>There are people on this board right now who are dead
There are people on this board right now who are dead
No there aren't. Skeletons? On Yas Forums? Rediculous. Why the hell would we be posting here?
>there's someone on Yas Forums right now that posted, got a heart attack soon after or something, and are currently dead on their computers while their (You) farm rolls in and is constantly being called a retard or faggot
Right here bro
It is good day to be not dead!
>there are literally people on this board who are undead
user IS DEAD!
>still clinging to the mortal realm
Why is death considered the end when every single thing in this world is cyclical? We have this idea that an afterlife or reincarnation is somehow scientifically unfeasible, yet to me the idea of living only once is absurd. Something drew your conciousess to your current body, and when you die, there's no saying it won't be brought somewhere else. If anything, when you die you're probably destined to live the same life over again in a parallel dimension, as, at the moment of true death, your conciousess will become free and will most likely be attracted to a similar form as the one that first attracted it. Maybe that's what heaven is, or nivana? Reliving the same life over and over, incrementally making improvements that carry over into your next life, until you become perfect and stop the cycle. Maybe there is hope.
Yea but maybe not.
On the inside, if that's what you meant then its true.
We live in a cold and dark universe. Life is an anomaly here, a mutation.
I’m dead inside
Man that F in the background is perfect
>Why is death considered the end when every single thing in this world is cyclical?
Because not a single one of those cycles includes returning to the exact starting point. There is always change, and almost universally this change comes in the form of each point in the cycle being entirely separate and unique from all other instances of that stage in the cycle. Water cycles endlessly in our atmosphere, yet no raindrop is ever the exact same raindrop that it ever was before or ever will be again. Maybe the elements of your consciousness will by cycled and form a new consciousness, but that consciousness won't be you. This is the only you, and it has an end regardless of the greater cycle. Accept it, and stop running away under the guise of "hope."
>someone you called a faggot in a thread years ago could be dead right now
Because consciousness is just a bunch of reactions in your brain and there is zero evidence that it goes anywhere except for the dirt. You can also believe that you will win the lottery tomorrow despite never buying a ticket because anything else is just like, absurd bro, but that doesn't mean it will happen. And even if you do believe in the concept of an afterlife, why presume that it is going to be pleasurable? How do you know you aren't in an endless cycle that progresses towards infinite suffering? Maybe there isn't hope.
Wrong in every conceivable way. Everything is cyclical and everything eventually returns to the source. Even modern "science" dictates that the universe is fated to collapse and expand for eternity, repeating itself ad infinitum. If I take a single atom and move it from one point to another, then back to the original position, then this single example already invalidates your entire argument, as your argument is predicated upon the idea that nothing can ever be the same -- and it can. That atom is the same, and despite being moved a few times, now rests in its original position with no difference between its original and final states. Maybe you need to cope with the fact that the world isn't as black and white as you make it out to be, and that that big pessimistic potato you call a brain is just stuck in a loop of its own. Food for thought, jabroni.
I told my Dad that shelter-in-place ordinances are a 1st amendment violation and now he's forcing me to watch the news every night
Games for this feel?
Xbox poster spotted
>you've replied to people who killed themselves the next day
aw shucks, I've been found out
>the Chad optimist vs the Virgin nihilist
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who have been diagnosed with COVID-19
I think you're misinterpreting what consciousness, or "the self", actually is. Cool concept though.
>conciousess is just a bunch of reactions in your brain
This has already been debunked and the fact that you would summarize something as complex and divine as conciousess as a bunch of random numbers is telling of your intellectual limits.
Okay then, tell me what I'm missing.
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who
don't even know they have it, and have already given it to their family
Oh I get it, it's because they have corona virus and don't even know it, haha.
>there is no escape from infinite cycle of life and death
life in the end was always about coping, coping and coping... that is one fact that no one can cope with.
Nice try buddy, but I already debunked your argument +1. Checkmate.
>Everything is the same after change because I say it is!
But it's not. Ironically, crying about it won't change that. You assume that things will just magically go back the way they were before while continuously citing the natural universe, where this simply does not happen. Ever. Even the simplest things irrecoverably change, yet here you are pretending that your defiance alone eternally holds the shape of something as complex as consciousness. You're still running away, but you've decided that simply claiming that you're standing still keeps you grounded. Your basic understanding is formed not by what is, but what you want it to be. It's pointless.
the coof spam ruined the slim chance for something good to come out of the joke
that and """""ironic""""" sissyposting
I like how you conveniently ignored my example because it molests your entire hole-riddled argument. You keep saying nothing can be the same, nothing can go back to the way it was... and yet I've provided you with a scientifically-replicatable scenario that invalidates your reasoning. I repeat once more: even the very academics, who agree with your assumption that there is no afterlife, themselves are in agreeance that everything is destined to fold in on itself and back again. Just because the turd you clipped yesterday didn't fly back up your asshole doesn't mean that in the grand scheme of the entire universe things can't return to their source. You're bottlenecking your own view of the world because it's easier to assume that this one gay life is all their is, rather than to face the fact that this hell ride isn't even close to over. If you're stupid enough to think that everything you've experienced, felt, thought and seen is simply the result of a divine hiccup, then you will never find anything greater because you assume it doesn't exist. I don't know how anybody could see the beauties and horrors of this world and come away thinking it was all just a brief show. Good luck.
pseudo-intellectual word soup at its finest
>I've scientifically proven you wrong by saying I'm right with a thought experiment that takes nothing into account accept things I want
You've done nothing but said you win and plugged your ears. And by the way, what you're referring to is called The Big Bounce and not a single proponent of it claims certainty in the exact reformation of an identical universe. It's also widely regarded as improbable, since the universe as we understand it is only accelerating in its expansion.
You know so little about the things you talk about yet stand by them as absolute fact, and justify it entirely with the sentiment that you wouldn't like it if things worked differently.
That's why I'm studying kaballah and luciferism. I ain't dealing with this shit all over again. Fuck the cycle and fuck who's enforcing it.
>You've done nothing but said you win and plugged your ears.
lmao nigga this is literally what you done for 3 replies. dude had some good points and bad points but acting like he's grandstanding when your being a faggit with no argument is hypocritical
Debunked where? There is no agreed upon working model. Also, why do you get offended when someone suggests that consciousness stems from the brain? There is still room for spiritual theory after the fact? Why is neuroscience seemingly so incompatable with spirituality?
>Luciferianism and jewery to escape the karmic cycle
Gib deets
>CIA publically releases a document detailing experiments with astral projection and the occult
>people still think they die when they die
I don't give a fuck whre it came from, as long as it gives me the tools to achieve what I want, i'll use it. I'll make both the light and the darkness suffer for playing 4D chess with me.
>lol what is this retard on about
>mfw I Google CIA astral projection
Okay what the fuck? There are literally dozens of these documents on fucking CIA.gov talking about remote viewing and traveling to it her dimensions. Is April fool's over or is the average human so retarded that this information is freely available and they can't find it?