Why do people get so angry over minor things in a video game?
Why do people get so angry over minor things in a video game?
this is white genocide
>Vara Dark
What universe is this where a modern woman (am I right I don't use twitter) is actually arguing over the sluttier design
i'm convinced that video game players will never be mad and there must always be controversy so you can gain attention,views,money etc. just sad well meaning devs get caught up in this bullshit.
It's just a snowball effect.
This wouldn't be too big a deal but after all the other content cut and issues with the game it's just another problem to take against it.
>What universe is this where a modern woman (am I right I don't use twitter) is actually arguing over the sluttier design
it's almost as if people are different you fucking sperg
I was a little mad too, but it only looks bad for that one specific cutscene for three seconds.
You need to get out more. Not right now, but after this pandemic is over.
Because false advertising is a legitimate thing to be upset about.
The more legitimate question is why do some people insist that you should bend over and take whatever game corporations are willing to give you?
Thanks that was actually a level of sensibility I wouldn't expect from Yas Forums or Yas Forums no less, take care.
Good thing mods fix everything.
I better see people saying "lol who cares" and "Imagine caring about how attractive a fictional character is" when people are bitching about sexualization and objectification in whatever game in the future.
Because if not, I can finally confirm that the "it doesn't matter" arguments are complete bullshit.
Not really sure what kind of person would defend altering the original outfit even though her default outfit is already a redesign and you never actually have to see this one in game.
My assumption is that they didn't want to figure out how to make the skirt work well so they went with this lazier and shittier version.
Yeah, why do anti-funfags get mad at the existence of skirts in a game intended for adults and rated M by the ESRB?
Well, it's clear they would only change that for people who feel uncomfortable every time they see something sexual in game. So people have a right to be mad at purposeful censorship meant to baby other grown adults who should just ether get over it or not play the game. We have too much of that going around in media today.
If it's so minor what is the problem with not liking it?
What is wrong with not liking it in general? Why SHOULDN'T people dislike censorship and being lied to about what they are being sold?
Why is there always such a push to shut people up when it comes to complaining about stuff like this? Why should people just shut up and accept everything that is handed to them no matter what?
You would hope people like that would be consistent, but they're usually not. God forbid you point that out though, or they call you an incel or a nazi.
I don't really give a shit about that game but sure it's kind of dumb to make the original outfit but change it.
Anti-SJWs are truly pathetic.
The only people who play video games are children and adults with psychological issues.
So which one are you?
>people order for a pizza
>delivery boy bring it to you half eaten and with semen all over it
>you eat it anyways
If it is so minor then why change it?
>Your mum gives birth to a baby with half a brain
>She keeps it anyway and here you are
because people are sick of left wing activists
Nothing in a videogame is ever "minor". Everything in any game is life-changingly important. If you disagree, you don't care about games.
>GrumpyDeku's profile pic
This is what everyone who spams oag articles on Yas Forums everyday looks like irl, guaranteed
Because complaining is there hobby so if you don't give them something real to complain about, they find some inane garbage to kick up a stink about anyway. In other words it's nu-Yas Forums cancer.
I don’t think both sides are bad. Only anti-SJWs are bad. Period.
>female cosplayer complaining so now he can't just spam incel at everybody
Imagine the seethe to have to keep posting this lmao
So what you're saying is complaining is actually okay, just not when people you dislike are doing it?
Basically this, I imagine had they had gone with the original skirt she'd just be bitching at how gross and misogynistic it is.
I'm not saying you can't complain about things and that things like false advertisement shouldn't be called out but this tweet was clearly garnered at gaining attention ANY am mount of it over something waiting 24 hrs and proper research could've avoided.
SJWs complain about human rights abuses, economic inequality, bigotry, environmental abuse, improper healthcare, and the military-industrial complex. Anti-SJWs complain about video game characters having slightly different clothes in the remake.
Why do you think the clothes were changed in the first place?
Earnest curiosity: do you see movies the same way? What's the difference to you, if so?
Which game are we talking about? It can't be this game.
Movies and games are a product, people are free to demand the product is "better" whenever and however they desire.
The company that makes said product can ignore them, but people have the right to complain about any perceived faults in a product they purchased.
If you think that’s false advertising then please show me where Capcom says it’s supposed to be a skirt?
Oh. My. Fucking. GOD! I can't believe CRAPCOM would think about doing this?! How could they make a small design change such as this that doesn't actually matter at all to the gameplay or the way the game is presented and has actually no bearing at all on anything and green light it?? I am literally feeling so attacked right now. Can we sue for this? Please for the love of god let me be able to sue for false advertising! They really need to start taking people's feeling into account when doing this. I will NOT buy this game and I will boycott all of CRAPCOM's video games from here on out. This is literally worse than Tifa's boobs being a different size.
It's meant to be her original outfit
her original outfit from the game had a skirt
That is enough
Because- real talk- the original was a decision to help market the game on the Tomb Raider-ridden Playstation in a time when you absolutely could sex up a video game solely for marketing and people would eat it up.
Today, they had a chance to look at it again and came to the reasonable conclusion that a SWAT Team (STARS) member fully aware of this feasibly being a serious survival situation (having seen it firsthand) would not don a tube top and a miniskirt to bust out of a plague-ridden city. This is not a night on the town.
Aya- in Parasite Eve- had a reason for her slinky evening gown in the first game: she was at an opera show when all hell broke loose.
>complain about human rights abuses, economic inequality, bigotry, environmental abuse, improper healthcare, and the military-industrial complex.
In fictional media nonetheless.
Skort is hotter
fight me
No, that's fair. Goodness knows critics have been doing it for ages.
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You HAVE to be feeling psychologically attacked by this design change!!!
It is a sad state of affairs when it takes me half of your comment to finally decide you're being sarcastic.
I bought a coca cola bottle because it said "classic" on the bottle, then I looked at the ingredients and it's not the exact same as 20 years ago. Do you think I have a class action lawsuit for false advertising?
Why are these posts never directed to the ones who complain and make these changes in the first place?
capcom is literally promoting homosexuality by not letting me see jills pussy
Because they're the ones who wanted the change
That's the same girl that was bitching about not having enough cleavage or vagina bones in TMS.
Capcom is literally destroying western civilization and performing white genocide by not letting me COOOOOOM.
The sam hyde should've been the immediate identifier
I've never really cared about RE even though RE1 was one of the first games I played when I was younger and got my ps1. I haven't seen anyone complain about the skirt. I'd make the same exact post directed at anyone who wanted it to be changed to shorts instead. I personally don't fucking care either way. It's just the constant whining I see on this board is fucking insane and considering I only go here and /vg/, it's all I see.
I don't think America can get anymore faggy than it already is so it probably won't do much.
>order full meal with a side of french fries, I get a full meal with a side of sweet potatoes
>I'm not allowed to complain I've been sold the wrong product because it's a minor thing
What the fuck is wrong with the game industry?
Who is that cutie?
I agree but
>food analogy
You can not buy the game.
>order full meal with a side of french fries
>get a full meal with crinkle fries
The absolute state of this board.
maybe the "ethics" department shouldn't get a say in things
Why do you even care anyway? You can literally just install any mod you want
not even that. It's
>order full meal with a side of french fries
>get a full meal with fries, but one of the fries is kind of smaller than the rest
Yeah why would I care I've been sold the wrong product? I swear the years go by and this board gets more and more juvenile.
fucking ethics department. repressing women. which is ironic, since that wasn't their intent.
i'm just laughing at the thought someone explaining to some boomer judge the difference between the two models and him taking off his glasses and squinting at a piece of paper showing diagrams of the differences between them and just looking confused as fuck.
Thanks user you're giving me a good chuckle
> Sluttier design
She fucking wore a skirt above the knee caps. LMAO! What is wrong with you?