Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread

Attached: drowstation.jpg (2742x2056, 3.28M)

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Attached: fbst.jpg (4032x3024, 2.6M)

you should put something pleasant to look at on the slanted wallceiling


Attached: 1579476237496.jpg (4032x3024, 956.33K)

mind explaining?

Attached: whatsthis.png (148x92, 30.34K)

That's a Bad Dragon sticker. I put it on his case for laughs!

Attached: 20200322180648_1.jpg (2016x1239, 769.77K)

ah ok

Attached: fb8875e7-a9e4-4864-9509-375b74c16af3.png (300x300, 97.57K)

I want to pound your boipuss.

why did you guys ruin my thread like this so fast