Playing through Doom 64, probably one of the most unnerving OSTs ive ever heard
Its actually creeping me out a bit
You can even hear babies crying in some levels
Also fuck Pain Elementals
Playing through Doom 64, probably one of the most unnerving OSTs ive ever heard
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Pain elementals in 64 are ridiculous.
>twice the spawn rate
>trying to block them causes an explosion
>lost souls are way faster
>top tier level
>with top tier music/ambience
>Oh you wanna use a rocket launcher on me?
>Too bad!
I've been playing on switch with gyro aiming , its pretty smooth, but waay too slow even with the sensitivity way up
I did that level today
Absolute fucking chaos, especially the Pinky gangrape room
Really wish i didnt use all my energy cells in the room prior
How is the gyro aiming?
I got the game on ps4
Gyro aiming is amazing for precise aiming, especially for when you want to shoot enemies from behind cover, or from a weird angle, or really far away ones.
Remember that gyro is a complement for the aiming stick, not a replacement.
Might actually buy it on switch one day
i got it "free" with my doom eternal preorder
Was it a thing in the ports of doom 1 and 2? Coz i got them on my switch and probably missed it if it was
No, sadly 1, 2 and 3 don't have them. 2016 does, though, and it plays great because of it.
>being scared by a video game
nigga just turn off the computer and walk away baka
>a complement
yeah but I've had trouble using both, I didnt play much tho.
How far in are you and what are your favorite maps so far?
Im up to map 21
So far map 17 is my favourite, cyberdemon fights are always great
Map 31 was also pretty fun EXCEPT after getting the demon key, spawning 3 or 4 pain elementals
That was definitely not fucking fun
Pic related
Oh shit speaking of my pic, doom 64 actually fucking sucks
Wheres doomguys face in the hud?
Brb uninstalling the game
>So far map 17 is my favourite
Good choice, that's one of my favorites too.
>that one level with the homing projectiles spawned from the level itself
Also I like how this game still has some of the limitations of the original Doom engine but has improvements to the level scripting to get wild with the sector manipulation.
Play this then. It has a really unnerving, dark OST as well.
Apparently this is getting a remaster too.
Did the pain elements in 64 always sound like big John, or did that just put that in recently
>>that one level with the homing projectiles spawned from the level itself
That was intense, was not expecting it so when i loaded in i obviously milled around the spawn area looking for secrets
Thought there was a hidden Mancubus in the room
There's actually two levels with those revenant missiles: Dark Entries and Unholy Temple.
They always did that laugh when you first aggro them.
its not the 64 ost, its the PSX ost
Aubrey Hodges made a different soundtrack for 64, completely new from the PS1 port.
DOOM64 is cool, you should give PlayStation DOOM and Final DOOM a go. Some of the levels use the atmospheric music from PS DOOM, but it has some new tracks for the Master Levels.
Good atmospheric design, but if you wanted fast pace shoot'ems you need to play the PC version.
Get yourself a source port and look up "DOOM PSX Total Conversion"
I wonder why they didn't go with a similar soundtrack as doom 1 and 2?
Not complaining or anything, theres a certain charm to the ambience of doom 64s soundtrack
But still, nothing beats At Dooms Gate
Better technology and since it was a rehash they could dump funds into that aspect. Its where you get the CD quality music and new enemy effects. I prefer the PSX sfx and music to be honest, it just grew on me.
I will however say that Doom 64 has the best intro music/cinematic
Funny you should ask because the composer was interviewed just the other day and answers that very question.
What's the best way to play doom 64?
mountain dew and a sleeping bag.
Fear and love were the two things that made shit good, without these we've got no fun.
The re-release that just came out. It's the most accurate to the original and comes with new content.
64EX is pretty faithful and has some quality of life, the one on steam isn't bad either.
I personally play EX and Brutal 64 because it's fun.
New Nightdive port that just came out recently for a fiver. Some people mourn the loss of mouse-look (on a z axis) but it could break the game and let you see the sky didn't have texture. Still would be cool as an addition, though
yeah its pretty good, I think I still prefer the majesty of the animated title rising from the flames.
Depends what you have desu
Apparently gyro aiming which and use is good which is a switch thing
Apparently you can get a brutal doom thing working on a pc version of it, not sure how though
I play on PS
Playinng both of these at the same time honestly doesn't clash much at all.
Im also tempted to get a physical n64 copy as well one day
Not him but the new content is supposed to tie in to 2016/eternal isnt it?
I havent gotten up to the lost levels yet
I would imagine the 64 version would be downscaled to some degree since it was a cart. But other than that yeah they're near identical.
The ending text after the boss of the Lost Levels ties it into one of the Slayer Testaments from 2016.
No offense but they sound completely different. Yes the 'music' is mostly just moans and groans but they are noticeably different from each other.
Suppose i might have to play through 2016 again after 64
what was the hardest map for you guys? for me it's pitfalls. those tight hallways with barons
Same composer.
Pain Elementals aren't shit, just use the Chain Gun or the Plasma Rifle to stunlock them until they die.
From a pistol start point of view, Eye of the Storm gave me the most trouble, ignoring 'fun' levels and the final maps like No Escape/The Absolution. Right off the bat it pits you against pinkies, arachnotrons, and even barons. I actually have to use the arachnotron's attack to kill everything for me. Once you get inside the castle there's about 4 pain elementals surrounded by cacos, imps, and mancubi all in a narrow hallway-like area; there's barely enough ammo to deal with it all.
You are comparing stages, find the track similar to staging area.
DOOM on PS1 also has that unnerving music.
Again no offense, but no. They're from the same person and both going for the same dark, moody atmosphere but they are clearly not the same tracks.
Map 6, specifically the dark pit with dozens of Spectres
I surprisingly didnt die in there, but i had to look at a guide to figure out how to get out
Dude staging area is clearly fistula of final doom with a few additions from doom.
did midway mixup pain elementals and cacodemons?
such a bad game, don't play this unless you want to be bored to death from a terrible collectathon
>doom 1 & 2 have regular stick-only aiming, but weapon hotkeys so you don't need to scroll through 5 guns to find what you need
>64 had gyro aiming, but no weapon hotkeys
Why can't we just have both?
This will never not make me laugh.
Why is my health goi