Can anyone tell me why do you hate this game so much?
underaged/childish blind hatred, that's all I see when this game is being discussed here.
not gonna lie, its gameplay is pretty generic.
none of it is new, but it's solid and pretty challenging (more than Resi games imo) in higher difficulties.
y'all just hate it cause it's by ND/Sony and you don't agree with the politics of the devs.
I can tell you something about this game that rubs me the wrong way, but I don't hate it. I actually still like it.
The whole pretentious "it's not a game, it's not fun, we don't use the word fun" air it has about it its direction (although this is a lot more fucking prevalent in what we're seeing about the sequel). It just makes me go, "yeah dude shut the fuck up lol"
TLoU doesn't get enough credit for how much of a survival horror game it really is. I see people saying it's a movie game, or a stealth game, or a zombie game, and even sometimes a survival game, but never survival horror game. Which is a damn shame, because that's what I like about this game: pinching resources and skirting around enemies because you don't want to use more resources than necessary or you want have them when you really need them for the scripted encounters.
I didn't really have any issues with resources in my playthrough. I played it like I would any other game, picking up stuff as I go and not really worrying about it.
The best parts of the game for me were deciding how I should handle an encounter. Stealth was the clear strat for infected and it was the most intense I have felt in a game for a while (I only played this for the first time last year).
Also I like how short it was. I was starting to get sick of it by the time it finished.
It's a good game.
Even the multiplayer was good.
Anyone who says otherwise is just being a contrarian.
That said, the sequel looks like shit.
>Can anyone tell me why do you hate this game so much?
Hate is a strong word. I dislike the game. It's like a ubishit game or beshitsda game. It's buggy as fuck, but it's nonetheless entertaining.
>sony walking sim
>anything but shit
You have to go back
>"it's not a game, it's not fun, we don't use the word fun" air
I don't get that from the game at all. You sure you're not getting mixed signals from bought out game reviewers too busy sniffing their own farts?
I agree about the resource thing, but only on higher difficulties. On normal you're drowning in ammo so it removes most tension from the game.
Yes the campaign is just ok. Not worth much praise but also not much hate. I would say the mp is actually great though
Sequel looks like pozzed garbage
Yes, I like cunny. What of it?
you bastard OP
-The gameplay gets really old.
-AI sucks, goes from locking onto you from behind cover to being completely clueless.
-Characters are cringe except for the mc
Because its makers are determined to pass their dumb zombie shooter off as ~une serious artistic work of fiction~
i bought it day 1 on PS3
first thing is first -- naughty dog made a really nice engine.
however, the nice engine was hindered by the game trying to be a movie so much and less of a game -- for a fucking video game.
the whole game was short bursts of uninspired, scripted gameplay in smaller, enclosed areas in between mandatory walking-and-talking sections
the fanbase -- while a lesser reason -- is one of the most retarded fanbases i have seen. it's 100% okay to like the game, but to pretend that TLoU brought anything new or profound to the industry is just retarded. the game is full of old tropes that people think are fresh and new. this really makes me think that they were going for the casual and unread/unrefined audience. some of these stupid fuckers pretend like it's the first time a sad death ever occurred in a piece of media. these are the kind of people i have to mix in with in the fandom of video games
back to gameplay:
everything was fixed in multiplayer. it was one of the best multiplayers i have played in awhile. they actually made it so that stealth is highly promoted, and it promotes sneaking around the map, crouched, quietly with your teammates as things literally get loud and explode during enemy contact. the multiplayer fixed everything and allowed their nice engine to shine
anyone got a yify link?
fucking hell i was just about ready to type up on angry reply
well, another reason i dislike the game is that almost every AAA game now tries to be like it since TLoU hit it big. it's not because it's a good game in the traditional sense, but it's because it sells, and people (casuals) will rabidly defend it
i actually think days gone is better than tlou
I don't hate the game but we seriously need to start treating the story like the poor The Road fanfic it really is and not like some kind of masterpiece of storytelling.
The only reason easily people impressed react like this is because of the polished presentation.
I don't like dykes, i'm gonna pretend the 2nd game doesn't exist and Ellie was never a dyke.
I don't. It was a good game it just didn't have a lot of replayability and followed a few common tropes in terms of the story.
10/10 fun game
Days gone is frustrating as fuck because it does some cool things, then it immediately knee caps itself by backpedaling on those things.
Game was great. It was the DLC expansion that fucked things up, with the underaged lesbians' first kiss being set up as the climax of the story. When they decided to make Ellie's sexuality the sole focus of their story-telling, they ruined the goodwill the main campaign built up. Them focusing exclusively on Ellie's lesbianism in the promo material for TLOU2 speaks volumes about how tone-deaf they really are over at Naughty Dog.
Oddly enough, Bill's homosexuality was PERFECTLY handled in the main game.
I hate zombie (or infected) stories in general. Most are lazy as fuck and just contain contrived muh society allegories.
Generic as fuck plot with next to no gameplay(gameplay which is also generic as fuck)
i hate casuals and normalfags -- who came into video games during the nerd trend -- so much. most of them say they never even tried the multiplayer
What would you rather everyone magically get along after a massive plague wipes out most of civilization and turns everyone into fungus monsters?
What kind of retarded criticism is that?
>I hate normies who started playing games during the "nerd trend"
What the fuck are you even talking about
I’m playing through it for the first time and really enjoying it. Comfy game
It's a good game but is way too overrated causing the video game elitist here to shit themeslves.
Second game is going to be a major disaster though mark my words leaks are already going out and that wont even be the worst of the problems it will have.
This Bill is a perfect model of how to put in a homosexual character subtle not making a parade out of it.
the new audience for video games thinks that trope is fresh and new and came out of the last of us -- that is if they even caught idea of that principle. you're asking the wrong question based on your unread brain
I hate niggers but i like little girls
this place is filled with nintendo fanboys, of course they hate it because is from playstation and is one of the best games ever made
It's not even about politics, fire emblem was pretty gay and still was loved here, its only hated cause it's from sony
sound like the witcher 3
Pretentious hipster bullshit.
Most of the cattle praising it don’t even know why they’re doing it aside from following the other npc’s and not wanting to be left out.
I dont like the artificial ammo accumulation where even if you try to save ammo it keeps you at a low amount. It's a good game though.
Thoughts on Lesdias?
What i don't understand is how somebody can be mad at tlou for being a "movie game" but at the same time praise games like red dead 2 or the witcher 3 that are way more cinematic, however, i think they just hate it because is an exclusive
thread should have ended here
He's pretty based, I wish people would commission him for full length animations, like a scuffed SelfdrillingSMS.
dangerously based
>games like red dead 2 or the witcher 3 that are way more cinematic
Is this bait? I seriously can't tell anymore.
i only hate the DLC of the first one and TLOU 2.
tlou base game was good, i may dare to say, great.
They shoehorned the Uncharted engine and mechanics to fit a stealth focused game. It's workable but definitely more clunky and gives the player less precise movements than it should for the type of game it is. Also fuck cover mechanics
Other than that, the game was great, good story, good writing, interesting world and an ending that didn't fuck up
I like it but the gameplay is incredibly simplistic. A literal movie game. Don’t know anyone that played it for the gameplay.
Fucking this. Any legitimate criticism of the game gets thrown out because muh story and shit.
In every respect, from game design to marketing, it puts out a lot of drama and the payoff isn't earned.
It's skim vanilla ice cream.
the air you described is a complete strawman ingrained into your brain by Yas Forums
As a game, it's borinv to play.
As a movie, it's cliche and poorly written.
It's really depressing. I felt like shit afterward and never wanted to play it again.
the gameplay isn't really more or less simplistic than any other AAA. I really appreciated that they didn't go overboard with the crafting and upgrading. and you could make the case that in the beginning, it has the biggest weapon sway in any big game ever. it's a small thing but not in a game of that scale.
I don't like it because the gameplay is slow and boring. Stealth is shallow and everything inbetween the fighting consists of moving an object be it ladder, dumpster or pallet so you can move forward. I like Uncharted because the bulk of the gameplay is running and gunning, and that shit is fun because it is faster paced than TLoU. Platforming sucks sure but at least there's spectacle to it.
I unironically enjoyed this game and the ending was kino.
I played it after I got dumped though so maybe having fond memories of travelling with someone always at your side after going through a shitty experience may have made me biased. Though I replayed it recently and still enjoyed it.
I don't hate it, but I don't like it. The game punishes creativity, is ruthlessly linear and there are far too many cutscenes disguised as gameplay. I like elements of it but it's not what I thought I was getting when I followed the initial trailers.