Dusk Golem has spilled the deets on RE8

Resident Evil 2021" is Resident Evil 8, but it wasn't always RE8. During most of its development it existed as Revelations 3.

But Capcom didn't want a huge gap between RE7 and RE8, so RE8 title got pushed to the side for now, & internal testing and such was super positive on Rev 3.

Revelations 3 was received a lot better by testers, internally, etc, than they expected. So the game's been given an additional year in the oven to convert itself to RE8. The Ambassador leaks about Werewolves and Ethan in a Snowy Village are 100% true, but they're outdated info.

The game has been going through some huge changes to make it more like a "mainline" title, big changes to the story, characters, etc. So specifically what you've heard may not be fully true in the final, but a number of elements remain.

So as I've said, it's a cross-gen game.should be revealed within the next few months, it is first-person, and many purists are going to hate it because it's taking some serious departures in the story/enemies and the like. Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of the game.


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>many purists are going to hate it because it's taking some serious departures in the story/enemies and the like. Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of the game.

So gameplay is still gona be relatively the same? Just how big of a departure can you get with the story? We already had hallucinations and semi-occult shit with RE4 and RE7.

Hope these rumours are true. The concept is so awesome, this could become an all time classic. Werewolves sound awesome and a gothic horror focus in European snowy setting will be amazing when coupled with RE's God tier location design and attention to detail

Will be highly disappointed if these rumours aren't true and RE8 goes back to zombies instead of taking advantage of the doors that RE7 opened with its outlandish Texas Chainsaw influence.

Also Ethan chads rise up

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Why are they keeping it first-person especially if this was originally a Revelations game which are tpp.

fucking ethan is based

I give up. Capcom will just censor whatever they make anyway.

The game originally starred Chris, Ethan, and Rebecca. But apparently Rebecca has been completely scrapped in its RE8 incarnation, and it's unclear what changes have been made to Chris and Ethan or if they're indeed still the playable protags.

Big if true.

It was always a first person game. It was originally RE8. Then it became Revelations 3 in 2017. Then it became RE8 again because the "real" RE8 is too far away from release. The "real" RE8 is likely first person as well.

it's not even about "purism". it just sucks to see all this revisionism from nu-capcom. i will still play it and will enjoy it if it's a good game but i'm done looking at these products as resident evil anymore.

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Sounds fucking awful desu, why they're turning RE into some Silent Hill shit is retarded.

If it's cutscene hell like REVII, then count me out. Remake 2 was great because it was mostly pure gameplay, while VII was a scripted mess (even more so than Remake 3). I hate games that make me listen to characters drone on, and on and make me walk at a slow fucking pace while they talk. There was the Ada sequence in Remake 2 sure, but VII has this shit constantly. The entire opening of the game is unbearable because of that.

>Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of the game.

So RE3.5.

>He's already forgotten about the over-sexualised Claire classic outfit design change

Capcom aren't as far gone as you think and you're a retard for coming to that conclusion based on a single lousy, unnecessary design change when there are other examples in both RE2 and RE3 which prove that Capcom aren't censoring because they're SJWs

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>RE8 is even more of RE7

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The funny thing is, they could have just turned it into a new IP. I bet lots of potentially new IPs are eaten up that way. Fuck Revelations though, I'm glad that subset is dead. They were awful.

>Make game same as old ones
Fucking idea bankrupt hacks cant come out with something new
>Make something new
Wtf is this new shit??? I wanna it to be like old ones

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>making shit up that i never said

>Someone said something on the internet

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RE7 was the first actually scary RE game since REMAKE, though.

Have no clue why they don't just make the sequels in vein of the RE23/RE3 remakes instead of some weird Condemned thing, its such a weird and offputting direction to go with this series.

The number of underaged retards who have suddenly started jumping on RE3 in these threads because they read a bad review and heard about the Jill design change, even though they probably have never completed an RE in their life, is pretty astonishing.

Peak virtue signalling on this board, watch nobody give a shit about this in a week's time except for the people who actually bought the game.

Everything is a constant fight against SJWs these days according to these schizos.

Go play your overhyped Cyberpunk bullshit and leave patrician games like Doom and RE the fuck alone

>re7 was scary

RE was never scary retard.

Probably because they plan to remake Code Veronica, 4, maybe 1, and maybe 0. Mainline has to stand out more.

Because RE2/RE3 Remake are bland nostalgia-fests aimed at horror-lite fans, while the mainline titles are trying to move the series forward.

It wasn't though. Ugly people screaming at your face, and scripted xtreme sequences aren't scary. Resident Evil was never scary because of that kind of shit (it never was scary) but it came from the tense gameplay. You have to plan your shit out and not play recklessly.

What a bizarre and incorrect statement.

This. Let them start getting experimental, one of RE's strengths has always been its ability to adapt e.g. RE4 as a third person shooter.

I think it will be clear when RE8 comes out that the purpose of these remakes has been to satiate peoples' desire for traditional Resident Evil. That's not to say RE8 won't be a survival horror, but no doubt it will feel completely different in all aspects bar resource management and exploration than RE1-4.

ADHD retard

Werewolf like creatures cannot be Bows? Umbrella cant create hallucination gas to sell flr battlefield use? Does it always have to be undead who are failures of experiments btw makes no sense for them to be everywhere outaide of a racoon outbreak

Except REVII wasn't moving forward, it was an insecure and shameless attempt to copy horror that was done better elsewhere. It copies PT, Outlast, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead while retaining nothing of what made them good. Remake 2 was the best thing the series had produced since RE4, and is in fact better than RE4. It knew what made Resident Evil fun and was the only successful merge of classic RE and modern gameplay. Fuck you VII turds.

i would rather have preferred that they never remade either of those games and made new titles. that doesn't mean i want to see werewolves and fucking ghosts and shit. RE never had anything, i mean ANYTHING to do with that. you don't need to completely nosedive into unrelated territory just to present something new.

>first-person again

not really my cup of tea but i hope it's good

>while the mainline titles are trying to move the series forward.

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It's the truth, though. RE7 pushed the series forward. RE2 Remake took it backwards.It's partially the third person. Third person horror games just aren't scary unless they have shitty controls. Stuff like RE7 and Alien: Isolation is light years beyond the weightless "horror" of RE2 Remake.

>but it came from the tense gameplay. You have to plan your shit out and not play recklessly.
>not playing madhouse difficulty



Literally every Resident Evil has been an insecure and shameless attempt to copy other games. The series doesn't have an original goddamn bone in its body.

Really happy to hear they're going back to first person. RE7 is the only game where the first person view is actually realistic, i.e. blurred & slight convex corners of screen / vignetting, weapons being blurred in your hands, etc.

Werewolves could be fucking sweet and it can still fit with the "biohazard" name if they're some kind of fucked up genetic abominations. Also Ethan was fucking based so I'm glad he's back.

No, it's because if I want I watch a movie I'll watch one, not play a cringe videogame that gets everything wrong. Not a single component in REVII was compelling. The characters were shit, the scenario was shit, the gameplay was shit. Making we walk and listen to that cunt Mia, then seeing my arm sloppily cut off - b-but you can reattach it ! Was the stupidest shit I've seen. It's a sloppy insecure mess of a game.

So I can face bland goo monsters, and the shitty scripted Bakers ? Nah. I dony have the patience to watch all those forced cutscenes again. Remake 2 blew that turd out of the water.

Ahh yes the man who brought gems such as "Sekiro is gonna be a horror game set in the Kuon universe" and "Here is some random datamined info ill pass off a a leak". Very trustworthy source.

no matter how you twist it around or invent shit like the "Were-virus" it's still a fucking werewolf, nerd. surely they can do better than this. if they're going to just rehash old but unrelated ideas, they should have done something more The Thing-like.

RE7 captured the tone of Evil Dead pretty damn well with Jack Baker imo. Every scene with him was a really great blend of camp and horror.

RE will never be scary unless you're a kid. First 20 min of Amnesia are scarier than anything RE has ever put out. People confuse tension with scariness.

Who the fuck is Dusk and why I should trust him?

Because they want to keep progressing the series further and change it up. They're going to be pumping out a fuckton more remakes and spin-offs in 3rd person anyway.

I think its cool that the first 3 games were fixed angle, next 3 were TPS and then the newest trilogy will be FPS.

Nah, I fucking hate outlast. I added it in because I forgot it was the main influence for REVII. The fact is though, VII is indeed worse than outlast.

Agrees in some areas, but to say RE1-3 are derivative isn't giving them due credit. The only comparable games at that point were the Alone in the Dark games, which were fucking awful beyond the Dos games. RE1 went through so many changes and they settled on what they did for utilitarian reasons. When 1 came out, or even 2 there were nothing as good in the same genre. This insecurity I'm referring to is the identity crisis the games developed post 4, where they'd shameless copy lesser games because they were selling well.

The thing is, I don't give a fuck about jack. I care about gameplay and resource management, which REVII utterly failed at.

I got my remakes of the original trilogy, so they're welcome to ruin the series again.

whats the fucking point of calling it resident evil if it's nothing like resident evil?

>re4-6 will be remade in first person
>re7-9 will be remade in fixed camera or some new perspective entirely

They are trying new stuff. Being Capcom, I can guarantee if they kept going in the same direction they would run the franchise's quality into the ground again in 2 years, like it happened to AC.

>1st person meme
I sleep.

Dumb nigger, hunters are literally werefrog DNA hybrid monsters, a werewolf can easily be explained through viruses and gene splicing like always.

t. motion sickness genelet

So Resident Evil is now aping off Silent Hill, who aped off Resident Evil originally?

>The only comparable games at that point were the Alone in the Dark games, which were fucking awful beyond the Dos games. RE1 went through so many changes and they settled on what they did for utilitarian reasons.
RE1 is literally the product of Capcom being given a copy of Alone in the Dark 1, and turning RE1 into a fixed camera angles survival horror game in direct response. Basically every major design choice in RE1 is derived from AITD. RE is an AITD clone. Capcom lied about this for years before finally admitting that, yea, the game was completely scrapped and rebooted to chase the survival horror market leader.

meh, let them run it into the ground, i'm an autistic fanboy who doesn't like change, i'd keep buying it if it's the same thing i liked before, but if it's something new i have to rethink my purchases and maybe not buy it.

no, you dumb nigger, a werewolf is someone that is human that transforms into a wolf and then back again. hunters are genetically altered to be birthed into the way they look. stop trying to sound smart.

Silent Hill absolutely did not ape off Resi

They are very different games with basically the only similarity being the control scheme and if you MUST look at it in broad terms, then I suppose you could consider the inclusion of puzzles and an inventory as 'aping' as well.

>I care about gameplay and resource management, which REVII utterly failed at.
How on earth did RE7 fail at these things?

>A fucking Ethan
>Zombie werefwolfs
So were going back to re5-6, no breaks.

no no FUCK OFF
I LOVE the revelations games, and I'd rather they delay RE8 than take away a good 3rd entry from us. The fact that it was morphed into a different game might be obvious...

Are we ever gonna get another fixes camera/tank control RE? Capcom please.

What's to say it won't be like Resident Evil? Werewolves and a snowy castle?

Does that mean RE4 isn't like Resident Evil too?

I'd argue that RE8 will probably be more faithful to classic RE than RE4 was, based on these rumours. Sounds like they're keeping the focus on survival horror whereas 4 was an action shooter with survival horror elements.

RE7 was already leaning into things from the early builds from RE4, so it makes sense that RE8 would lean further into the psuedosupernatural

Sounds like the Hookman build of RE4 which looked fucking awesome but RE purists are literal manchild babies and they can't accept anything actually fun and different

Based Capcom makes money on Konami's ineptitude

The devs have literally said that they were inspired by RE1 and wanted a game similar to it that explored different themes and different types of horror.

You just explained why RE7 is the best and most compelling RE

Silent Hill and RE are both strongly derived from Alone in the Dark. There's a trap in SH1 (the fridge monster) that is basically identical to a trap from AITD. The first SH game has a fair few "fuck you" traps like that where you need trial and error to survive.

I saw someone on Yas Forums earlier posting about how the dogs in RE and SH are some symbol of Japanese vs western horror. I mean, the dogs as antagonists are copied from AITD. The "dog jumps through the window" jump scare is directly copied from AITD.

Inventory management is associated with RE, but AITD did it first. However, AITD used object weight instead of slots. I think RE got it wrong. It's retarded that a key uses the same amount of inventory space as a shotgun.

You dont fucking know that it's a classical werewolf and not some fucking zombie injected with wild dna like any other fucking monster in this series you knee jerk reacting bitch. You're the one making huge assumptions off some fucking rando speculation and trying to get on a soapbox about ohhhh not my resident evil in a series that has had fucking zombie frogmen, zombie plantmen, zombie insectmen, fucking etc etc. You fucking secondary faggot dont even reply to me again you fucking clown ass poser, you're just looking for shit to be mad about like the bitch you are, fuck outta here.

This would be awesome

Fixed camera angles in horror games are highly underrated. They're so much more effective and scary than either third person or first person (unless in VR).

Classic RE doesn't do it very gracefully but Silent Hill 1-3 are god tier examples of how effective camera angles can be in building tension and making shit scarier. Just play the intro to SH1 where you walk into the alleyway and it becomes clear as day how effective fixed angles are.

Revelations 2 is objectively better than RE4

Give me one reason why anyone should take this random twitter bumfuck at his word.

Time will pass, nothing this faggot said will turn out to be true and he'll just show up later on a new account making more fake leaks about some other series. It's the same fucking song and dance that's been happening for decades now.

RE4 didn't include werewolves, nigger

SH definitely did ape RE, well better to say was heavily inspire by it but still cut its own path instead of being straight up clone series.

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