>beats it in 4 hours
I may have loved it, and can see myself playing again but wewlad the loss of an extra campaign like RE2 really hurt
>beats it in 4 hours
I may have loved it, and can see myself playing again but wewlad the loss of an extra campaign like RE2 really hurt
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You RE3 fags are putting smash fags to shame.
I did it in 6 hours because I love to roam about but it was disappointing and unmemorable through and through.
I just got to the flamethrower fight. I have three hours played. It's my understanding that this is still fairly early in the game. I expect to suck maybe nine hours out of my first playthrough, since I play horror games extremely slowly and cautiously to avoid getting hurt in all circumstances.
The Hunter Gammas actually freaked me out. It was cool how they can try and force through doors with their giant mouths.
My only real complaints so far have been that RE2's gore physics engine was toned down a bit and that there's an overabundance of safe rooms. They're so close that it's insane. I'm also playing on hardcore, and having an autosave + no cassette tapes is kinda lame.
Still enjoying the game a good deal, though. Not sure why it's getting so much flak.
Nightmare difficulty is more different to the standard difficulties than B scenarios were to A.
bored fags with nothing better to do
Play on Nightmare with your bonus shop shit. I've only played about an hour of it but it's different enough to warrant at least one more playthrough for me
Isnt Jill supposed to be white
I said months ago that REfags were becoming as obnoxious as smashfags and they vehemently denied it.
Been playing on hardcore, you die in two bites from the zombies. One bite puts you on danger.
I've not been using the zoomer dodge either. Died a few times so far and i've just got to the part where you first meet Nicholai.
Just taking my time exploring around, I can see the game lasting much longer than 4hrs for me, i'm not rushing through it on easy mode.
Nice try smelly, nobody is as bad as you.
I beat it in 3 hours but still think it would be worth $30; forcing their test game on us for another $30 was pretty lame.
>I rushed through the game on easy mode
Having beaten it I understand why they didnt include ink tapes.
This game is obsessed with scripted sequences that can kill the player easily and one hit kill moves.
Game autosaves even on hardcore.
the game is trash
the ps1 game is an hour long what's the problem
nah the original was a soulless reskin
>zoomer dodge
>original game had a dodge button
Yeah, and if it didn't autosave right before retarded scripted segments, I would have been pissed.
I was playing on hardcore.
Resident Evil 2 didn't remove player agency and control at all outside of cutscenes, so I'm a bit disappointed this did.
You didn't have slow down with lock on aim in the original.
>not using the dodge
It was in the first game. It could be fucking abused to hell and back.
They remove subweapons being used to break zombie grabs to balance it. What more do you want?
So there's a MGSV slow mo aim after dodging? I've only ever dodged and kept on moving.
>What more do you want?
No dodge.
>extra campaign
The B story in RE2 was only like 15% new stuff at most. Sewers and Lab are the exact same for both campaigns, and honestly the only thing that truly changes between campaigns is one boss and the section where you escape the RPD with Ada/Sherri sections. Otherwise you're basically replaying the entire game again doing the same shit
Then how would you incorporate that aspect of the original?
If you protect dodge
Yes, if you aim at a zombie and dodge forward you can roll past it and you will get a mgsv type slowdown. You have to time it right though.
>extra campaign
even in the original it was barely different.
I wouldn't. It wasn't used in any other RE game after it and for good reason.
You did have lock on though. If you held the aim button after the dodge, Jill would auto aim again at the enemy.
>60 bucks for 4 hours
I stopped at the final fight here now and let me go
1. no RNG that made og RE3 so replayable
2. no quick choice events that would have branching paths
3. grave digger removed
4. Hardcore doesn't have ink ribbons and has checkpoints
5. game has a bit too much of an RE4 feeling
6. all mandatory boss fights are pretty much puzzles
7. no clock tower
8. first third of the game and last third are way too linear
9. no difficult puzzles return when og RE3 had some of the hardest puzzles
10 every enemy you fight is about targeting the weak point
It honestly feels rushed or as if a B-team made this game. I'm enjoying it still but the game definitely doesn't match the high standard of the other 2 remakes
>Extra campaign
Let's be honest, running through almost the exact same environments with a couple of different weapons isn't a "second campaign"
>no RNG that made og RE3 so replayable
Do they ever explain what that mechanical heart on Nemesis is? Was kind of expecting a note or something elaborating on his development as a BOW but never got anything.
Also can Jill get the assault rifle without using assisted?
>the idea of paying 50 quid for this
greedy cunts
You can buy the infinite assault rifle from the shop you unlock after beating the game.
I love that we saw Jill's apartment. She seems like quite a sentimental and sweet girl for a cop, just look at her fridge. Got to say though, she lives like a guy, her apartment is a bachelors pad, also half her fridge is beer. Fuck, i really like this tomboy cop.
Get it on cdkeys for 35 bongs m8
Not possible.
4 hours is a meme
Thats cool as fuck!
Jill's final line to nemesis is the most generic, lamest shit ever. WHY would they fuck with that? It's so retarded.
Game is way too short, way too much cut content, the game even goes out of it's way to skip gameplay with Spongebob "6 hours later" cards.
Got it down to an hour.
"true RE fans" are massive bandwagon posers.
I absolutely abhor the deimoses in the game, just lost a run because dodge works half the time in the power station. How do I deal with them effectively?
>loss of an extra campaign like RE2 really hurt
What REALLY hurt was RE2 remakes lack of proper AB scenarios and zapping system
>chromatic abomination
This is so fucking bad god fucking damnit THEY DID NEMESIS SO DIRTY
>the game even goes out of it's way to skip gameplay with Spongebob "6 hours later" cards.
The only times when these are used is when Jill is knocked out after the second Nemesis fight and again in the hospital when after she's been given the antidote and is on a bed recovering. What gameplay would that entail? Hours of laying down?
Why they put the STARS line at the start instead of leaving it for the end is beyond me.
yes it was user, what the fuck are you talking about
I’m absolutely shit at RE games and I beat it around 5 hours. I liked it, it just lacks the care RE2 had put into it. Feels like they went slightly below the bare minimum. Imagine cutting content from already short game. The remakes need to stop now. RE8, then they can fuck off and remake 1, 4 or CV after.
>new mainline release in one of gaming's most iconic franchises release
>24 hours later people still want to talk about it on a board about video games
What's the problem?
use that 3rd person camera to "peek" around the corner, get some cheeky shots in
Just shoot 'em? They're extremely weak.
I beat the game on hc under 4 hours on the first run, and I was still searching every nook and cranny. I remember re3 original taking 8 hours to complete.
>Game is way too short
Longer game doesn’t automatically mean better.
I’d like to ask for those that have finished already, do you guys like Jill’s RE1 costume? Took me by a pleasant surprise, but it looks a little off.
>one hour speedrun already up
You SHOULD be dodging, the entire game is balanced around it.
It actually takes some semblance of skill to pull off unlike the auto aim in MGSV
If i were a game designer this is what I would've done, the game begins with Jill uncovering they're gonna nuke the city early on aort of like Dead Risinv and she sets a timer for when it's going down on her watch, the timer is seen in your inventory and is meant to add pressure to the player, in the scenes she's knocked out she wakes up to the shock of both the player and Jill herself she has lost a giant chunk of time adding even more pressure and anxiety to the player as the clock is ticking, instead of cue cards.
Playing on Hardcore, I got swarmed too quick. I feel like they keep respawning no matter how many of them I put down.
Now that's more like it
RE3 feels like one of those Ghost Survivor missions RE2make had as DLC but stretched out to a full campaign. It’s fun for people who played the shit out of RE2make and want more of it but for the less serious RE fans I can see this game feeing a bit lacking to them
is it orchlon?
It even uses one of the Ghost Survivor monsters (Pale Heads)!
>It's just infinite launcher literal walkthrough
Yeah and 4hours of door loading screens
Carlos walked half a fucking day to get to her. He could have crossed the park, he could have fought grave digger, he could have gone through the garage, etc. His trip to the hospital is literally in the original, i thought they were gonna expand on it instead they removed it and Jil herself could have done all of these things. WHy doesn't she go to RPD? Or the news agency? Why is going from her apartment to meeting UBCS a single 3 minute setpiece when in the original it was at least an hour of gameplay. In this game you constantly walk forward from cutscene to cutscene, it desperately needed padding. How cool would a creepy park in the middle of the night in this graphic engine? This game is a huge wasted opportunity. Also what the fuck was even that ending credits scene? it's literally fucking nothing!
You know what's even worse? Every new player is probably gonna get punched in the back of the head before she can even complete that line.
So what’s the lore behind deimos? Are they still mutated fleas? Because if you look up close you’ll see they have human teeth.
Sekiro is down to 25 minutes. so what?
Will get It tomorrow.
I'm gonna beat it and then do another run in new game plus.
>hur dur dur hur dur
Shut the fuck up.
The lore is that they achieved Gigga Chad status among all RE monsters. They accomplished what every other monster and character could only dream of doing outside canon.
>he didn't use door skip
The hospital blew up in the original, right?
No it isn't and no it wasn't. Shut the fuck up.