Why does this board have such a piss-poor attitude towards cheating...

Why does this board have such a piss-poor attitude towards cheating? Everyone is such a melodramatic fag when I tell them I cheat. >You're ruining the game for yourself
No I'm not, games are meant for fun and I only have fun when I win. Why wouldn't I pay something extra to get what I want? You pay for characters and cards right? How is that any different from me paying for an aimbot?
>You're ruining the game for others
So? What does that matter to me? They're behind so many walls of anonymity that I'll never interact with them again in any context. Why should I care in the slightest about some random Canadian's feelings?
>It's not fair, you have an unfair advantage
Yeah, it's not fair, and? What does that matter? Games are meant to be won, why wouldn't I want to win every time?

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I don't think anyone cares if you're cheating in a single player game. But cheating in a multiplayer game you deserve to get permabanned.

So then I'll just buy another copy and continue along. Getting banned doesn't bother me, I think it's pathetic but it doesn't really get to me.

>Games are meant to be won, why wouldn't I want to win every time?

There's rules for a reason to restrict certain things to create a challenge. If you break them AKA cheating mind as well be a non-binary faggot and call yourself male or female. Just lie and say you've beaten every game in existence to people. Mind as well resort to lying and read up Wikipedia articles. That's a real cheat.

Winning is about scoring the most points, I have every right to spend my own money on getting more points than the other person. It's not about fighting or completing something, what's fun is having the bigger score

>I have every right to spend my own money on getting more points than the other person
No you don't. You're ruining other peoples experience. Other people also purchased the game just like you. You don't have any other special rights that far surpasses others for you to cheat. Developers have every right to ban you for breaking the rules. You also signed an NDA and TOS to agreeing NOT to cheat and you broke the rules. You have no right whatsoever to cheat others out. You're not special.

Yes I do. I'm doing what I want with the game I purchased. You have the ability to do that too, nobody's stopping you. It always comes back down to moralizing for you fags.
>Think about others
Why? How does my life improve about thinking about the made up feelings from some piss baby miles away from me?

Like I said, I understand getting banned, I think it's petty and a Band-aid, but I understand it. Also, TOS's are not legally binding, they literally mean nothing in a court.

You're a sociopath. Ever talked to a doctor about this?

And there's the other foot. Did I hurt your little feelings by being right? Get over yourself.

You're definitely a sociopath. You should talk to a psychologist about this problem. I can't even imagine who you are IRL. You can get help about it user.

I'm still waiting for an argument, you have no leg to stand on so I understand why you're doing character attacks.

I just made my statement there's nothing else to argue about other than suggesting to help with your mental illness. Get help user you deserve better.

Why is it that moralfags are always the fastest to start calling names? They get their little feelings hurt and think the best thing to do is get under the other person's skin. Otherwise you wouldn't have replied. You're upset (for God knows what reason) and you're trying to upset me too.

Every post you're making is falling into the category of a sociopath. That's really sad.

And? Why are you acting like your opinion matters to me?

>No I'm not, games are meant for fun and I only have fun when I win.
Ah, I see. I hope you have fun playing the game of your choice while I do something better with my time. Clearly we have different things that we're hoping to get out of games and the two are mutually exclusive. fortunately for me I don't play FPS, so I won't have to put up with you wasting my time, but I sympathize with others who have to play with a spoiled rich kid like yourself. Good luck out there, hope you find a game with a playerbase who share your mindset. Maybe you can have some meaningful discussions with them.

Fuck the chinks.
China needs to pay for the current situation that destroyed the world's economy.

Alright, question. You say that games are only fun when you win. Would you be satisfied if you were locked in low-elo matches to face off against shit players forever?

Sure, I have no problem with that. A point's a point
>Another moralfag pretending to be the better person.
Can I get a single reasonable argument that doesn't always come back to "my feelings tho"?
Not the thread for that friend. I'm a patriot of proud of it.

What do you think of Donald Trump?

Love the guy, what a perfect corporate puppet he's done more to help my life than any other president. What I wouldn't give to shake the hand of the man who runs him.

The whole point of competition is that its fair and a challange. Winning against people who can't challange you is an objective waste of time even in a disposible medium like vidya.
Playing by the rules and wins proves your superiority in that field and makes the competition worth it. Cheating doesn't provide challange or the satisfaction of overcoming a challange making the whole experience a waste of time. Go have a wank or something if you want immediate gratification

(You) #
>Another moralfag pretending to be the better person.
>Can I get a single reasonable argument that doesn't always come back to "my feelings tho"?
What part of my post implied anything about morals? I'm making a logic-based if-then statement here: if you only have fun when you win and if I only have fun facing a challenge that I have a reasonable chance of beating through perseverance and self improvement, then our goals are mutually exclusive. Where's the moral quandary?

Incredibly cringe cope-posting by some limp-wristed faggot who thinks being dismissive makes him cool.

You cheat, therefore you admit you're dogshit at games and have no desire to improve. You're worse than people who play phone games. Even they learn how to play their casual games well. You're just a poser.

Get fucked, faggot. I hope your mother is raped by a nigger and pops you out a little niglet brother that breaks your shit.

Then just write ‘9999999’ on a piece of paper and stick it to your fucking tv screen

>paying for a game multiple times due to your own retardation

Don't waste your time: he simply either doesn't care or is just farming for (You)s.

You're right. Your assertion that cheating is fine is an opinion and a stupid one that thankfully matters to no one relevant.

Spoiling the experience of others for your own pleasure is an intrinsic moral wrong.

As an addendum:

I am better than you. And you know this. I am better at every game than you, and no matter how much money you spend, I will always be better than you.

If you have fun eating poop out of the toilet, then go ahead and do so, also, be aware that eating poop out of the toilet is very frowned upon and seen as uncivil, simply cuz it's downright disgusting. You can have fun, it's still a shitty practice.

Have you ever been cheated out of a win?
I'm curious about how you would feel about the other person.
I'm using this as an argument so don't even go there.

I'm sorry but you're confused at your hypothesis, the whole point of competition is to win. The score and my rank are going up, that's the entire purpose of a game. I'm perfectly satisfied after a few quick games before moving on to something else. What else matters to me?
What a waste of bandwidth.
I understand why I have to do it, there's very obviously more people who disagree with me than agree. Maybe once people get their head out of their asses it'll be less common for me. I don't see an issue with purchasing the same game multiple times if it means I keep getting to do it.
>Intrinsic moral wrong
And? Can you give me a single argument that doesn't always boil down to "others tho!"
Okay. And what does your wasted time mean to me?

cuz only faggots use cheat codes bro

>I'm doing what I want with the game I purchased
You do not own the games you purchase retard you're buying a license

They beat me, oh well next time I'll spend extra and be done with it. Losing doesn't really bother me, it's impossible to win 100% of the time.

I don't care, I want points!!!

Because this board is just and you should be hanged.

If losing doesn't bother you then what's the point of cheating?
Maybe you should invest in gacha if you love numbers so much.


Kek, are you really winning son?

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The endorphin spike of winning, why does anyone do anything for fun? The concept of gachas intrigued me I just haven't found a game that interests me.
Do you always act with with your lizard brain first?

I don't even play multiplayer games anymore do whatever the fuck you want but don't try to pretend you're better than me.

I know this is a bait thread, but fuck it.

The real joy about winning an MP game is that you out-skilled someone on a level playing field. Winning is only satisfying because of the fact that you can lose, if you remove that aspect or askew the odds so much into your favour that it makes it very unlikely for you to lose then you're not really triggering a very potent reward feeling in your brain.

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Winning is satisfying because you beat the other person, effort has no effect on that.

Do you beat your wife too?

>And? Can you give me a single argument that doesn't always boil down to "others tho!"

I cannot. Most likely this is a troll thread and you are fishing for those glorious (You)'s. Like user said, any person that shared the view that you are setting up is a sociopath meaning they are in a category of people that do not feel the same empathy towards others that most of humanity does. Most people derive their happiness from the happiness of others and have a sense of fulfillment contributing to society on a basic level.

If that is not the case with you then congratulations! You may live from cradle to grave serving your own basic needs.

The majority of the elite, CEOs, and white collar criminal masterminds are in this mind state and you are wasting your guilt free existence tapping buttons.

Convincing you that this is something you shouldn't be doing is like trying to convince a billionaire to give cleaning workers in his company the same benefits everyone else gets

If ever you are in a situation that your basic needs are being met to their fullest extent and you feel empty or sad you can seek therapy like user suggested. Just know that sociopathy and psychopathy are difficult for therapists to overcome.

Besides, there are other things that give me a better endorphin rush. But someone can't live on one pass time alone can they?

You're a sociopathic parasite, you just need to be gone so violence is the answer.
In your particular case it is the answer, the vast majority of the time it isn't the answer.

Man and it's been so easy

>Winning is satisfying because you beat the other person
Serious question; why not just play a shitty coin flip web game if you want to win against someone else to feel superior? Don't have to cheat, games take 10 seconds and losing doesn't effect you so you should hit that cheap thrill more often.

>effort has no effect on that.

Of course it does you stupid nigger.

If you played soccer with a bunch of people your age and won vs beating a team of toddlers are you unironically telling me you'd have the same amount of satisfaction for both?

Because some people actually see beating a game as a meaningful accomplishment and get a sense of fulfillment out of completing them aside from just regular enjoyment.

There are people that actually think this is a character trait: playing video games. And so when you undermine something that they believe is a noble and admirable trait, they feel attacked. To them, this is as bad as cheating at a sport, or a race, or on a major exam. Playing and completing games is an important accomplishment that you undermine in their eyes.

I like a package around my coinflip, I appreciate an entertaining gameplay loop.
Why wouldn't I feel the same?

OP is a confirmed insect

>I appreciate an entertaining gameplay loop.
so.... holding left mouse and mashing wasd?

>taking the "are you winning son" meme literally
I smell an incel


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What loop is there if you cheat?

When was the last time a game used the Konami code?

I don't know I've never used it outside of a website easter egg.

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