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>retards falling for the bait


>Yas Forums - screencaps

>they're not answering his question

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Uh... Hello? Based Department

Im imagining that some 12 year old wrote this and it makes it 10x funnier

steam forums still have some of the most hilarious bait threads I've had the pleasure of reading

This isn't really a game that appeals to any black person at all. It's a European only game.

Lil Tom is that you

That's pretty funny, kids are a treasure.

I'm 12 and what is this

fucking kek negroids seething

fuck 1000 years ago they were swinging from vines

Turned my chuckle into a laugh. Thanks user

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Yeah of course these idiots reply with threats of violence or censorship when you say something they don't like.

niggers are not aloud to play this game

Hello, based department?

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Why are black people so ashamed of their history?

The OP is me. Will edit my post to prove it

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what history?

I love how earnest it sounds. Like the dude is genuinely watching out for his niggas.

50,000 years of life with nothing to show for it aside from mud huts kinda sucks

>tfw no RPG based on West African/Ethiopian tradition
>even if there were it would be filled with WEWUZZING nonsense


banging on rocks and building mudhuts

He's talking about all the slavery as OP's image clearly states

>guy named adolf upset at racist

Because they spend all day saying white people are pathetic and weak, which raises questions of how the fuck the STRONK NOBEL BLACKFRICAN got utterly fucking dominated by them.

So RUST minus the endgame?

lmao. Virtue signalling spastics taking the bait with pliers and tearing themselves up on it.

this tbqh

Steam forums are the closest of miiverse we can get

You forgot

Here's a better question: Why do Americans feel the need to cling to the history and achievements of civilizations that have nothing to do with them?

>retards taking the bait lmao!
>its just a troll you losers people like these dont really exist

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Black man here.

Grow up OP

Building pyramids and early civilizations before whites crawled out of their caves

we do?

>even if Egyptians were kangs what the fuck would West African blacks (where most Amerimutt blacks originated) have to do with them
big think

black man here, too busy fucking steppe bitches to care

How come they made stupid shit like “black history month” then?

>Adolf RozenBERG wants a ban
Every time.


lol belthize is a retard.

more like belseethe

Zoomers don't know anything about history, they probably think that Egyptians were black.

Is this the based thread?

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Typical nigger taking credit for other races’ achivements

All niggers in the US are descendants of slaves who came from the west, who were definitely not building pyramids and hadn't even invented the wheel yet. You're welcome for cars and internet and phones and electricity and everything else that allows you to live your cushy modern life of convenience and 0 hardship.

Well Yas Forums? Answer the question.

Should black people be allowed to play Butterlords?

Because the answer is obvious


>they probably think that Egyptians were black
What makes you think that lol

the cubeworld coomer

i forgot about that, fun times

>say something you know will piss people off
>guy immediately jumps to threats of physical assault or murder

Is there anything more satisfying online? It's the best.

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Only to people that strictly believe things without cause.

west coast of Africa*

Cause ah-rabs are niggers.

It's the only way the NPC brain can cope with race realism. They just short circuit and resort to primitive reactionary functions.

steam forums are some of the easiest to rile up people on the planet.

You forget the part where you enslaved the jews and made them do all the work. Black people are that lazy.

The Miiverse was too good for this world

its funny at first until you realize that it means the majority of the population are brain dead retards

Based little tom

Maybe stop posting retarded shit for attention, fatass. This is why you have no friends.

Feminine hands typed this post.

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As opposed to 30 years of life and nothing to show for it aside from diabetes lmfao
Get it together, butterball. You can't latch on to other people's achievements to feel better about your misery.

Niggers, as I like to call them, are barbaric subhumans

Are there even any big "early 00s"-esque forums anymore these days?

>say something like black people are dumb primitive apes
>immediately get responses like of angry niggerspeak telling me they will come to my house and shoot me and kick my head in the curb

wow proved me wrong

You sound like you get bullied a lot.


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Why can't blacks just make their own version of Mount and Blade where you go around Africa raping women or whatever it is they do.

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>All niggers in the US are descendants of slaves who came from the west
So is this the part where we ignore that most black Americans are mixed due to race-mixing between slaves and slave masters? Because that would also make them the descendants of Europeans as well.

whites outsmarted blacks, and jews outsmarted whites!

Look at those brainwashed sheep acting aggressive when they most likely aren't even black. It's pathetic.

>it means the majority of the population are brain dead retards
A guy where I work ALWAYS gets angry when other people win radio giveaways or lotteries. It's like he has no logic or doesn't have enough brain power to rationally think things through.
A literal NPC

Because even the ancient Mexicans somehow made an advanced civilization.

Please don’t refer to them as part of the human race. I don’t like to think they’re even in the same genus.

So are trumpanzees and russian bots from the IRA. I don't see your point.

Video games

No you retarded fuck, that would make them mutts with no identity.

But that's literally how they talk...

That doesn't magically make them STOP being the descendants of slaves.

That wouldn't fit in with the modern narrative that Africans were peace-loving thinkers that were cruelly abducted by de whites, or whatever the blacks like to nigger-splain these days. Just mentioning that blacks sold their fellow men to the whites makes them go apeshit.

Do you have the one where the first letter of each lines form "WE WUZ KANGZ" (or something similar)

why are normalfags so easy to rile up? they really can't see through that obvious attempt to provoke them? fucking robots just responding in the most predictable way

But you think you can, nigger?

>why are normalfags so easy to rile up? they really can't see through that obvious attempt to provoke them? fucking robots just responding in the most predictable way

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>that would make them mutts with no identity.
We have a word for that: American

dont act like people didn't travel the world in the ancient world. saying that the wjuite man didnt go to south africa when he was a caveman and everyone was enjoying civilization is racist as fuck

They weren't advanced by any means. They were still using stone to make tools and they only had a primitive understanding of metallurgy which allowed them to build idols and the like but nothing actually useful. They also killed all the horses in the Americas which really set them back.

Black people aren't going around reading Steam discussions on Mount & Blade waiting for the opportunity to send empty threads to someone over the internet. It’s just SJWs looking for virtue signal points from friends.



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>ask why black people are so violent
>get threatened with violence

tripfags are worse than niggers, don't give them (You)'s

Like a trip fag that let his dad suck his dick.

>1000 years ago, when black people were slaves
i mean thats historically inaccurate too unless they mean slaves to other blacks.

I'm in Teamspeak with 4 of my friends though. Stop projecting zoomy.

This applies to native americans too, but they get the noble savage treatment. It's only really niggers boasting about themselves, but everyone has to feel pity for the useless fucking featherheads that made just as much advancements as niggers, none. Probably, because they got BTFO.
I fucking hate featherheads and how even racists let their noble savage shit slide. Barbarian subhuman savages.

>I wish I could reach through the monitor and knock 9 kinds of *** out of your pathetic ****

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>1000 years ago
>When black people weren't allowed to lead armies or join royal families
The fuck did they mean by this?

i doesn't exist outside "the land of the cucks".

based as fuck

Based Little Tom

not that one specifically, but here's another

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>"Ugh how dare you? Only in Trump's America would this sort of talk be allowed by horrible fascists like you. My best friends are people of color who face marginalization from racists like you EVERY DAY. This post is completely and utterly evil and millions of black people are KILLED because of toxic behavior like this! My heart weeps for any person of color who had to be exposed to this hate. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what my people have done to you. I hope the poster of this vile nazi trash knows that he has been reported and will one day be held accountable for his evil actions"

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I think you've found the reason.

>tripfags are worse than niggers, don't give them (You)'s

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How do you feel knowing his 30 years of doing nothing besides gaining weight is inherently more important to the world than you'll ever be solely because you're a nigger? Just curious