Granblue fantasy versus

good characters when

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Next season

Vane isn't in yet.

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Potato sex

All I needed was Zoi and Narmaya, Soriz was a cool addition, the rest from the first pass are terrible.

What's so good about them?

This fucking character is not in the right game.

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Why exactly are you reposting that dumb image here?

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Shonentards still trying to push their presence

I don't understand it. Sasuke fucking hates Naurto. Meanwhile Lanvane might as well be gay lovers. They are nothing alike.

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All that work for 1 boot's worth of damage

ilsa is used goods right?


She wishes she was.

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i wish she was mine

Djeeta in 4 days

>gran with boobs and bigger penis

No, Soriz in 4 days.

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Reminder all Djeetafags are part of the tier list suicide pact. If she's lower tier than Gran we all kill ourselves.

Wrong archetype, she's a christmas cake and she does it to herself with all the fucking friendzoning she does Gran/Djeeta even when you can straight up claim to be her BF/GF to save her some face during her Summer fates.

that's the only one I got
the others seem better

can a ps4 east coast guy take a pic of the new york lobby player counts? I know the game did well in japan but I want to see how my region is doing before blowing this money on a delay fighter

first one is full, second one has like 20 people i think. i'm going by kbrad's stream when he was playing like 2 hours ago though

yaia fortnite

Vane and Siegfried should've been the dragon knight reps instead of the other two

She being lower tier than Gran would be pretty funny, since she has all the revenant weapons and a stronger bahamut while Gran has just a pair of boots and uses beasic as fuck supers.
I could see why people would be mad she being lower tier.

I could see DJ being lower tier than Gran. He lives and dies by the boot. Nerf the boot too hard in April, Gran immediately drops to Lowain tier. Hell keep the frame data the same but remove the wall bounce on CH M and EX and Gran players stop existing over night.

DJ has no boot, her 214x is going to have to be insane to keep up with Gran.

Geegee shouldn't have an active hitbox while being launched

If Gran gets heavily nerfed this patch, DJtrannies are safe. If he goes on like any Arksys MC like Sol and stays strong throughout, her 214 and unique need to be insane because a better fireball ain’t gonna put her above Gran.

Soriz and Zoi are already in, I just need Hallessena, Shiro, Cog and Lamretta to make this roster absolutely based for me

I hate lyria

>I just need Hallessena

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I love lyria

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Real Dark Lyria was dope though, still mad we couldn't save her.

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I'm convinced Ferry was an accident/not planned to be that anime.
I think Zooey will be the deciding factor for me. Extra gauge and supposedly puppet char, she will show how far into anime they're actually willing to go.
Hope she doesn't disappoint, ain't asking for airdashes and 20 subsystems just a little more than what we currently have.

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Peak hours at least the first 2 lobbies are full. Off hours lobby 1 is generally full.

yes this was the guy who beat me in versus

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He's in

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>supposedly puppet char
She won't.

Not so fast, pedro

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there is better brown girls than zoi
she is one of the most bland looking in that group
the only reason she ever got the spot is thanks to the summer version

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nobody gives a shit about nemone

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Retard. She got a summer version because she was popular in the first place.

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Her Bahamut is the same, she just has to hit everything as opposed to Gran getting a fireball.
For the most part though, unless her normals are better than Gran and Gran gets hella nerfed, she's going to be weaker. They traded out boot-tatsu for Naru's mediocre slash rush. Her charge U needing level 4 for ground bounce makes her strongest tool weaker than it should be.
The only thing she actually has on Gran at this point is charge fireball.

Her deadly rave isn't her bahamut. We don't know what the statup animation looks like outside of her traveling diagonal.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the website description of the SSBA.
I already know deadly rave is her SBA.
And besides, going diagonal should already tell you how bad it'll be since they're the easiest to full punish. If it's like Zeta's SSBA then it'll be trash.

ok pengy in versus then please

>Thanks to the summer version
She got the Summer version BECAUSE she was popular. Also she’s KMR’s third favourite character and always places high on popularity polls.

ok pengy on versus (2)
>Also she’s KMR’s third favourite character
correct on that and this is why this character is even there

>always places high on popularity polls.
>popularity polls
>when a draw based on popular characters exist
that is a meme

her name is ruria

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she got in because they just took ram's model and made a few modifications to have zooey

(b)uria my face on those cute fe-

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How can you people still be so tight about Zoi after 4 years, S.Zoi really did a job on you huh.

feet and armpit degeneracy isn't allowed

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did what nigger?
i don't care about she entering just pointing that there is way better brown characters than her
and makes no sense besides kmr likes it

Pengy is a fucking SR, retardo

>armpit degeneracy isn't allowed
user Grubble Fantaji is Armpit Fantaji.

i don't know about that user

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>there is way better brown characters than her
name one

How does a really popular character not make sense? You liking some other brown girl doesn't make Zoi not popular.

Still praying for Shirou. Him or Yngwie would be hilarious.

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stop it

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oh yeah she is popular that summer zoi is really popular
don't mind the ratings and how broken she is that got nothing to do with it

now try another excuse

Lowain is an SR too, kys

there should be a futa race

Don't post cropped shit without the sauce bro

so you are actually a retard

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Posting Metera isn't helping user.
>tfw have Wind and Light Metera but not Fire

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>posts the stamps about a shameless slut who steps on you in the actual game
a-user this isn't helping your case

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SSR Lowain would solo Faa-san and True King and become 3rd Singularity and marry Alliah so he's not allowed to get his SSR.

hallu and mallu

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