I'm going to pirate your game just to spite you.
Why are Doom Eternal shills so fucking annoying?
Based Schitzo
Any actual doom fans have no issues with pirating
I pirated it and beat it just to say it was fucking garbage, because it was, but now I can actually point out the flaws.
Based, Zoom Shiternal shills need to fuck off
I pirated it and it was fucking awesome still not gonna pay for it though lol.
no doom fan gives a fuck if you pirate doom
Based. I wish I had pirated it.
Keep seething haters
Enjoying a game doesn't make you a shill, I just like Doom. It's really that simple. If you want to le epic trole about pirating a game, Doom fans won't care, we all pirated the original WADs years ago.
I hope you actually pirate the game user, it's very fun.
>Enjoying a game doesn't make you a shill, I just like Doom
t.bethesda shill
I love the game but honestly I gotta admit the shill are really annoying. Even when I post my very minor criticism of the game there's always a squad of autismos just around the corner ready to defend the game's honor as the most perfect 10/10 ever to exist
Well I will say if you hate Half-Life: Alyx you're just a salty faggot who can't get over that, yes, it was made for a platform you don't own and, no, that doesn't make it a bad game so fuck off already.
Lore in Doom was a mistake.
I don't care. I got my copy for free. Best $60 someone else spent.
user, haven't you learned a single fucking thing yet? No one is allowed to enjoy things because everything is shit, and if you say something it's great, then we'll just instantly label you as a shill. Just be part of the hivemind already
Nah it's based.
My only complaint is the fucking marauders, who ever thought adding those guys in was a good idea needs to have their kneecaps broken
>I'm gonna play your game just to spite you
Cool man, have fun.
Wrong, Marauders are based.
I like them, I just don't like how they're put into the game.
If they were more in line with a serious mano-e-mano boss fight, I would be all over it. Instead they're just tossed at you as tricky enemies and it diminishes their value.
Zenimax should've been called out but nu-Yas Forums has completely fallen for it
Easiest board to market in/to ever
That's one the problems I have with them. In later level they start throwing them at you along with other demons. If it was one on one, I would be fine with them, but its the fact that they throw in heavy demons (and the orange wolf) in order to distract the player. Thus, allowing the marauders to come in and rape me for taking my eyes off of them for one second.
I disliked them at first but then they grew on me. Now I'm actually disappointed there weren't more fights with him thrown into the mix. That one slayer gate with the marauder was fantastic. When you know he works he comes way too easy in 1v1s.
Good, hope you enjoy it user!
Well done Zenimax Well done
>tfw playing with Infinite Ammo, Sentinel Armor, Overkill Mode, Silver Bullet Mode, and Haste Mode and blasting everything with the Unmaykr
pretty based ngl
git gud
I actually killed him rather absentmindedly amidst all the rest of the chaos. Either he bugged out of the gate or I just got really lucky but I didn't really have to fight him directly in order to clear it.
I don't understand why people dislike them so much. They're easy to deal with and are a nice change of pace compared to the other demons.
You forgot the part where the game crashes 3 times in a row trying to load the battle against Doomguy
I can handle them 1v1, but its the other demons that throw me off, end up cucking me over.
>eyes flash
>super shotgun
>super shotgun
It's literally that fucking ez. I figured it out the very first time you fight one and killed him in about 10 seconds on the hardest difficulty. Absolute casual filter.
You need to do priority focus then. If there's a revenant or anything close to their threat level you need to focus fire them down before engaging the marauder.
>getting notable units is near impossible
>30 hours of archery just to get from 20 to 25, max is 300
>campaign is over in 5 hours because of the steam rolling
>you can make a kingdom after doing a very tedious quest line, but then can't do anything IN THAT FUCKING KINGDOM BECAUSE DIPLOMACY HASNT BEEN ADDED YET EVEN THOUGH ITS ALREADY ADDED FOR ALL THE OTHER KINGDOMS
>literally no way to increase relation with anybody unless there's a quest, which there almost never are, even saving them in a battle doesn't increase it
The game is far far FAR from being in a good state.
The tight spaces in that gate make him bug out pretty often, sometimes he kills himself accidentally.
They probably have to try whatever they can to move more units, considering the game was a massive flop. Analysts were projecting 6 million units sold, and last I saw, it was estimated to be around 700k sold on steam and 250-500k on each console (500k to 1 mil on ps4 & xbox combined).
Even if the estimates off considerably, the game still sold nowhere near what it was projected to. It also lost ~60% of its (concurrent) playerbase on Steam in under a week, and as of now it has lost ~83%.
The poor sales figures can probably at least be partially attributed to Coronachan -- might be hard to justify a $60 hallway shooter when we're in the middle of a global collapse. The failure to retain players on Steam shows that people aren't finding the game fun enough to play through multiple times, though.
As an aside, watch how many games get pushed back out of the spring/summer window.
>singleplayer game loses players after everyone beats it
>it was estimated to be around 700k sold on steam and 250-500k on each console (500k to 1 mil on ps4 & xbox combined).
As always Yas Forums declares a game a failure because some clickbait """""""""""analyst""""""""""" says so, despite no numbers being released.
>babies still crying about the marauder
If you're really good you can take him out in literally just one flash of his eyes. I usually need 2 of those parry windows and he's done.
It's easier to just spam sticky bombs than to do this autistic dark souls bullshit.
>I'm going to pirate the game you like!
It's all easy, because he's not difficult to anybody who can rub 2 brain cells together to move and shoot at the same time.
I had more trouble with 70% of the fodder demons than Marauders.
I really hate you people. Do you even remember where the whole crying about shilling meme came from? It started with people talking about Borderlands 1. People called it viral marketing back then, but it was the same concept. There's never any proof of it existing, people just assume all positive conversation about the game is shilling.
Want to talk about fucking shills, this game got a sticky when it released. How is this not a shilled game and Doom is?
Don't try to reason with the anglocucks. They're just mad their Protestant ethos was shat on by based Hermetic Doomguy.
>Press 2 buttons on your keyboard to alternate between guns
>autistic dark souls bullshit.
Are you actually mentally challenged?
Yeah im thinking you're kinda retarded
Garbage how? i thought it was pretty amazing, what didn't you like about it?
It's a game that lets zoomer casuals feel like hardcore old school player.
>Yas Forums has shit taste
More news at 11
Yeah, notice how that sales checkbox image (that topped out at 2 million lmao) spammed in every thread before release has vanished off the face of the Earth
Zenimax has literally DMCA'd comments on here
I hope you enjoy it
>t, contrarian shitflinger
Autists always argue dropping player numbers for single player games like they mean anything. Its not a multiplayer game thats meant to be played every day or its a failure. Its a game you play through maybe once or twice and then put it down. Maybe you replay it when you feel like it in the future. Its not some massive RPG either so most people have already beaten the game by now. Stop acting like people replay single player games like this a hundred times, only a very small minority does that
have fun user
it's a great game
>Zenimax has literally DMCA'd comments on here
That doesn't mean every person you disagree with is a shill. I'm sure it happens but it's 100 times exaggerated than it actually happens.
I don't even dislike the game but if you can't tell that the shilling for it has been unusually aggressive and annoying you are a retard
>I can magically tell what is and isn't shilling
Just stop yourself. You should never care about the opinions of Yas Forums users either way, but acting like your some sort of special boy that can tell the true intentions of every poster is genuinley autstic nonsense.
I hope you enjoy it user
theres no way these threads are organic ever since anything about eternal showed up there has been 24/7 threads about how x or y ruined the game and they all have the same fucking typing patterns
Hope it pays well