Why no native american games?

why no native american games?

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There’s this

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Turok series and that one Asscreed game. Forgot the name.

I would prefer no English speaking faggot makes shit about my people.
We've seen what you did to every other race.

A lot of Native Americans at the time sided and allied with the Confederacy. The last Confederate General to surrender was a Cherokee, Stand Watie.

They traded their audience for beads

Infamous Second Son had a main character who was a member of a fictional native american tribe.

Assassins creed 3 has fucking Conner.

They had slaves too

Nintendo's first and last Native American protagonists to my knowledge.

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kinda sucks that native americans are just drunkards on reservations now

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Because almost no one on earth gives a shit about US native americans. Aztecs? cool. Incans? sweet. Eskimos? more rare but still fun. Cherokee? Boring as shit and forgotten.

The confederacy never hated the injuns, why the long face on this lad?

said the scalper

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>indie native american video game
>it's about alcoholism and or sexual abuse

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Assassin's Creed 3

We aren't all like that, I'm a carpenter

Also this. Anglos can stick to their own culture (kek).

hey look it's that tripfaggot again

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That's why men back then wore those wigs

No one cares butthurt anglo

It'd be kinda cool to be a Crazy Horse motherfucker and tomahawk the absolute shit out of settlers. We'd be pissed about it and pretty much market the game for free.

Most natives don't actually live on reservations (my tribe doesn't even have one) but for the ones that do, yeah it's pretty sad.

a game about alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, and incestuous rape? i'm in

damn madder than midget tears having his cp collection found out

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you'll always be a blown out tranny

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Cool stories bro

That's really specific

Shouldn't have coofed on all those blankets you gave us, Pale-face.

>Be native american
>see dumbass whites come to my country
>proceed to scalp them
Natives were based

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because they are sensible fucks who dont want representation
but Turok and Prey have native americans as MC.

lol stay seething jokercel your movie's already forgotten


>It'd be kinda cool to be a Crazy Horse motherfucker and tomahawk the absolute shit out of settlers
native django dlc or RDR2 would sell

It's honestly laughable how completely shit indigenous tribes in NA were. Central and South America were building temples and had thriving cities, meanwhile the only thing interesting thing about the ones up North is that sometimes they ate each other.

Go ask those drunk losers on the reservation. Their ancestors lost in the game of conquest and kikes have been using it to create white self loathing.

What's an Anglo?

A chink mutt from central asia

I feel like most people here had forgotten that sad 4ft wreck to get it

lmao he looks like that tard from South Park.

More likely you got STDs from indian sluts coming back to camp after fraternizing with white men

>be native american
>don't even have the concept of country
>perpetual warfare with people who are .00001% different
>get btfo by a disease
>white people take land and make something out of it
your welcome

>No shampoo drinking simulator yet

>cunt destroyer

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Your people are fucked in the head from your own delusions that you fucks put upon yourselves. Blame everything on the whyt pee-pow but they're not forcing you to be drunken lunatics who abuse their own and don't give a fuck about your own communities.
>Red Lake shooting intensifies
>never forget lolcow Jeffery

How do you know theyre an angle?

Unfortunately there's a lot of abuse on rezes and they are pretty hellish, like 3rd world country almost in the middle of America, crazy


Being native is weird for me. I have status, native facial features, and a red tint to my skin but I still look way more white than native. Other natives just consider me to be a white boy and white people see me as some non-white kinda white creatura.
Feels weird bros.

Cry more you dumb bitch. You were killing the shit out of each other before we arrived, just so happened that we were way better at killing so now you're mad because someone with a different skin tone murdered you instead of your distant cousins.

If we don't no one else will. Whites are the only demographic that show altruism to other races despite what gay neolib propaganda tells you (you're welcome for internet and human rights and cars btw), and 99% of native Americans are too busy drinking and trying to guilt trip white people into giving them more free money.

The mayans went extinct on their own with no war or nothing that's pretty sad

Because media made scapegoat bad

Why did so many white people abandon the first colonies to join native life? Why was living in a tent without the concept of property and a caste society so attractive to the "learned" europeans?

nobody has had it worse than natives, who suffered a slavery+holocaust x 20

The original Prey, you fucking zoomer.

>lulz wypipo have no culture
>now excuse me while I get into my automobile invented by a German, drive on the paved road invented by a Scot, and go to work for my company that was founded by an American

Empire Total War, and the Warpath Campaign.
The Gabrilduro mods of Mount & Blade Warband.


>Why did so many white people abandon the first colonies to join native life?

A cool native american game - AI settlers come to settle your land, human player controls native tribe, you either help them survive against the AI stupidity, or wipe them out with tomahawks

How much of a worthless denialfaggot do you have to be to still use the same tripcode after that?
You're done. Give it up. Launch yourself into orbit.

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When winter came around they got over the idea of living in a tent pretty quick

at least he isn't balding.

That's an urban myth. Yes white people did introduce native americans to deadly diseases but it wasn't on purpose. They were completely ignorant of it at that time.

Kinda feel you. Mom's native, dad was Irish/European, so people have no idea what to say I am. I act white but I'm more or less a little tan but not enough to stand out overly so.

This is so fucking sad it hurts to look at. I wonder what he felt like making this

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I feel you there. Being mixed is a weird thing and you always end up having to "prove" yourself to both sides, or the multiple "sides".

yeah why dont we learn more about them in school than blacks or jews when they had it so much worse I mean are we really forgetting we had a war with them that lasted 120 years or something and ended in 1901?

That literally only happened once in an isolated incident, but modern (((historians))) act like it was widespread.
It's not like squaws gave syphilis blankets to Europeans, but that shit still spread across the globe.
Diseases gonna disease.

The fuck is an angle?

Almost every Western game features a native American, ie, an English speaking white man born in America.

This is based though


After what? After you seethed like a bitch? Very easy actually.

prey 2006

You mean sell it to the jews for money they, themselves print, right?

If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure he didn't make it.
If you look at the background you can see seated people and a toy grab machine. Looks like the gift shop at a diner.

>implying Germans make good cars, Romans didn't invent paved roads, and America is a shithole that I don't live in and would never want to live in


Non-American here. From what I gather your "people" are basically just abos that own casinos and pretend to be le noble savage. Kill yourself, your culture is trash and not special

Enjoy your garbage existence. This is all there is for you.

Because political reasons. Look into Ira Hayes and the forced adoptions that were put onto Native families and their children. Children were literally ripped away from their parents to be given up to white families in order to "purify" them, essentially. We're a truly "whitewashed" nationality, it's interesting yet shitty.

Because they suffer in proud silence. If a child of mine wanted to marry a native american, I'd be way more cool with it as an initial impression than some other whiny options the media pushes.

They basically got fucked over twice by the US, once when they got pushed out onto the most shit, rural land, and once more when their land was all collectivized under the tribes during the new deal, soviet style. So they have the combined nihilism of rural america and soviet russia.

Native American tribes living in the Oklahoma territories were offered, and accepted, to join the South in the civil war in return for full statehood for the territory in the event of a victory, a state in which they would be in charge.

There were native confederates.

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>proud silence
Pretty sad that the majority have forgotten about the Dakota Pipeline bullshit already. Not very "silent" then.

Pretty dumb argument. Even now men long for the call of the wild but even still there were many more native americans that adapted to society than the reverse. And I'm not even saying that society was the answer, I'll I'm saying is you killed the shit out of each other before we arrived so it's pretty dumb to think of yourselves as victims just because you lost.

I thought the ice climbers were Siberian natives?

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The protag is half native american

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This sounds like something contemporary "white" Jews would have pushed for. Then again, maybe the internet just rotted my mind.

Who had it worse, native americans or blacks?

Oh damn, you got em again "cunt destroyer", lmao, you fucking faggot

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There were barely any jews in america back then and certainly had no power

You're right it does sound like some Jew nonsense.

Whites who are still paying for both of them.

I'm sure that obscure historical detail was full meant by the creator of said dreamcatcher to sell to individuals who too, know that detail

In america all of the natives got pretty much wiped out. Canadian natives had it worse than american natives. American black slaves had it easier than canadian natives.
Im saying this as a Canadian native.

Blacks are everywhere, culturally. I can't even name a native american video game.

shitloads of strategy games