every single thing I'm stressed or worried about hits me all at once, others just make me sick, similar feeling to getting waaaaay too drunk to the point where you get the spins. I used to be able to smoke way back in the day (in my teens, and I'm in my 30s now) but I gradually had worse and worse experiences and eventually couldn't smoke at all.

Nothing seems to work right on me except alcohol. I've fallen asleep 20 minutes after doing coke, MDMA is good but it just makes my anxiety go away instead of the usual touchy feely shit people get, etc. Can't do anything anymore anyway, I'm in a line of work where a failed drug test could end my career.

That's kinda hot. Maybe you should edge for hours and see if you can cum; if nothing else you'll at least be really turned on.