Monster Hunter

Why is he so fucking mad?

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he misses his tail

Because a fraction of Kirin fucked off into icy wastelands and became Oroshi Kirin

AT Slidesquid comes out on the 9th along with MR Kulve and the PC-console sync, i just hope they do something interesting for the fight, but considering how they handled the original ATs i'll just have to temper my expectations until i actually fight it.

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>I don't run out of purple
yeah I totally trust you on that random faggot on the internet
>There's no reason why 20 hits of purple with teo essence
so you don't use anything but draw attacks, never tackle and never tenderize
What a little lying bitchface you're
I already posted it before. You don't have to worry about running out of purple and you don't have to use teo gear

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What layered armor do you think we’ll get with TemperedSquid?
Blackbelt or Guild would be cool

>yeah I totally trust you on that random faggot on the internet
What reason do I have to lie to you user, and why drag this dumb discussion to another thread. When I play greatsword unless I'm fighting Safi, I usually don't have sharpness in my mind. Do you want me to record a hunt or something to prove that it's possible for someone to not be shit at monster hunter? As this discussion goes on it's becoming more and more evident that I cannot please you since you have it in your head that the average joe cannot get by using 20pts of purple + teo even though every fucking guy I meet using GS runs similar Meta Speedrunning builds as I.

Did PC version got anything new yet?

It's getting Furious Rajang and Raging Brach next week. And with that, both consoles and PC will be sync'd

April 9th brother.

Because capcom made him weaker than regular rajang.

I dunno, maybe Guild Palace?
That would be cool

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>just trust me and read my blog
no fuck off, I played enough GS to know that 20 hits of purple in IB is not enough.

I hope they put it behind an arena quest instead, something that is similar to WRTT.

Ohhh nice, maybe i should finish killing and grind Safi then

Okay. But imagine

Oroshi Rajang, gained Ice powers from eating Oroshi Kirin horns

I know World isn't Generations. But nothing would make me happier than seeing Yian Kut-ku again.

And i've played enough to know it is, what's your point. Why are you wasting your time continuing an argument that clearly is getting us nowhere. I asked if you wanted me to record myself hunting a monster with minimum purple and you intentionally looked past it and decided to sperg out again. You've been sperging out for the past hour now that i'm thinking about it. Just drop it since you clearly don't care about results.

Keep in mind that while fully awakened Safi blast weapons are the best for most weapon types, they're only marginally better than Raging Brach blast weapons. So if you don't like the Safi grind, you can just wait till next week for Brach

>nothing would make me happier than seeing a completely unremarkable early game shitmon

why tho

fuck off, I'm not interested in your baseless dumb shit

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>associating kut ku with generation first

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Probably in the next game, they already got Garuga in Iceborne and the japs really love their Kut-Ku

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He's cute and he's the first real monster I ever hunted.

I meant that World is not generations in the sense that it makes sense that it doesn't try to add all the older monsters, of course I know Kut-ku was from the first PS2 game.

He's adorable.

Rajang are born with the capability for doing thunder, which is why they can shrug off Kirin attacks. Eating the horn doesn't make the Rajang get thunder element, it just allows Rajang to access the ability they have innately. So an Ice Rajang would have to make a lot of leaps in logic to makes sense.
Enjoy your day as well user.

hold in there user

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>He's cute
>He's adorable
Absolutely based
My first game was freedom, I have fond memories of getting obliterated by his fireballs

I seriously hope that they keep up this pseudo-Rarity 13 balance thing, where post-Safi weapons are actually viable sidegrades to each other. But they'll probably make MR KT weapons overpowered as fuck, and who knows what the Alatreon weapons will be like.

I'm a latelet who got in post IB, so I never even fought KT

There's a reason japs call Kut-Ku a teacher, decent monster to learn your basics from.
>who knows what the Alatreon weapons will be like.
If it's anything like the older games, good enough Raw but big dick Dragon element and good amount of purple HOWEVER considering Alatreon's coming in pretty late in the game i'm sure they'll be buffed to have much better raw or an interesting gimmick.

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Im sorry user but you have to be mentally disabled to lose much of a sharpness with GS. Even if you do,you still have access to speed sharpening and fish fins. Theres zero excuse to run more than 1 sharpness on safi weapons.
Ofcourse,you want to have fun with the game so you play it the way you want. Fun is subjective therefore I can't really tell you how to play the game exactly,but the one you are replying to isn't wrong either. MT and a tiny amount of purple does give you significantly more damage because you can replace sharpness rolls to attack rolls. Even slot rolls can give you more damage than sharpness.

After what I went through to get my fucking guild palace set I would be incandescent with rage.

Fuck that shit, I want molten tig and his nuclear tard rage. It sucks ass that the raths get their subspecies and rare species but Tig only gets the subspecies. Somehow it pisses me off more than the fact that nargacuga is all alone without green or lucent. Might have something to do with the Tig set being 2/3 complete rather than just the single mon.

>world has Garuga on steroids, but not plain old Kut Ku

I just want to see my boy again.

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Lunastra can go die in a ditch.

so he's a wolf?

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His title is "Thunder Wolf Wyvern" so yes.

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>bored out of my mind
>spent the day making a hammer
this is hell

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>start goldian capture investigation
>beat the fuck out of her and try to capture but it's not time yet
>give her 5 more lovetaps and she dies

bretty gud

What is the fastest way to boost MR? I'm at 80 and still slogging along to get to 100. Stop saying to join people in Guiding Lands, every fucker leaves after a monster or two and then the rest of the party disbands too.

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That hammer looks like it can stop time.
I'm going to commit exactly one crime.

Guiding La- Oh, idk dude do some event quests that give bonus HR/MR points.

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>join people in GL
Go into your own GL if you didn't already level the regions you want to their cap. Otherwise, event quests. Clear all the optionals. Do safi and set a goal to upgrading 3-4 weapons, by the time they're completely upgraded you should be mr 100 or at least very close

i dont know why you people don't just do guiding lands with people from Yas Forums and hang out for like 10 hunts

Where's the room?

just make one
I can't play since i'm going to bed, but I played with people from Yas Forums today and did a lot of stuff

I will now commit two crimes.

You'd certainly do us a favor by killing them

Sorry user but GL is the best option. Tempered T3 monsters give you one MR rank per hunt. There's nothing else in the game that increases your MR easier than that

Oh wait you can't do tempered T3 yet but still tempered monsters there give you most MR points



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Why didn't they make her less annoying?

Lance because I like lances and I don't like the Gunlance. Actually, being an insect fag, I'd like to use the IG if it wasn't for the fact that I'm dogshit with it and it the concept is so fucking retarded anyway that I don't even know why that weapon exists at all.
For MP I use other weapons tho, mostly Longsword and Horn

I just like hitting monsters in the head with a big blunt object
I've always liked the "staying on top of the monster at all times" of LS and the counter-heavy playstyle it has gotten ever since Valor LS is just satisfying to use, that said, i prefer just using LS solo
I love the mobility you get with it, and Iceborne's moveset is just fun to use

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Longsword. I love the flexibility and speed it affords me. Every monster fight feels like a dance with it. I can stay on top of the monster at all times. It also has enough tools and options that I never feel like I'm being held back by anything but my own ability to use them when I fuck up.

I like the mobility it brings to table. It provides so much flexibility with different ammo types and support ammo. I have probably 30 different LBG builds for every situation and play style.
It helps that the weapon is very strong in Iceborne and with all Safi weapons it's joy to play.