What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
they butchered nemesis.
Design wise or in terms of gameplay?
> What went wrong?
The plot, a few bits of gameplay and just a general sense of not caring.
Came out way too soon after RE2. Fatigue is a thing.
gameplay wise
Poorcucks reviewbombing games
Really captured the spirit of the original then.
why didnt you get the xbox or even the ps4 score?
I just feel that it leaves more to be desired
I don't know how people unnironically post anything from Metacritic as if it matters when review bombing pretty much effects any semi-big release at this point. It's literally useless and proves nothing.
I don't like the redesign either though. Whoever thought it was a good idea to stick a nose on him should be fired. Nemesis should look menacing. But instead he just looks goofy.
>Review that doesn't agree with me either shills product or shits on product I like is a shill cocksucker
>Review that reinforces my opinion good
Literally all it is.
Two questions. Did you enjoy REmake 2?
Are you enjoying REmake 3?
I guess people are desperate to do anything to support their world view points even if it's a bold faced lie. I hate the modern internet
It's not about discussing things anymore.
It's about gaslighting everyone into believing you and your phone makes up 70% of the people on the board.
Literal herd mentality.
>R-Review b-bombing!!
Maybe the game is just bad?
Yep. Like I said, I hate the modern internet.
It didn't help that REmake 2 was excellent. People were hyped up that REmake 3 was similarly going to be great.
>A AAA publisher released a literal 0 with no quality control.
Now say "B-b-but my personal opinion"
Because it doesn't matter ape, kill yourself.
I don’t mind his design, but I’am pissed they completely removed his clock tower form. I also wish he wasn’t reduced to on rail chases, wish there was more chases like how they portrayed him in the demo.
>What went wrong?
An ocean of 0 Hour review bombs and the game isn't made by Kojima so they won't remove them.
>Hundreds if not thousands of 10/10 or 0/10 reviews within minutes of the games release are total legitimate criticism
Shouldn't be surprised that this board is full of people who support this.
I don't mind reviews that make sound points and logical critiques.
But when I see user scores that look like this
>10/10 it's a game in (franchise) that makes it good
>0/10 game is irredeemable trash worst thing since sliced dick
Without any explanation why you'd go to either extreme, why should I ever take metacritic seriously?
I saw one review for RE3 that was literally just a 0 that lumped RE2 into the review and shit on both.
Tell me with a straight face why I should take that specific review seriously when the faggot can't even keep it to one game and needs to drag another one into it. Tell me with a straight face that RE3 remake deserves a 0 or a 10.
>I don't like the redesign either though
Yeah I hate that he shows up randomly, is veyr fast and can be downed for some ammo or weapon parts but he can only chase you through 2-3 rooms beyond the encounter point before he ends up at his limit.
Oh wait, that's exactly how he worked in the original.
and how many of those 0 and 10 reflect the real opinion of the users?
Why did they include Resistance in this review when Resistance is clearly a separate game with separate achievements, separate installation, and a separate executable?
letting trannies dictate what goes into the game
Nothing. It's a great game and sequel to REmake 2.
I have played neither RE3 or R3make and have no point of reference as to how something is wrong.
Gamespot got it right for once. Fuck IGN.
Yes and yes.
Because REsistance is the reason they're charging 60$ for it dumbass.
>The site that removed every 0/10 for Death Stranding because "You can't give an extreme review score within 5 minutes of the games launch when you couldn't even install it that fast, let alone play it." But left the thousands of 10/10 reviews posted within the same 5 minutes of launch
Yeah, nah.
Between re2make and this they expected you mentally ill to have sex, they really belived you had enough time to fix yourselves. They were wrong
yeah total shit site
>ps4 exclusive comes out on top
how do they do it
Do you ever feel any shame knowingly posting blatant confirmation bias
Anybody know ho to use the original ost ?
I don't have the option to switch between new and original
Some dude already sent a death threat to the guy who dropped it down from a 97 to a 94
1) Only route A, the rest was shit.
2) Gonna pirate it soon.
more like weeb bon-oh i see..
Nothing? Absolutely nothing at all? Is this the best you shills can do?
Too short
>There are absolute brainlets that voted yes
>You share this board with these scum
Let that sink in.
Can anyone confirm if this game has OG soundtrack swap like REmake 2?
It kind of feels like they handed the RE6 team the RE2 engine and told them to replicate it.
Clearly wasn't the same team and they clearly wanted to make something more linear, cinematic and action oriented in line with RE5 and 6.
It also feels like they didn't have the same love for RE3 that the RE2 remake team had for that game. Nemesis literally blowing up locations from the original to avoid having to go there, and in exchange making original zones and encounters.
Additionally, it was probably rushed out to have a buffer window before RE8 release.
clocktower section was cut, not present at all. jills recovery shoved into hospital instead
RE PD as jill was cut but was playable as carlos, but really quick you don't spend much time in it
gas station + train section cut, rearranged to suit the remakes arrangement
worm / park section cut
final umbrella section set in ultra modern labs, opposite to the original as it was set in a dilapidated lab / facility
phase 3 death was like an anime
some nice story tie-ins with RE2
60 dollars? fuck no brother
Shit out very quickly as usual
When Capcom realises they're onto a winner they completely fuck up
gonna post this in the comments section of his review. Will post results later
I wonder what kind of gameplay RE8 will have. First person or over-the-shoulder?
BASED, keep us posted
He tried to warn us bros
yes, and cancelled preorder and bought bannerlord instead
Design wise, the only thing I don’t like is that his menacing eyes are gone and his new teeth look fucking ridiculous. They had this unkempt and yellow grimey look to them in the original and nu-mesis’s teeth are not only white but completely straight and uncannily long. They look like two fences stacked on each other.
I don’t think it’s absolute shit as some people are making it out to be but you gotta admit the length of the game makes me think of this
>Michael was actually right this time
you survived the abortion