Pssst. Any of you nignogs wanna try the Scorn Alpha?

pssst. Any of you nignogs wanna try the Scorn Alpha?

Attached: uyqvqq7sreuce3mfq927.jpg (1280x720, 77.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:!CkZyTBjL!xUZq87hlv8LQGtfJ-ToM0w


Yes. But it's vaporware so I'm not expecting I ever will.!CkZyTBjL!xUZq87hlv8LQGtfJ-ToM0w

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1702x1007, 1.97M)

tested it and i can verify it works

>posts 1 minute appart

Nice try, aint downloading your virus buddy.

So is it dolphin porn or can I move along?

its like u dont want to have fun

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1541x1018, 870.41K)

yes this is me just, im verifying that it works. There goes the effort

>mfw I am an applefag

Attached: 1551974814588.png (3472x3262, 3.44M)

Are you the dev? if so, pretty based my dude

You're welcome dear user. No i'm not the dev. Just happen to stumble upon the leak

Sartre always slays me


so is this bullshit or nah

Name all of them

is it good though

I'm not downloading it now but I'm keeping an eye on this thread. If you do download it give us your antivirus report.

Attached: Security.png (720x960, 593.79K)

can you brainlet

It's literally an Agony with some shooting. It's an alpha with really low fov. Unreal engine 4.Not bad, it is safe to download. Excuse my poor webm editing.

Attached: 2020.04.04-11.27.webm (1706x720, 2.89M)

This, Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to make some dummy files and swap out the .exe image for your virus.

Nice trap, anyone can download some alpha footage from youtube and add 2020 in the filename.

don't be a pussy

Attached: totally not a virus.jpg (640x467, 63.96K)

Record yourself doing something really retarded in-game that they wouldn't put in a trailer.


It looks like a game but could also just be a trojan. IDK how i feel about this

was this supposed to be a challenge?

>Trips of truth

You paranoid fucks need to breath some fresh air

Attached: 2020.04.04-11.51.webm (1706x720, 2.97M)

Ok, I'm falling for the virus shit, fuck it.


looks legit

nice. Is it full game?

Attached: devil_chan.png (343x297, 59.22K)

>Full game

It's the best dolphin porn I have ever seen, anons a champ.

makes mustard gas do not open

alpha doesn't mean it's not complete. So how long it is?

How long is the alpha?
How long until a release date?

Will this fucking thing even release at all?

alpha doens't mean it's not a full game. So how long it is?

Attached: dddd.png (389x380, 117.54K)

Attached: 5f3.jpg (680x695, 34.41K)

anyone been brave enough to download it yet im scared

Attached: catglass.png (520x520, 503.61K)

Doing it now will report back in a few hours if the thread is still around

The idea is good, the execution garbage

I'm on it, 60% done.

thank you both

Attached: nugger.jpg (533x300, 25.85K)

I'm at 98%, don't remember mega being such a slow piece of shit though

This pandemic makes it super easy to download things without having to worry about viruses, just break into some closed electronics store or office and use one of their machines.
If it's a virus it's or you leave gigs of dolphin porn behind even more hilarious.

Yes it does.

does it have anything to offer beyond "gory" or "weird" imagery?

Everyone is using internet right now
$ony for example slowed down the download speed on their servers during the quarantine

Usual game with good idea but shit execution

Just ran OP's file on a VM. It's ransomware.

what the frick OP

Who's the one who in love with Helvetius?



Attached: 1379483400464.gif (758x696, 101.9K)

You remind me when i was 12 years old, such unrestrained childish imagination.

>20 minutes
My roommate had to switch the internet provider.

Attached: 1585936643432.jpg (317x340, 18.63K)

>Game's setting is a surreal organic alien nightmare world where absolutely anything can happen.
>Protagonist's weapon is still just a fucking gun.

so its like the suffering but shit?

Yes, user, fuck us for being cautious. Cautious on a website that is known for shitposting, trolling, and fucking other Anons over. Not only that, some user comes in and drops an Alpha on a game that's practically grinded to halt in development. Christ, use your brain for once.


Attached: chrome_2020-04-04_12-06-54.png (577x111, 17.77K)

>just a sword/knife
>just a hammer
>just an axe
>just a spear
>just a throwable version of any of the above

design something that doesn't fit into those categories