>new game in series is released
>"Do I *have to* play the previous games?"
New game in series is released
This. Why can’t people be more based?
Monster Hunter World made a good decision of not attaching a number to the title
I can guarantee that a number of PC players would have been turned off had it been named Monster Hunter 5 And I would be one of them desu
>remake is released
>do I have to play the original?
it's 30 minutes of zach making gibberish sounds
it's great
I never understand this.
People approach this shit like it's the Wheel of Time or something.
Games are about the most approachable medium once you adapt to using a input device for commands. Only thing easier is music since all you need is the ability to hear and then have other people tell you if your tastes are 'good'
12 minutes actually
i might lost track of time or maybe saw it twice, either way it was good
it also means that they can sideline all of the terrible decisions in the next game and just chalk it up to world being a weird spin off
Unfortunately with the FF7Remake breaking the definition of "remake" in half this is going to become a legitimate question.
>turns out the japanese never knew the difference between remake and reboot and thought it was the same because they started with r
>zach relegated to a more normal character
suprisingly welcome
Do you think it will be picked up
Also, is april fools day just adult swim e3 now?
hopefully they pick it up. is not pointlessly edgy like mr. pickles, is not trying too hard to be smart like rick and morty, the humor is almost on the same tier as renegade angel which is always welcome in my book
it was so nice to see him return to normal
Also the moment i heard him talk my mind was like - its mike stoklasa and only later my friend told me this and i actually realised
Also - the way their boss says - now go on there and make them smile or whatever - he says it the same way as that guy from sick animation - did he give him the voice ?
i wonder if smiling buddies was to throw shade to working buddies
i wonder if oney made that 3D model from the TV, looks like something he would do
Doom Eternal looks good enough that I'm going to finally fucking download the original Doom (it's freeware, Bethesda doesn't get my money for a game they didn't have anything to do with) and then get 2016 so I can get to it eventually. I've heard Eternal has all of 1 & 2 in it but I want to play the first first, although I may play 2 within Eternal at least at first.
I admit this was me but I picked up Generations Ultimate around the same time and I will play 3UHD sometime.
Oney made the 3d alien and the credits music
technically MHW can be considered 5 but the change of title was a nice decision because everything felt too new even for veterans
God let's hope.
yup, even voices for the pink shits there. Everyone did voices for that part.
My wish? Sleepycabin crew does voices for random characters too. Hell even more NG animators or new guys on the scene adding their voice or talent for the show. Id like to see it as the break for all those NG guys and animators finally breaking in the big scene
it's funny how desmond looks so similar to mike stoklasa, wonder if it was intentional
Adult Swim announced their fall lineup and every show from April Fools is getting picked up besides Smiling Friends
what other series were picked up? i only know about smiling buddies because it was shared all over twitter
>everything felt too new even for veterans
Not really. Some QoL changes like no more paintballs, no more area transitions and no more and a couple of new combos but that's about it. Once you learn the map layout for each area and get used to the physics/movement it's back to business as usual. Unless by veterans you mean people who started at 4U or Generations
i like their removal of paintballs, but had that moss that make them shine, not sure for what purpose but it was nice to see them glow pink
I like to imagine that guy was just actually Mr.Plinkett
Did you know Nintendo legit didn't understand the implications of Samus being a bounty hunter and thought it'd could just be a heroic title for her to rationalize killing aliens
This is the AS lineup, big one for me is 12 Oz. Mouse is coming back
based on everything he said there's no doubt he was describing mr plinkett
goddamn, that language barrier really does change everything
oh, yolo. i've been seeing this one mentioned but never seen anything besides their promo
>every show besides the one people actually liked
Look, I get the absurdist humor and what it's attempting but the reason Rick and Morty is able to make it work is because it's built like a sitcom, meaning you can actually follow a good story, while this reminds me of a flash animation. The whole thing was just... not really funny?
>lazor wulf
these are fucking awful, why are they still bothering
To be honest even though Smiling Friends isn't getting picked up I hope it gets them to try out something different. It was a good pilot but I didn't feel any sense of longevity from it, and that it could get one-note very quickly, maybe AS felt the same. Either way they still got a foot in the industry so they're closer now than they've been before, which is good.
Wish they would bring ATHF back
>lazor wulf
>google it
this is furrybait, isn't it?
really? that garbage edgy fairy tales show got but not smiling friends
>this is their final year line up
Fucking rip guess im not getting a new VB season
It's a pilot, [as] is gauging fan reaction to see whether to greenlight it. Given the overwhelmingly positive reaction on twitter (they even recognized how much people online liked it) it should be fine unless Michael and Zach horrendously botch the seasons pitch.
If you pay these people just eff yourself
At least the Bushworld guy is getting a show.
actually more strangely its millennial negro bait, the whole cast is a bunch of literally who black teens and the comedy is unfunny shit you'd see on twitter
I mean it's kinda cool but it doesn't make me feel any better though.
>millenial negro bait
>everyone is black or have a black person voice
>the white blonde horse is the stupidest character and even the narrator has to remind you of it
this is too woke for me
When's Uzumaki
him and zach are butt buddies so even if SF doesn't get picked up I'm sure they'll collaborate on it
>millennial negro bait
>and the comedy is unfunny shit you'd see on twitter
so it's athf :-)
black people don't like aqua teen
There's like a 90% chance it gets picked up, guys.
you wish
there's a reason why they shilled out to make sports and food ads
Hes also Ronald from the meatcanyon video
Eternal is more 2 and kinda 64
Also you should play either quake 1 or 2 because theres also stuff from there that shows up in 16 and eternal
difference is athf is not being on your face and has better plot and a diverse cast, lazer wulf is al too samey
Sometimes in franchises without any chronology or noteworthy plot it's a perfectly valid question, especially for games where the first entry is from the 80s or earlier.
Anyone who doesn't start with the first game in a story-driven series is a faggot though.
it depends on the series, let's say Persona games aren't linked though P4 had references to P3 iirc but it's not something you'll miss out.
SMT 1 and 2 were actually connected but Nocturne was its own story, not sure about 4 and the rest
Kingdom Hearts is definitely a game you should play its previous and so with Metal Gear Solid
>it should be fine unless Michael and Zach horrendously botch the seasons pitch
the hellbenders pitch went so poorly I'm surprised they let zach try again
It went badly but the reason why it was declined is even worse
i really don't understand under what criteria adultswim follows when choosing shows, is it whoever can make them ASAP?