How are you preparing for the chinese century?

How are you preparing for the chinese century?

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>already a huge gender imbalance, way more chinese men than women
>some women are choosing to not take a husband at all
A nation of incels

Chinas the worst """developed""" country to get a wife/bride from. Think of the morals (or lack thereof) that they've grown up with and are accustomed to.

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Literally look like downies. Also chinks will never be in control due to fear of MAD

>chinks will never be in control
He says as the chink virus is literally raping every western and asian nation.

>every western and asian nation.
Is that really a good strategy to world domination? You can't take over society if everyones dead, including yourself

It doesn't need to kill everyone. A bioweapon (assuming Corona-chan is one) only needs to kill a small percentage of people and be relatively infectious, because it'll cause massive damage to the economy. China benefits as well because it primarily kills the elderly, which they're not worried about because the eldery don't work efficiently and they can just put their political prisoners to work to make up for normal citizens staying home; they're also willing to use more extreme measures to contain the virus.

Built for BBC


buying ammo

y`all know they did the math on probability of Chinese deaths?
could be anywhere from 60 to 90 thousand because some crematory worker had like 3k urns to deliver in one day or something

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and how does China benefit from crippling the economy of all its biggest trading partners?

>How are you preparing for the chinese century?
Dying inside for majority of my life.

Pretty sure it's closer to 1 billion based on the flecks of ash floating in the upper stratosphere over the last month.

Maybe I'd welcome Chinese overlords if they gave me a hot as fuck state issued wife. Pussy without complaints might be worth it.

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>Lets cripple our own economy and lose all our trade partners that give us political power! We're Geniuses!

why the fuck can't i be payed for donating sperm

which is like still 0.00001% of the population of that province so who gives a shit? what's the big deal?

>chinese fighting white holocaust.
truly an unexpected ally, jews must be fucking angry about this.

IIRC China produces a shitload of medical equipment, which will naturally be in higher demand as the virus takes hold.

Because China produces a huge portion of the physical goods needed for infrastructure to work in the world. Crippled countries can accept China's deals and pay them overtime with other goods etc. That's why if corona was an intentional thing, chinks are going to win by a tenfold with it.

Corona was developed as a bioweapon but it was 100% released by accident. If they were going to use it intentionally, it would have started in Hong Kong during the protests and they would have prevented it from reaching the mainland (but not internationally.)

It would have been the Chinese century if it wasn't because these insectoids have killed all their international influence with that virus they unleashed because they eat bats and other insects, including other chinks.

Asia must be wiped out.
I recommend unleashing on their lands a combination of the coronavirus and the Black Death.

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>”wtf are white girls going to black men dick. this is killing our race!!”
>”chinese woman likes white cock? lmao based”

Well, thank you China for killing the meme of globalization and bringing back production to our countries.
Now all that's left is to destroy China itself.

>their international influence
You're delusional if you think this will change anything. As long as they produce the new iPhone nobody will care.

no because that's very obvious and the whole world becomes your enemy. This way there's no basis to designate china as hostile even though USA will be hit like 100x harder. Leaving China top dog with nothing wrong done

>damn, are you telling me this generation of degenerate, anime-watching jobless retards are incapable of being right wing, an ideology that praises the hard worker?

Did you really think pic related was going to be the second coming of Hitler?

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>killed all their international influence
Beyond delusional

so whos gonna post the webms?


Is this another bugman dismissive talking point?

i mean we've had some big volcanoes go off.
one of them are still going actually i think, but 1 billion? come on bro.

Why even bother replying twice, Ching Chong Ping Pong?
You succeeded at doing what China (and communism) does best: self-destruction.

Corona virus just ended China's ambitions. They're not going to recover from the bad publicity anytime soon

Fuck off man, I want to see China and India crash and burn, but the reality is they hold and will continue to hold the world by the balls because they get shit done cheaper and that's what matters to corporations.

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>if you argue against me you're a chink
Prove that i'm a chink lol, based schizo.

I don't buy the released by accident theory. Think of the specific set of circumstances that need to happen for a virus to escape a lab. It's nearly impossible. Now I'm not saying you're wrong they developed it, even though I lean more to US/Russia/Israel being behind it, but I'm thinking that if a Chinese person did leak it they did so on purpose in China to prevent it being used as a targeted attack.

Yeah man, fuck China
*buys something made in china*
*posts this from a xiaomi phone*
*jerks off to asian women*
They're not recovering after this one!

no one's really been watching india since the disease had pretty much entered every "hometown".
i get your hate for india, but have you been following any news you could tl;dr me on?

>>chinese fighting white holocaust
How? By creating hapa mutts that won't look white that will mix with other chinese, further diluting the white genes?

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>le epic as fuck reddit asterisks

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made me kek

>le epic as fuck reddit reaction image man

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Amerimutts are extremely low IQ subhumans who think that, if the white one in a racemix couple is the man, that the kid is suddenly white.
Americans don't have an ideology, every choice they make in their worthless existence is based around "muh dick".
It's why I believe there isn't a true right wing in America, they are just SJWs who dislike it if white women racemix, but are fine with literally everything else.

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>being right wing, an ideology that praises the hard worker?

that's some top tier spy "for the fatherland" type shit that would make a sick fucking movie or game.

fuck it, that's my theory now. Chinese moralist wrecks her own country to save the world from war, instead has unity in majority of civilian population. it's beautiful

>Try to undo offshoring
>Corporations get asshurt and finance opposition
Nothing's going to happen.

They were immune from the beginning based on their racial trait of bathing in the Ganges. They're probably vaccinated from the next couple hundred superviruses.

>they would have prevented it from reaching the mainland

All of them are cool except the lame guy with the pink hair at the top not wearing a hat and the blonde roastie in the middle.

i know youre chinese because you think all asians are chinese/beholden to china, its gunna be fun to watch you fucks eat each other like the mao ze dong days again when no one wants to buy your shit.

Yes, it's based around the idea of meritocracy.
Leftism is based around the idea that everyone deserves to live fine just because they managed to crawl out of their mom's vagina.
That's why the millennial is inherently leftist.
Hell, have you seen what Yas Forums has been saying lately?
All about how they wish they had it as easy as women do?
That's not fucking right wing.
Hell, would people here even give a single fuck if it wasn't for them touching entertainment media, the only thing these people have in their lives?

to be 100% fair eastwoods son probably looked like a gay retard when he was 14 also.

i get it's a joke but i was hoping for an actual answer.

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I'm ready to donate my sperm if you know what I mean.

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>Think of the specific set of circumstances that need to happen for a virus to escape a lab.
It would be difficult for it to escape in any well-controlled lab adhering to safety standards, but if everyone is cutting corners and not adhering to those safety standards then accidents happen often. We've all seen the webms, imagine that but in a biological research laboratory and there's your answer.
>Now I'm not saying you're wrong they developed it, even though I lean more to US/Russia/Israel being behind it
I didn't mean that they developed it, only that it was developed rather than being a natural pathogen. I think it was one of the samples stolen by Chinese spies from that Winnipeg laboratory.

There's a difference between looking like a gay retard and being a walking stereotype of what neo-nazis think racemixed people are.

And how are they going to make all of that when they've killed off their own assembly line workers? How will they sell all of that when their customers are short on cash due to a crippled economy? How will they handle the PR when their equipment is of subpar quality and kills more people?

I'll take a Chinese girl over some western cock explorer

an entire race of elliot rodgers


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>*buys something made in china*
Now that the supply chains have been tested by corona virus you can be sure governments are going to be alot more careful over who they let outsource their manufacturing from now on
>*posts this from a xiaomi phone*
no one buys chinese phones
>*jerks off to asian women*
no one wanks to chinese porn.
>They're not recovering after this one!
They're really not. People fucking hate the chinese now for lying about how serious this disease was and allowing travelers to spread it around the world

Stay mad whiteboi your judgment day has come

Isnt this what mgtows want? I mind my business over here, the women mind theirs over there

not him, but i know the answer you're looking for and you're just going to laugh at him, so why reply at all.

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You are a millennial, you would never produce white children because you are a generation of jewish-brainwashed betas who's only goal is damaging western civilization.

In a fair world, all millennials would be drafted so there's cannon fodder to send at the chinks when we go to war with them.

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more like the chinese cemetary

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Nofap 7 day cycle to max test

I've seen enough liveleak videos to have zero faith in any sort of safety procedures for any lab or warehouse in China.

I can't wait until there's a coordinated effort from all countries to stop trade and flights to china

>no one buys chinese phones or wanks to chinese porn
bruh at least be reasonable. i don't attest to the porn but /g/ is big on how cheap and easy those bugmen phones are able to be flashed with custom software.

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This is a legit question: is china gonna get in trouble for this? Because of their unsanitary conditions and eating habits, they started a world wide pandemic and killed thousands of people all across the world. Are they just gonna get away with it?

>wants to breed a stock photo
They're not suddenly gonna move all the manufacture back into the country after they've spent decades outsourcing it there and making the factories go derelict/selling them to developers building glass offices and expensive apartments in their place
>no one buys chinese phones
Nigga they all chinese
>no one wanks to chinese porn.
hurr anime board don't insult anime, oh shit a gacha thread gotta coooom
>People fucking hate the chinese now for lying about how serious this disease was and allowing travelers to spread it around the world
Yas Forums isn't people.

>no one buys chinese phones
Yeah right, OnePlus is pretty huge now.