Family Guy vidya edit thread
Family Guy vidya edit thread
that's not family guy
No freaking way
God fucking dammit why does this get me every time
I don't understand
What the fuck is this thread even?
That's not Family Guy, that's Stanley from Bob's Burgers.
Who keeps making these?
The Kool Kids Klub.
forced bad meme, ill expect to see this on reddit next week
hopefully coronavirus takes OPs life soon before that
best one in the thread
Some autist on deviant art probably
I know there's an autistic on deviantart making the deoxys ones, pretty sure they're actually meant to be his deoxys oc or something
the fucking pose
incredibly based
That’s not an edit, that’s from a real episode.
all me
>Oh man! I haven't been this excited since that time I filled in for Mr X!
>Kinda of a weird place to have a police sta... Holy crap it's Leonardo DiCaprio! Leo! Leo! Don't run from me ya jerk, I want your autograph!
I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't
But DAMN am I curious
Is Stewie doing that rude gesture they do in anime?
what is that a big mouth character
Toad house
Oh my lol
Family Guy is an anime bro
It's from this meme game that was popular for like 2 months
tell me there's a Monika one too
How do I get my American dad speed run time down? I’m at 12.77 seconds using the slipper-clip no-car glitch
I have an honest to god fursona and still think Pokemon OCs are cringey
Quagmire, do you ever wonder what's behind the door?
Okay thanks for sharing dude
Oooooohh Peeta! We're in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!
Don't worry Lois, I speak Italian! AYYYYYY BADDABA BOOPI?
For real, Family Guy was only watched by Baby Boomers and an incredibly niche autist audience and now it's becoming mainstream again. Did it get really good or something? Why's it making a comeback now?
is there a singular piece of context to the deoxys ones because they always make me fucking lose it and i don't know why
You're welcome. Want a link to my blog?
only if your furry OC is a fatassed femboy kemshota with a backlog of porn to rival the lost library of alexandria
Zoomer nostalgia I think. It was what they watched when they wanted to be the cool kid. They all stayed up late past their bedtime to watch it on Adult Swim because every other program on there went over their head with all of their jokes. Family Guy is just farting and swear words.
>Hey lois check this out nyehehehehehe
Got me
it's completely self aware it's shit, the writers know they're burned out and are just throwing shit at the wall, it also has a lot of shitposting templates and it's amped because it's family
it's okay a very hit or miss show now
>Rosa what the hell you put your finger in my ass!
I want to believe....
some say shitty youtubers still play or use the character to this day
Lil zoomer kids immediately began sucking it off
>Holy crap, your stand's a guy? Mine's just a purple version of a fart that won't go away!
a fahht
fuck this one got me
The funniest part is that Stevie actually transformed into Pikachu in the latest episode from season 18
Show it.
>Well now that we are owned by Disney maybe we can feature in a Kingdom Hearts game
>No? That's not possible either? Sigh....
Ayy chiuaua
>Relax lois what’s the worst that can happen
hey beter
Lost it
how do animals hear anything if their ears are full of fur