Why is Rome Total War 1 and everything built in its engine comfy, while Rome Total War 2 and everything built in its engine is a vile piece of shit?
Why is Rome Total War 1 and everything built in its engine comfy...
But Rome 2 is the best TW game to date?
Are you okay?
Weak bait.
I played tons of Rome Total War but could never get into Rome Total War 2. I always just get board of it after 10-15 mins. It's probably because I'm dumb though. I can only play lowiq games like Stellaris and Dota2.
The Shogun 1/Medieval 1 engine was better because the campaign AI wasn't retarded.
Warhammer 2 is both good and comfy, although I think med 2 was by far peak comfy. The little videos is played for agent actions were great and its a crime they stopped doing them
med2 with stainless steel is better than any historical total war game CA has shat out since Shogun 2.
It's not even bait. Rome Total War II is by far more refined, realistic and better-looking than the first one by far. Literally the only reason people even like the first one is for the nostalgia goggles because you grew up playing with green legionaries and think it has soul.
For the rest of us that aren't fucking morons, RTW2 is far superior. Down to the UI. Everything about it is a major overhaul. And yes it was buggy on release, but they've patched that game so many times it's almost perfect now.
Attila is the best one
theyre both in good in their own right. i had an excellent long campaign through rome 1 back in the day, complete with backstory for my generals and family tree. I also got lost in the soundtrack and culture, watching Gladiator, sparticus and Rome while playing.
With Rome 2: i got a second wind, but it wasn't without mods and giving up some of what i loved about the first. It required Divid Et Impera
My fave will always be Medieval 2 with Stainless Steel mod
there are so many reasons that it is impossible to write them all because the sun will die before you get finished
first one was revolutionary at its time
2 was soulless as fuck
>t. devs/shills
No Rome 2 is genuinely just shite. It was horrifically simplified, and oh boy lets not even talk about the fucking game on launch
The problem with Attila and every non-Rome game in general desu is that the time periods are inferior to rome.
Rome had proper unit collision, Rome 2 did not.
>auto resolve is completely overpowered
>cavalry is stronger than ever, you just ram through things like a fucking super hero
>extreme unit blobbing
>guard mode is gone????
>missile trajectory is gone???
>shitty battle locales
>anime super powers
>braindead resource management
Meanwhile, Rome 1 has a actual serviceable campaign and the best OST:
but late antiquity is best antiquity
And what was so shite about it? Let me guess, the politics system? It was superior in every single way combat wise.
>rome 1 engine has units actually fighting each other
>warscape engine has them in fighting animations instead
>combat can literally stop
Add to the fact that pretty much every warscape engine has no proper modding tools and you've got games filled with bandaid mods.
>Medieval 2 looks better than Rome 2 decades later
Very simplified campaign map, graphics honestly looked kind of crap, particularly compared to what they'd been promising before it came out. Combat devolves into humping amoebas, even more than the old games (which considering it was about 7-8 years down the line was a joke). AI still just charges right into phalanxes like retards. Battles literally last like 5 minutes at max.
Attila is the best "worst" total war.
Medieval 2 is the best "best" total war.
Debate me
I can't. Nothing can top Medieval 2.
FPBP. Shame the series is completely ruined by the dogshit Warhammer ones now though.
Also Bellum Crucis is best Medieval 2
very based
>2 is better
>only mentions graphics and UI
wew lad
>Warhammer 2 is both good and comfy
It is, also the most unit variety of any TW game which nicely sets it apart from the others. It's only crime is keeping the gay Rome 2 campaign map.
Cool you enjoyed both games. You should try Mount and Blade sometime.
Tried SS, just got extremely disappointed when hereditary succession for titles didn't work because med2 is hard coded to stop commanders from having kids if you have too many.
just played ck2 instead and had more fun.
Shit bait.
Attila best ost.
Nothing I said is untrue, it literally has more unit variety, which it does. I'd call you a seething hiscuck, but I also like historical total war as well so that'd be hypocritical, even if true.
In what way? Do you think the battles in that game are in any way realistic? Because they aren't, not even a little. Every game in that engine is a le cinematic hollyjew movie battle.
Reminder the nu-total war is complete trash for normalshits. Here are some based wargames that dwarf that shit series in scope, realism, and complexity:
>Field of Glory 2
>Ultimate General
>Hegemony III
Is Three Kingdoms any good? Particularly, is it better than the dogshit Warhammer ones or is it more of the same as them?
shogun 2
>Particularly, is it better than the dogshit Warhammer ones or is it more of the same as them?
It's made in the same engine. They are all shit. Go play Ultimate General. It's made by a Total War modder, the combat is actually good, and its cheaper.
Probably because every game since has been broken shit.
I mean we use to have crazy shit like proper working formations and sieges.
Now we have DLC.
It's the only game in the series where the strategy layer is good. Best diplomacy by far and best late game mechanic.
I never thought anyone could have an opinion so shit.
>weeb has an opinion on western historical strategy games
lmfao stick to suidoken or some shit buddy
is not the best in anything
Goddamn the sieges in Rome Total War were so fucking good
You have no business here if you're not a weeb
>tranny asukafag has an opinion on Total War
>it's just "no"
Feel free to go be retarded somewhere else.
The game was designed with that style of warfare in mind so that is why formations work, units mostly charge like how they are supposed to, charges have weight and feel to them without ragdolling half the unit.
I'd just like to say that I agree with you
Also, the rome2 shitter hasn't even replied to posts refuting him that he can't meme about, kek
>thread about Rome 1 compared to it's sequel
>fa/tg/uys bring up warhammer
Warhammer would have been a million times better if it was on the old engine
I don't think Rome 2 was that bad, at least not by the time they released the Emperor Edition. I can see why people would have problems with it, particularly with the Grand Campaign dragging on for so long even though nobody in the map can dream about challenging you after mid game, but not to the point of declaring it's unplayable shit. Why do people actually hate it so much?
What are some good mods for Rome Total War anons? I'm looking at Roma Surrectum and Europa Barbarorum and can't decide which to download or whether I should just start another campaign in vanilla for the nth time.
It was massively hyped and there were features and units that were advertised that would later be sold as dlc or cut out entirely. The game shipped in an unfinished state and many features either did not work or you had to preform a workaround get it to work. People are still upset for the shitty launch and they should be considering it took ages for the game to get anywhere close to being fixed. There are also mechanical issue such as how unit perform or how some factions are represented that can make people not like it but those people are usually in the minority and played the post patch version of rome2.
>skirmishers can fire into a formation engaged in melee combat
>cavalry charging into tight formations
>being able to maneuver around units like crazy mid battle
>frontage is too short to reproduce any complex maneuvers
Really just scratching the surface here.
>everything built in its engine is a vile piece of shit
OP may have mentioned Rome 2, but his main point seems to be that the engine itself is irredeemable trash, which is plainly not true. The engine is only weak for classic, historical tactics; it works great for fantastical battles involving dragons etc., and even somewhat for romanticized history like Three Kingdoms. Rome 2 may be mediocre, but it's not just because it's not "comfy" or the engine sucks.
Reminds me of the fact I haven't played empire earth yet.
>skirmishers can fire into a formation engaged in melee combat
There is nothing wrong with this in blob situations when only like 10% of the unit is actually in melee.
Roma surrectum is more arcade focused with the 0turn recruitment so expect stack spam but the game is light on the scripts so it wont crash very often. Europa barbarorum is historical autism taken to it's logical conclusion the units are accurate to the faction and time period and it's really fun but the scripts make the game crash very often. Pick if you want fun, stability but a grindy campaign with op romans or historical autism incarnate with a more slow paced game that is likely to crash on you.