Who is the best Xeno protagonist?
Who is the best Xeno protagonist?
Gonna take a wild guess and say it's between Fei and Lora.
Shion is very underrated.
3 good protags, 3 bad ones.
Honestly? Rex. I just love optimistic dorks like him and he had some pretty good character development too.
From left to right:
Good, bad, good, bad, bad, good
Fei > Lora/Jin > Shulk = Rex > Elma > Shion
>good character development
Nah, Rex isn't the worst character ever, but he's so bland and mediocre, his development so contrived and predictable. Most of 2's cast is very mediocre, with the exceptions being Poppi, Morag, and Zeke.
Everyone agrees that KOS-MOS the true MC.
She died.
This faggot from xb2 has the worst costume I remember from games. Give me something worse.
Fei. When have we ever gotten a batshit coomer that saves his waifu
Why is Fei the only one that has a good character design? Shion is alright but I always hated her gauntlet
Fei > Shion > Rex = Elma > Shulk > Lora
How do we rate them?
Why the FUCK haven't they made a Xenogears remake?
How long is Torna? I'd like to finish it before XBDE comes out but I also don't want to get burnt out on xeno stuff
Why is Lora regarded as the best protagonist by some of you?
Addam advanced the plot way more than Lora which was eh.
Recency bias. I like Lora but no way she is better than Fei, Shulk, or even Elma. She does too little
It would be shit and you know
Why do all of these protags have the character design of a side character. None of them look suitable to be a protagonist. Whoever designed these characters needs to sit in a cell with a bunch of paper and a pencil and do nothing but draw for 6 months straight until they learn how to make a good looking character.
My girl lora
Fei > Elma > Shulk > Lora > Rex
I started Saga recently so I can't say much yet.
Fei, any other answer is retardation
Hard life, but still a very happy girl.
She and Jin are the reason people fight the way they do in Xenoblade 2, before, it was customary for Drivers to have their own weapons, and Blades to also wielded their own.
Genuinely touching moments in her story.
Her fighting style is cool.
not Shion
I barely got 30 hours and I tried to squeeze it as much as I could. Probably like 20-25 hours in normal playthroughs
If you know what you're doing, the main game can be as little as 12 hours. My first blind playthrough was about 25 hours. If you try to do as much of the side content as possible, it might be more like 50 hours.
bladefag here
Shulk is punished but has great growth. Rex is an optimistic dork that you want to root for and feel bad for him when things don't go his way. Elma is a bit bland but he real identity/backstory make her cool. Lora doesn't accomplish much and doesn't have much of a personality and her game sucks.
Shion if you aren’t a mentally stunted ince
Rex is way too high on that list. He barely gets any character development at all, and is very weak if at all.
Elma's backstory is extremely perfect for theme X was going for and it creates a juxtaposition that makes sense since the beginning. Though it does need to be fleshened out.
Lora is better than Rex in like every way.
I actually liked Rex, he gets shit on quite a bit in game. I appreciated that he had the balls to end a fucking threat when it needed to be instead of moral fagging
His arc is decent but I think Fei’s is stronger and more focused
I need to replay Gears and Saga
I liked Shion even if she was pretty bitchy after the first game. I guess it makes sense though since she's dealt with a lot of trauma in her life.
Fei > Rex > Shulk > Lora > Shion > Elma
Lora isn't a protagonist, Jin is.
Is this a thread where I post Elma?
Fei > Lora = Shulk > Shion > Elma > Rex
I don't hate Rex, but I find the other protagonists to be more interesting.
I don't think she's the absolute best, but I like how her motivations don't really have anything to do with the overarching conflict and she just wanted to have a happy life with her family. Her reactions are also pretty relatable and her story actually got me invested until the end.
Rex is literally just a worse Addamn
I really liked the arc she went through. Made it feel understandable when she flips sides for a bit near the end of 3.
That's Zeke.
'Cause it suuuuuuuure seems like it.
I don't recognize the one on the far right, what game?
Zeke is the best character in Xenoblade 2, you faggot.
Shut your fucking mouth, I'd rather have Xenogears half-done than overdone. Just imagine the voice acting in Fei's later interactions with Dan. Christ.
He's mid tier.
I will not.
In terms of pure writing quality, I think Fei and Rex are pretty high up.
Elma is interesting in that she’s the actual leader of the party but I’d need to replay XBX to be able to say how well or poorly she’s written
Shulk is likable but he doesn’t actually grow that much. If anything, he’s interesting because he’s actually internally resisting change from a foreign influence
Xenoblade: torna
Not really, he's the meme man that's surprisingly insightful when the situation calls for it. It's a pretty tired trope, but I'll admit he's executed really well and I can understand why some people really like him. Rex being the glue that holds them all together and Nia's backstory (despite her character also being a tired trope) probably give them the edge over Zeke.
Blame Square
Either Elma or Rex because they're fucking chads. Never played Xenogears, but Fei looks like he must be a total chad too.
Zeke is pretty good. I like how his chuuni persona foreshadows the false legacy that the Tantal monarchy/nobility use as their right to rule