>Yas Forums has been waiting over 12 years for this
Yas Forums has been waiting over 12 years for this
blunderlord is one of the biggest failures in recent memory
>that fucking haircut
He had it coming.
44 hours played. $40 spent. I have achieved acceptable dollar to hour ratio. Game was a success.
So what happened?
ACTUALLY, the first few years were spent thinking of concepts, then another few to get staff, then another few to get an office, then another few to pick an engine. Really the game has only been in development for 2 years.
>this thread again
Someone please post that webm where they walk up to you like absolute chads
aren't you supposed to .. block or dodge or something?
>I have achieved acceptable dollar to hour ratio
If it's above $0.05, you're a chump
I pushed the button and nothing happened.
How do I get a larger party in SP? Been raiding looters and mtn men for days. Do I have to quest?
Huge battles feel awesome no matter how many times you do them. I can't wait for even bigger battle mods. I had small fps drops in 500vs500 battles. Other than that no crashes, no corrupted saves. The game is running okay.
If they could just fix the skill progression i am good for a long time.
>I can't wait for my CPU to melt
Damn, 2k hours since the game has been out? That's really impressive, quarantine well spent
Shit feels awesome son. 200+ max level imperial archers raining down death against countless vikings. I feel like those Brits who killed Hardrada and his whole army at Stanford Bridge.
Seeing those red and green death icons on the right makes me cum.
>get fucking bodied
>blame anyone but yourself
Mount and Blade is not the game for you. You faggot.
Real talk. Seeing 1000 NPCs crash into other with people rag dolling and shit. Gave me that feeling I haven't felt from a video game since I was a little kid.
but then how else could i make sick bait to get those delicious (you)'s like this thread?
That's cause you're a fucking bitch user
increase your renown
Can't speak for OP, but in my game, there's a delay between my actions and when I input. Perhaps this is what he means?
what does "your profits are marked" mean?
Nah the original post this came from was complaining that there wasn't a big onscreen countdown before the fight
No, I just enjoy painting.
Warband was good too, hopefully when I finally upgrade my comp will run Butterlord well.
The blunder of the century. Worse than Duke Nukem Forever.
>"Bannerlord" skill
>+2 party size for each fief you own
>get it
>nothing happens
>>+2 party size for each fief you own
Even if it did work, that seems way too low.
>guy wearing rags an has shit reaction time accepts and loses a duel to a guy in full armor
Considering each fief is actually 3 fiefs (hopefully), it's not too bad. 1 castle/town + 2 villages. I currently own 2 castles, so that would be 12 extra party size. The other option was a nebulous 'parties in your army move faster', which would probably be nearly nothing of value considering you only go for sieges with an army and I bet the increase would be tiny anyway.
But it's all moot since none of it works.
how ?
The anglo-saxons didn't have particularly many archers in their retinue there. They mostly won because the vikings had left their equipment behind while encamping.
>op has been sucking cock for all his life for this
>Do tutorial
>Enter hideout
>Make new character
>Skip tutorial
Glad I waited 8 years for this
Why not just hold down the right mouse button.
>Considering each fief is actually 3 fiefs (hopefully), it's not too bad. 1 castle/town + 2 villages.
Nah, I'd say you should have it increase by about 10~ for each one (not each individual part of the fief, but the entire thing).
Seems like too little when, if you just give it to someone else to rule in your stead, they'd have what, 60-70 troops?
wear a helmet next time mongoloid
i just want to watch a big fat siege
The game is shit but i just like letting the music play while i work from home.
>Noble Long Bow
>290,562 CGP (Calradian Gold Pieces)
Holy shit
I got Warband in a Humble Bundle years ago but never really played it. Didn't really understand what the hell to do. Watching Bannerlord streams made me want to try it out again. I've played like 40 hours of Warband since. Shit is good
Probably not going to buy Bannerlord until it's cheap/out of early access though (in 10 more years right)
Did they fix that with the 1.04 patch today? They fixed a bunch of bullshit like over 200 items just straight up missing from the shop pool
its denars you moron, also imagine not having 300k denars laying around
That's actually one of the items that now appears.
>regular ass crossbow
>weapon tier 6
>43,769 gold
jesus. I guess they didn't fix bow prices yet.
worth the weight
i dont have to imagine. i live it.
yeah ive found a lot of perks that dont wokr
Ranged weapons are fucking overpriced for some reason which is weird since the original item unlocked put them at reasonable prices.
Now you have the bound crossbow, a late game crossbow, which costs a whopping 290k denars. I guess right now they are considering how absolutely busted the wood workshop is in giving money.
It doesn't autoblock any more. Shields are the closest to autoblock you get, everything else has a block direction that counters only the corresponding attack direction.
>Maybe the real Bannerlord was the friends we made along the way?
he's holding a shield
Wow its almost like they added gameplay to a VIDEO GAME
how do you level up leadership? i really really want (need) disciplinarian
That's how it was in Warband too, actually. The autoblock was a thing you could toggle on and off.
That's a great weapon. Now that leveling is dependent on skill-ups being able to switch between 1h and 2h doubles your skill gains without changing loadouts or increasing your equipment weight.
>expecting a bandit to fight honorably
get fucked nerd
Don't bother, the perk doesn't work. Retard devs made it a personal skill instead of a party leader skill and it hasnt been fixed yet.
I find it very strange that contrarian antishills keep their lazer focus on the shitty dialogue... Like anyone ever have a shit.
I know, but I like the new system. There was not Autoblock in Warband MP and now it forces you to git gud or just cower behind your sword and board.
Its really fun to manually block once you start getting used to it.
who caaaarreeeeesssssss just enjoy the pixels slaughtering each other
So he is. You win this round.
People go turbo apeshit on bioware for instance for dialogue choices. Or Fallout for not being robust enough. But dare criticize "insert NPC generic text here" is too much.
>no jeremus
no buy
>Some nameless turkroaches
One of these things is not like the other
The difference is that bioshock and fallout are narrative driven games.
mountain blade is about trading butter and watching computer simulated battles
What did Talesworlds mean by this?
>People go turbo apeshit on bioware for instance for dialogue choices. Or Fallout for not being robust enough.
Both are RPGS with a focus on story and dialogue.
Bannerlord isn't.
I was wondering what webm/screenshot would get spammed every single day and I guess this is it
There is actually a Jeremus who goes by Jeremos of the Hand. He's part of minor clan.
Youre biased tardbabies is the real reason.
He's right though
>I bequeath upon thee the fated Mountain Blade
For fuck's sake, this shouldn't even be possible. So which one is its real stats? I'm guessing the one on the left since it's first in the list but WHO FUCKING KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!
k, last (You)
The real reason for what, eslposter?
how do you bring everyone into the hideouts?
They're both real stats retard, weapons have randomized stats now.
one is holding it left over right and the other is holding it right over left
the game just has really deep simulation mechanics
>Going from rags to bitches with an army of 200 guys was real fun, torching villages and conquering kingdoms, it's like a true warband sequel
>Yeah but the dialogue sucks so it's shit.
Don't @ me anymore, faggot
hope they add hair growth over time like witcher 3
One of them is supposed to be 1-handed but they fucked everything up and the game is ruined now. On the plus side you might be able to press x to twirl your weapon.
It's shit because of the endless problems, dialogue being among them.