>you have been kicked from this server
>reason: calling the admin the "r" word
You have been kicked from this server
random crits?
>call an admin retarded
>get upset when you got kicked
Hmm, maybe the right word to use was "autistic"? He didn't like being misrepresented, I guess
When i used to play LAN with my mates and one of them would use offensive language directed towards me i would immediately tell them to leave my house or i'd tell my mom on them.
Fucking hell OP is such a fag.
>reason: the holocaust actually happened asshole
Welcome to the real world, buddy
Bro, you can't just go around calling people Rasputin. What did you expect?
What a fag
Yeah last time a lan mate called me a retard I fucked his ass till he loved me, faggot.
Why did you call him a racist you nigger
>you have been kicked from this server
>reason: toxic pricks decided it would be a laugh
Let's be real here, you never had friends.
do americans really?
I miss getting kicked from Battlefield 3 servers for jihading tanks with my c4 laden humvees and just laughing when people got mad
>quietly replace lyrics of any song to "I hate niggers and kikes"
>lost my job because a customer heard
this has to be a joke right?
>dude gets audibly frustrated because he's getting his ass kicked and repeatedly spams gamer words
>someone tells him to keep it quiet
>"what's the matter bro, can't handle a little banter bro? it's just banter bro, maybe you should grow some thicker skin"
>mod tells him to keep quiet
>"oh wow, nice censorship there, snowflake. why don't you just ignore me if you don't like it so much? ever heard about the second amendment?"
>mod makes an explicit point of not banning him and just indefinitely mutes him instead
yes blame every american ever because like your country we all same think
>you have been kicked from this server
>reason: nice dropshot f*cking noob
>do americans really?
do americans really post about things that never happened on the internet to make themselves seem like good people? you fucking bet man I doubt that guy said a word hell I doubt the cashier even commented on the sweater doubt he even wore one
People have been kicked for less. So good on you.
Good mod if true.
Tardrage happens to everyone at some point in their lives.
Even multiple times before they get a moment to reflect.
Since it's a communication breakdown, you respond to it by disabling communications.
Minimum force for maximum impact.
It was so reddit
>you have been kicked from this server
>reason: no given reason
>retard has become as bad a word as nigger
pretty retarded if you ask me
>>retard has become as bad a word as nigger
No it hasn't. Only people I've seen complain about that word are twitter posts here on Yas Forums
>You can't say the meanie word that everybody used to say until literally yesterday but now psychological 5 year olds who never received approval from their parents have decided is a very meanie thing to do so they tattle on you for a pat on the head like a good little boy
Just 5 years ago, I used to take offense to shit like that.
Then I stopped giving a shit and world got a whole lot easier to live in.
There are a lot of "me from 5 years ago" sort of people online and I didn't realize it until that point.
Never underestimate the depths of faggotry people are unknowingly steeped in.
this is why I never became a regular in dedicated servers
it feels like every fucking admin or moderator has a god complex
roody poo
its so gay retard and retarded have become so taboo, i mean there wasn't anything inherently demeaning about it, mentally challenged people ARE slow
>inb4 someone compares it to nigger
if you can't discern the difference in origination and why they are so different you're retarded
and before you call me retarded for writing like a retard, because i can see that i am; i'm tired
>actually started finding people who think retard is a slur
You've spent too much time on Yas Forums if you think calling people "retarded" is socially acceptable.
ok buddy retard
calling people retard is perfectly acceptable in a country that isn't sjw infested like the usa
It's not okay to call people retarded but it's nothing more than an insult. I've seen people get mad when someone says "retarded", where the hell did this belief comes from that it's a super bad word?
Only retards get offended.
it's just dated in the USA, of course the rest of the world is behind us by about 10 years culturally so it might take a while to catch up
what is the modern version?
even if this is true I doubt he said that last line, probably got offended, left the store and then fantasized about all that shit on the way home, then immediately made this tweet and smiled to himself. "yeah I showed her" he thought
retard admin
retard admin
Get fucked holocaust denial retard
Shut the fuck up racist scum
You got what you deserved
Why does the board reek of new tonight? Who triggered you to lurk this hard?
>getting someone fired because he didn't like TLJ
unironically based
>you have been kicked from the server
>reason: n
>1.6 servers
>Admin and VIPs get privileges like rifles during pistol rounds
>Call him a retard for ruining the game
>Banned for calling him out
1.6 Admins were, are and will always be niggers.
>admin has no problem with the dude trying to add children on discord
>Call myself a retard because I messed up something stupid in a videogame
>Someone went fucking bonkers because I said the r-word
Jesus Christ, retard was just an insult and then some idiot decided that it's now a slur.
I guess I will call people braindead meatbags for now on.
yeah people are obsessed with making more nigger words. just what we fucking need.
Do American carriers really have conversations like this with fucking customers? I would find it totally weird if they started to chat with me like that. I'm just there to check out, and I don't even know them
>Setup a private server with a buddy for one of the older battlefield titles
>I paid for the hardware, I setup everything, but I was nice enough to call it "Our server"
>Make my buddies admins along with myself
>invite everyone, server actually gets popular, around 100 people
>dedicated group, have large 32v32 server, couple free for all's etc.
>one buddy ended up falling off because he had to focus on school
>remaining buddy started changing, trash talking me behind my back constantly according to some of our players
>Buddy brings in a couple of his own friends whom I've never met or talked to, makes them all admins
>They start listening to my buddy, not me when it comes to what orders to follow
>Eventually it blows up between us in a public channel because he did nothing but shit talk and talk down to me in a non friendly manner for literal months
>not bantz, I'm good at that, like actually being a dick
>Going on that the server was more his than anyone's because he's always the one that's on
>Says I'm just the tech monkey and shouldn't even really be admin
>Tell him to go fuck himself, mention how it's al my hardware, my effort, and me paying the fucking bills for the network
>In full "fuck you" mode now, kick everyone from all active games with an apology saying the server is going down permanently
>Remote into the server from my house, wipe everything down to bare metal
>"friend" blowing up my phone
All of this power went to his because he did nothing but camp on the fucking server. No work, no school, just 20+ hours of being the all knowing and elite admin.
This is definitely bait
i got kicked for idleing even though i was giving marks to my commander and getting in position to allow my squad to spawn closer to the objective lol
>reason: stop hitting on my gf asshole
The most recent trend I've been suffering from isn't even on private servers, it's on retail ones
>Playing new CoD
>I love shotguns, always have
>running and gunning with the pump action shotgun, UAV jamming perk, etc
>keep catching flak from other players because "shotguns are for faggots"
>Consistently report me for something like toxic behavior, hate speech, etc
>so many reports for the same thing in so short a time trips Blizzards report system
>get 2 day ban and a permanent mark on my record
>Takes full 3 days to get it all reversed
>Got to the point where I had to have an admin pull text chat logs/game footage to prove I wasn't hacking or spewing racial expletives in chat.
>same problem in Overwatch, just for different reasons. i.e. I "take" someone's hero
It's all so tiresome.
Imagine white knighting for muh working class and pushing leftist bullshit all day and then trying to get a cashier fired after they tried to give you a compliment. I hope this nigger slips and falls off a bridge.
Are there still 1.6 admins?
I think it's funny that these sorts of cunts claim to be "for the people" but seek to get those who disagree with them fired.
Games like TF2 are the last of their kind, where nigger is not only allowed but is expected.
Made me think of this.
>The Last Jedi
The cashier should've thrown that faggot out.
I just want to play a game. Why do these try hard fucking losers feel so entitled?
>It's not okay to call people retarded but it's nothing more than an insult. I've seen people get mad when someone says "retarded", where the hell did this belief comes from that it's a super bad word?
Probably because it's offensive to the mentally retarded.
I don't care about whether gamer words are said by others and will use them in private if I feel like it, but I usually don't because I don't want to embarrassingly come off as someone who is just too cool and edgy to be politically correct and play by the rules. I don't use them in public either because I also have a sense of social self-preservation. If someone feels offended by gamer words, I see no reason to die on the hill of defending my right to call people niggers in front of someone who is clearly made uneasy by it, and also because it makes you look like a dick. This may not seem relevant when you spend most of your time posting on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving board where you can say whatever you want with no consequences or responsibility, but when you have to put on a nickname, it's not unwise to consider your reputation if you intend to participate in a community.
Besides, if I really wanted to make life on the server a living hell for someone, there's plenty of ways I can play the system to ruin their day without putting myself at risk. People who think just calling others a faggot will make them seethe with butthurt only to get butthurt themselves when they get banned for using no-no words need to get with the times and learn to adapt.
>offensive to the mentally retarded.
you mean the retards who are too mentally retarded to understand they're being called retarded? Who the fuck cares? Similar to much of the SJW bullshit, it's people getting offended on behalf of another group of people to make themselves feel better. I'm not defending using racial expletives in public or anything. But even as a kid, something that was ridiculous or really, REALLY dumb you would call retarded.
tf2 is also the game where hackers don't get kicked because they help you win and server crashing bots come and go
We have officially reached the point where it is a faux pass to research cure for mental retardation because it is offensive to the retarded to say they are not normal
Same for the blind, deaf, gay etc
>tfw got admin of a popular TF2 server network back when the game was still relevant
>got to ban people for literally no reason or kick them at whim
>would use godmode regularly
>nobody ever cared nor questioned it
>sycophants would line up to even support them no matter how unjust so they could try weasel into moderator positions
>got bored and left without saying anything, managed to snag a ton of free trash hats like the kritzkast one before I did
Shit was cash
>Offensive to be mentally retarded
More like they can't handle the fact they are retarded
The truth hurts