I'm having way more fun with Switch Exclusives than the PS4's to be honest.
Talk about what games you're playing in this thread too if you want.
Anyone else like their Switch more than their PS4?
>this thread again
PS4 has no exclusives that are meant to be just pure games. all of them are supposed to be cinematic bullshit where gameplay takes a backseat to B movie plot lines
first time making this type of thread. lol
Name 20 switch exclusives that are any good.
Yeah because nothing is more hardcore than Animal Crossing and....Pokemon S/Sh and.....Mario Kart!
Name 20 PS4 Exclusives that are any good first. Teehee
I think I prefer Vita over Switch as a handheld. The Vita d-pad makes emulation far better and the form factor is superior. Switch is this weird hybrid where it excels at nothing. They had a shot at fixing it with Lite but it's still too bulky and lacks that premium touch of Vita.
me. my ps4 is used for a handful of games. meanwhile I have over 20 switch games
Oh you
there is more gameplay in all of those than any PS4 exclusive except bloodborne. i dont buy a game console to watch movies
gee i wonder if nintendogaf likes their switch more than their ps4
Yet you bought a Switch to play kiddy bait trash like Animal Crossing and Pokemon. You have no ground to stand on here.
Yep I do. PS4 games are boring as fuck : )
please, do name the copious amounts of "big boy adult titles" on the PS4 that you cant play better on a PC or xbox one
I own both consoles because I want to play the games I want
Not really. I had an absolute blast with Bloodborne, P5, SotC, ratchet, and gravity rush. Each one gave me a totally different and unique experience. Now I'm currently playing through Nioh 2 which is still a PS4 exclusive atm and it's such an underrated gem
I'd like it more if my fucking joycon would stop drifting.
Persona 5R was just released and has better gameplay than those kiddy Nintendo exclusives you can't stop jerking off to.
>persona 5
Oh shut the fuck up coomer
Go sign more petitions tendie.
Kind of want a switch but there's only a few games I want for it and I'm afraid it's just going to collect dust after I'm done with them
You don't have a ps4
I like the Switch but I think it's really, really shameful that the docked controller is so uncomfortable and awful.. It's painfully obvious to me that they just wanted to give you the worst controller possible so you pay $60 for a pro controller. Hell even a liscenced PS4 controller these days is like $50. Zoomers will never know the feeling of being able to buy a liscenced controller for like $15 back on Gamecube and Ps2.
It's in the picture you moron
i bought a PS4 for death stranding and have not played a single minute of any other game on it. Okay, I lied. I played like 20 minutes of the spiderman game and then never turned it on again.
I'm using my switch to play Ring Fit every day, though. I want to order mario odyssey but it's $60 because nintendo are faggots.
I only touch my Switch once 3 or 4 times a month and my PS4 every other day. I spend most of my time playing on PC.
I like my Xbox more than my Switch
Nintendoshill vs Sony shill, I fucking hate Nintendo honestly, satanic company who abandoned us for casuals, but I'd still buy a Switch over a PS4. Though it's about the same if you're a poorfag I guess, it's either Switch for exclusives, or PS4 for slightly better graphics which are still worse than PC.
>bought a Switch to play Three Houses on day 1
>also bought Smash cause why not
Why is the Switch library so bad? It's nothing but ports, ports and more ports. What are the chances of them ever making another TTYD style Paper Mario game?
No, I wanted to pick it back up and spend hundreds of hours on Animal Crossing like I did with New Leaf but I'm already bored.
Now it's back tog gathering dust until hopefully that 3D Mario collection rumor is tree and comes out.
Also really want N64 online but I'm not getting any shred of hope up.
On the other hand I'm been really enjoying P5R and the Final Fantasy VII remake.
It was the generations of shovelware that were on the Wii/WiiU/DS/3DS which killed all the talented devs who might've made good Switch exclusives, which is why the Switch has a drought, but fanboys pretend they don't have a drought because they still have more games than the PS4. That's why wonderful 101 is going multiplat, it was raped in the ass by shovelware, Nintendo love is ded. Instead of Wonderful 101 Switch port, could've had a sequel by now and it'd be exclusive.
Yeah, this has been my main issue with the Switch. It really feels like the budget console for people who aren't idorts. It gets an absolute ton of ports but runs most of them terribly and at poor resolutions.
Also what's with the eShop? No music and like 90% of it is shovelware. With no proper ratings system it's difficult to find gems among what's on there. The 3DS and Wii U had their fair share of it but I feel the Switch has been terrible in that regard.
In terms of video games, yes
PS4 libraries are 95% movies
The other 5% are gameplay scattered across multiple games
>turn-based RPG
do people actually believe this or is this just bait?
i bought a switch just to try out some games. beat fire emblem, bought luigi's mansion for my gf. in the end, she plays it more than i do. i realized i need trophies to enjoy games. idk how i ever played games without some sort of tracker showing how much percentage of it that I finished.
>i realized i need trophies to enjoy games
Your brain is fucked.
yeah i can't do things for the sake of doing them anymore. i think this is why i miss school. you do something and are given a result and are awarded a diploma. sex is pretty much the only thing that's fun just to do it. riding motorcycles too, and watching anime. definitely can't do games without trophies and bragging rights now.
because it is portable unlike its competitors. That's it. That is what the switch is. You can stop pretending to be a nigger retard, and just build a gaming PC if you want to play games with the best graphics.
The games aren't necessarily better but handheld > playing on a tv
Compared to movies, yes.
Persona 5 has worse writing than your average Mario game. Makes you think...
>Someone got this as a tattoo
Simply awesome
>durr itz all 'bout da grafics
>give me 20 games so i can greentext "doesn't count" 20 time
you think this is my first rodeo user?
me, i find myself acually buying games on switch just because i know i will play them on it, while turning on ps4 is a chore, cause it always seems to update and for some reason it takes hours to download just some megabytes.
If i wanted fucking power i'd play on my pc
Because sony games are pinko movie garbage. Fuck nu sony.
>The reason why the eShop is full of trash is because it's potable
>The reason why the menu and eShop have no music and the home menu still has no additional themes is because it's portable
>The reason why first party support is so lacking to the point where they constantly rely on ports is because it's a portable console
I just put down my Switch.
Its been a year since I have touched my PS4.
I love my Switch, i just wish it had better speakers. They truly are abismall.
this is the shopped version, right?
If the switch had the same power as a base PS4 and output resolution and such, I would get all my console games on it.
Well you aren't wrong.
Every fucking console gets an ungodly amount of ports I can never understand why people always bitch about this.
I bought one for piracy and it's amazing. Emulation works great too.
>i realized i need trophies to enjoy games.
What the fuck? How old are you? Did you grow up with a 360?
Yeah my Switch is easily my most played gaming system of the past 3 years by a mile.
Now that TLOU2 has been shitcanned I guess I can finally put my PS4 in the closet
Are you gay op?