Half Life Alyx

Continue talking about Sept 2019 build leaks

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Did they also name it half life alyx to remind players they are playing as alyx?


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Eli's new shirt is the Argyle with the Harvard shirt's wording.


>you just know

They also called the tool she uses Alyx just in case

>he doesn't know
First you faggots get filtered by HDTF, now you don't even understand the most basic underlying plot that's told to you in the most basic way possible. I'm beginning to think that Yas Forums's pretend-valve-fans are all actually consolefags.

this some crazy shit, we can actual completely replace the alyx VA with merle if we want now.

Having finally finished the game, I'm less upset about the retcon than I thought I would be. The way people talked about it on here, I thought it would just be that Eli survives now, with no further consequences.
But G-Man taking Alyx sets him up as a more direct antagonist than he was before, and that at least means there was a price to pay for saving Eli. I still don't necessarily agree with the decision to retcon his death, but I can accept it.
Also, you fags can call me a fanboy, but I got super fucking excited when you get to grab the crowbar at the very end.

you say that, but I remember watching some analysis of an interview that said early play testers would often believe they were Gordon when the crowbar was in the game

and it's not even a retcon, a retcon implies it doesnt exist in the canon of the plot anymore, but elis death played a very direct roll in alyx being "hired", thats why they tell you he's dead in the very first moment of the game. a retcon is like pretending it never ever happened

Dumping HLA BETA videos.


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i fucking hate how nonchalant he's being about this, it's so cringe. We get it dude, someone leaked you a build, no need to be an asshat about it.

>i will never ever release this
get fucked, that shit needs to be archived.

> a retcon implies it doesnt exist in the canon of the plot anymore
no it doesn't you mongoloid
>retcon - a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events
It's a retcon.

>a different interpretation on previously described events
it's not a different interpretation in any way shape or form, the original interpretation, i.e eli's death, is still canon in this game, it has DIRECT implications on the story. a time rewind is not a different interpration of the same event, it's a time rewind.

Is the user working on that hl mod still around?

Why are you obsessed with him?

For a mutt, Alyx is very cute

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It's explicitly canon that the events of these games took place and that Alyx is aware of the events before she changed them, but it's a retcon broo xdd

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>retcon - revise (an aspect of a fictional work) retrospectively
it fits under either definition of retcon

Hate to say it but I prefer the new VA now at least for this younger Alyx. Hopefully Merle comes back for older Alyx.

I think Alyx is my favorite female character in vidya.

>It's explicitly canon that the events of these games took place and that Alyx is aware of the events before she changed them
What part of that definition implies the event didn't happen you retard?
>a different interpretation on previously described events
>on previously described events

>revise (an aspect of a fictional work) retrospectively
but they did not revise on the fiction work (ep 2's ending) in any way. Something happening IN UNIVERSE does not make it a retcon from the perspective of the person creating the work.

By your definition nothing in fiction is a retcon if they write an in-universe explanations for it.

yes, otherwise any piece of new information in fiction ever is a retcon. the HLA ending is completely and utterly additive, it does not change or remove the previous events of any half life game, except for maybe the fact that theres only one advisor in HLAs version of ep 2's ending. All of the characters are still aware that eli died, if it were a retcon, they would have no idea because it never happened.

Wait, fucking really?

All the lines were already recorded with her in the beta

the VNN dude has an entire build from before she was replaced, some lines are probably different but it's all there

I feel tricked. It's easy for the player to buy into the idea that Gordon is some messiah figure and that humanity has a fighting chance. I'd forgotten the Combine have some serious tech. The Vault paints a pretty grim picture about humanity's agency in the HL universe. Although I don't mind the retcon, I'm disappointed that all the story is at the end. There's none of the character moments the Portal games are known for. I guess it's more classic HL in that regard.

The new VA did a better job.

not wrong

>VNN keeps harping about how Merle can definitely do a younger Alyx voice
>turns out she fucking can't and Valve was right for once

That autist really likes to drum up drama.

I want to talk about the guns again.

I don't. 24yr old isn't a huge difference from 19yr old. I just accepted that Alyx had a deeper voice for a 24yr old. And there's no reason not to ask Merle to portray Alyx at a higher pitch. VOs do it all of the time.

well at least she used to be

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Why are the holo sights so garbage? AR gets away with it since the alternative is nothing.

It's also more directly leverage on Gordon to do whatever end objective G-Man has for him

I totally agree. I regret upgrading the sights.

If I play through this game again, I want to use a trainer to have unlimited resins immediately so I can upgrade the pistol exactly the way I want from the start. I think it'll be more fun that way.

Just like the Russels or the Magnuson device. Nothing new here.

I am looking forward the the Merle voice replacement mod seeing how literally ever line is the same.

Not even VNN has seen this.

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That makes any twist a retcon you idiot

They never asked her to do a younger voice. That's where the outrage stems from. Retard.

It's not the pitch. It sounds like they switched because he new VA's performance was better. The Merle lines are dry as fuck and she doesn't play off of the other actors as well.

New VA is better for HLA, but not really due to sounding "younger." Merle's Alyx sounds a lot angrier, which would be great for an HL2Ep3 game, but feels really out of place in HLA.

That's a director problem, not an actor problem.

The physics in Alyx feel primitive by today's standards. Individual object materials isn't taken into account with how they react with the environment and moving bodies doesn't happen easily (they feel like they're stuck to the environment but when you pick them up they flop around like a doll).

The last scene is gonna get modded to shit.

I wonder if they're ever going to say why they switched? I mean people are assuming that Merle will come back in a proper half-life 3... but will she?


I think it was just business. Merle's a TV star, and Valve didn't want to schedule shit around her schedule + she probably costs a pretty penny nowadays.

Do you make Alyx touch icky things for funsies?

All of her lines were recorded though, any scheduling after would've been any re-recording of a few lines if they felt they needed it

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How do you get the headcrab heart achievement?

you need to squeeze all of them in brain damaged vorts house i think

I made sure to give Russell a smooch on the way out.

>We're gonna do it

>i will never ever release this
can he BE any more insufferable? sad!

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