Who are your favorite anthro girls Yas Forums? Others that aren't from video games are also welcome

Who are your favorite anthro girls Yas Forums? Others that aren't from video games are also welcome.

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Sticks is a good
Not vidya girls a good way to get the thread nuked. To be fair, it probably doesn't matter either way

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That's exactly my point. Even if it's video game related the threads get deleted strictly for being about anthro girls. So may as well have some fun for some time.

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this looks so bad

Oh dear. This won't last.

Scalies in general

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There has not ever been a really good anthro game, in my opinion, but there has been lots of cute anthro girls. My ideas of a good game will probably never truly be realised.

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They haven't deleted the Blaze thread and that one has a chunk of pictures of Blaze with her bare ass sticking out. So enjoy this while it lasts...

Miyu + Fay >>>>>>>>>>>> cumdumpster blue bitch

My wife Olivia

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I tried to create a backstory for Miyu and Fay and how they came to join Star Fox but it ended up falling apart.

An advocate of the old maxim, "The best defense is a good offense".

The daughter of an aristocratic family, she has relinquished high society and taken up arms to defend her home planet.

Those are the official descriptions.

Fay and Miyu work best like this? They along with Fara and Krystal are the side team whose job is to not interfere with the main missions. So they get weapons, food, etc. to bring to the Great Fox. They'd be a support team. That's what other properties do when their cast is too big.

I hate cat girls. So generic and boring.

ok retard

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Wish more games had anthros. I'm surprised how even fantasy games got rid of them like Final Fantasy.

I don't have one.
Come to think of it, I don't have any particular favorite female at all, really. I just like to jack off to anime chicks and be done with it.

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She hates you too

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Freya is top tier taste my friend

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If her game is remade I hope they give an option to kill Beatrix.

Krystal is hot but I dont like her as a person.

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How do we make /hmofa/ more popular?

Why are all of Krystals models so ugly, every time i see her from something official she looks so uncanny

where are my fellow female antro x male human bros at?

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Michiru is not for lewd

because her hair has absolutely no volume in official material

For one thing putting it in media and if anyone complains? Insult them right back.

Hate this anime, Michiru is a Mary Sue. She also is a human pretending to be an anthro tanuki. Also the animals nonsensically can turn human at will which is the form they choose.

no it's definitely her ugly ass face

>Michiru is a Mary Sue. She also is a human pretending to be an anthro tanuki
no she isn't and no she isn't

Haven't watched this show but I want the mink to use her long body and neck to wrap around me for quality cuddlesI also want to fuck her

lamb from league of lol
haven't played this season though and no plans on doing so until they give her a decent skin to coom over

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Come on, she's a human pretending to be an anthro. And while she has super powers? The natural anthros do not. She's also using her powers to influence their culture.

>she's a human pretending to be an anthro
No she isn't she's a human turned anthro trying to change back, as the show progresses she's growing to like her anthro form but she is in no way pretending
>And while she has super powers? The natural anthros do not
Beastmen are already basically superpowered humans, also it's pretty clear Shiro has some power bullshit going on as well since he can jump hundreds of feet in the air, fall off of 20+ story buildings and be fine and stop a car and destroy it with one leg.
>She's also using her powers to influence their culture.
And this makes her a mary sue how?

>Not cooming over Super Galaxy Lamb and her skintight suit booty
Rumble is pretty based for putting Lamb in space spandex

Why did they make kindred so fine
Disembodied wolf head can get it too

The culture of the animal city is that Might Makes Right. Michiru has super powers despite being a human at her core which makes her an outsider. An outsider who is dictating changes to a foreign culture.

It won't and it won't.

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the colors are eye-rape tier
i can't even enjoy the ass without my eyes bleeding

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I don't watch anime but i heard this has anthros in it, is it good? Does it actually have anthros?

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would you look at that, a man with fine taste

I haven't watched it either, but as I already said, I like the mink

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So how is this a bad thing? Anima city's culture is trash and she has positively effected it, the only reason people watched baseball was for money, it was also a gladiator sport, She reinspired a veteran player to play for passion rather than money and changed the lives of a bunch of slum losers (they're pretty dumb though so they'll probably just fall back down) while also changing the audiences perspective on the game.
If I went into China and made the citizens rise against the oppressive government and change the dehumanizing values of their culture would you call me wrong to do it because I'm not native? What are you afraid of cultural appropriation or some shit? Besides Michiru has followed the rules of the culture you've stated to get her way, her might to make what's right, right?

I wish more media had anthros and humans existing at the same time. There's always this annoying rule that you can't have humans most of the time in this stuff. Look at Beastars.

I am still angry.

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Because of the concept of this series this Mink will never consider dating a human. After all her job is to beat up humans.

If you're familiar with Studio trigger then you'll get the experience of one of their shows, it gave me mad Kill La Kill vibes.
It does actually have anthros but they're kind of half human, they can transform between human and anthro forms but their anthro forms are legit.

The entire point of Beastars is the dynamic between predators and prey, humans have no place in it. Nevermind the novelty of animals living and behaving like humans would also be pointless with actual humans around.

I watched 4 episodes and i like it
Also its a trigger anime so if you liked the previous anime your going to like this

From being garbage? yeah it sure didn't.

Wasnt she controlled by the bad guy from the first game? Or that was some user wild headcanon?

I don't know what a trigger anime is

Bojack horseman doesn't have that dynamic

They messed up her voice in Smash. It was perfect in Mario Kart 8.

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I like the classics personally

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fuck off furgins

This cutie

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The only thing that stands out about humans is our brains, and living outside of nature the way we do. When all the other animals have that as well then what's the point? They're just weaker shittier monkeys, which are already accounted for.

minerva mink gave me my first boner

Why is furgins an insult you use? They definitely have more sex than you, that's not even an insult, what do you think happens in hotel rooms at every convention?

>implying I'm not okay with that
>implying I wouldn't do my best to get her to hate fuck me anyways

imagine the smell

Coco Bandicoot of course

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We met on an island over 15 years ago. Shes got such a cute tummy, I dont mind spoiling her like royalty.

smells like chlorine to me


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Why does this smug weasel give me such intense sexual urges

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Trigger is the animation studio
They made Kill La Kill Little witch academia and inferno cop and others
I woudnt call those anime excellent but are pretty entertaining
Watch some episodes and see if you like them

objective, undeniable proof of "it's ok when japan does it"
How the fuck do they do it?

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I'm there with you. I usually don't bitch about pirn being on model, but I really wish more of her's was

just look her up on e621 there's only like 5 pics


Yeah she is so cute, Im sad she is no longer in my new leaf town anymore

Yea I don't like off model at all but this pic was good enough and the only well made one on e6

nice, thank you