Resident Evil 1 is getting a remake and it will be out next holiday season
Resident Evil 1 is getting a remake and it will be out next holiday season
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As long as they don't use Pierce Brosnan-face Jill I'm ok with that.
No, they will remake Resident Evil 0 first and make it actually good.
I wouldn't mind a remake but I want them to take their time on it. RE3 would've been way better with another year of dev time. It feels rushed.
I wanna eat Jill sandwich
It does feel that way but there really isn't -that- much removed from the original Resident Evil 3. They were faithful in the sense that they made a rushed, shorter, action heavy sequel to Resident Evil 2 when people just wanted more Resident Evil 2
I still like it though
Honestly, I do want a new canon. The old was fun but I'm just tired of it. I want a new 1, 4, 5, 6, CV, Survivor, hell even a new 0.
Isn't there a note in 3make that actually talks about 0? Something about how the Arklay Mansion incident was "predicated" by an incident at another Umbrella facility. Maybe Becca gets the remake treatment, friend.
i sure hope not.
Didn't they already do a remake of RE1?
>remake remake remake
Make something new for once
I'd be in favor of this, but please give Rebecca a bigger butt.
Out of good ideas
dare I say, based?
Why not both, you fucking retard
There was also an Easter egg hinting at Code Veronica, the Hunter Gammas were having their progress reported to Umbrella Europe
I imagine after Resident Evil 2 brought in $300,000,000 with absolutely no multi player or up keep or anything like that, Capcom wants to keep it up and probably remake the big five fixed camera games.
Found it, 0make confirmed
Game is 4 hours long, no spiders, no snakes. Only Locations are the mansion and the lab, Bravo team has been removed completely.
This outfit looks really retarded in this ultra-realism thing they're doing
what does capcom have against spiders btw
>No snake
Good, yawn was such a shit boss fight
>No spider
Even better, Black Tiger was also utter shit.
Zoomers are a plague
People will stop asking for remakes when developers prove they can make new games that deserve the same reverence as the old ones.
RE2 019 sold better than RE7 because it was BETTER. The same will happen with FF7R to FF15.
People are buying them because they're good.
code veronica april 2021
Too much work to make them look and move right
The spiders were in 3make though
They deep throat Jill and get her pregnant
Stop spamming this shit in every thread you autistic retard.
I want a new masterpiece similar to pic related
re2 definitely wasnt better than 7 sorry buddy.
Sorry bud, cashing on nostalgia and people's childhood feelings is the most lucrative thing ever. Gamers are the biggest tools, they will buy anything.
The real question is: How much low-effort and low-cost can you make a product before they stop buying. Once you figure that out, you just put a tiny bit of effort to stay above the critical point and you're set my man. Again, they will buy literally anything and they will be thankful for it.
what does capcom have against putting effort in their games?
Are you retarded
>Guard house removed
>spiders removed
>Wesker is black because a blond haired guy with a German surname is racist
>Barry is killed by the T-002, Hunter kills Rebecca
>Alex Wesker makes a cameo
good to know, I am excited
That's not happening until the 30th anniversary we're getting RE8 next
Boring design
Spiders are disgusting. I wouldn't put them in my game either.
Capcom has never, ever given a shit about racism
Wesker is white in resistance
Why do you let ResetEra own your mind?
t. fly
what if its isometric
ala commando
>No Barry or Rebecca because face scan is too much effort. Just delete them
>Intro is live action again - after 25 years
>Why is the game with one campaign shorter than the one that makes you play the same campaign twice!?
You people are insufferable
The only valid criticism I've seen is that they cut out the clock tower, which considering it's literally on the map I do think is just a product of it being rushed and I am annoyed by that
But the people expecting it to be 20 hours long are just stupid. That's the only way to say it.
The games they put more effort into always sold less than the cheap cash grabs. Just look at their fighting games: Stuff like Darkstalkers and SF3 flopped but recycle fests like MvC were hits.
so not all the other portions of raccoon city?
What enemies would they cut?
Yawn and plant will be kept but they will be QTE fights.
Zombies and dogs can be easily ported from 2 and 3. Crimson heads could be back. I’m 50/50 when it comes to crimson heads. Hunters will definitely be in and ported from 3. I think they will bring back chimeras too since they’re not a giant animal like the enemies that were cut.
fuck you, elena is probably the best girl of the bunch, fight me.
Rer2 did not outsell re7 and it surely didnt outsell re5. It's pretty easy to see what fans want. Also the longer this series goes on the more people will lose interest.
gtfo with this shit, RE4 was when the decline started
Code Veronica will be next
There aren't any QTE fights in the RE Engine remakes
>what is the alligator
that's not what a QTE is
fuck off, re4 was a top quality action game. The decline started after 3
2021: 8
2022: 1
2023: 0
2024: Veronica
Drain Deimos can be turned into Chimeras. Also Wesker transforms into the Tyrant.
>RE1, 0, and CV will all be remade in our lifetime
Third person action shooter Chads win again.
Get fucked tank controls with fixed camera survival horror nerds.
Is Crash Bandicoot a Quick Time event?
Also do not bother pretending the alligator was a highlight of the original. Outside of 4 and a couple stand outs in REmake, Resident Evil has never had good bosses.
RE8 is soon
Bees could get the axe I don't give a shit they add nothing to the game
Spiders and snakes will probably be in they're too iconic to the game unlike the spiders in 2/3 which only popped up in one little area
The only thing I'm really worried about them cutting out are the sharks they could easily think it's too much work to model/animate and do the water effects
Resident evil is a stupid edgy name
These games should just be called biohazard like the japanse devs intended
Why do zoomers call it 3make and not REmake 3?
I unironically agree with this and was hoping they'd make the transition with 7
Resident Evil is literally Engrish for "Haunted Mansion" and it's amazing that people have become so used to the title that they don't realize how fucking stupid it sounds.
Yes Re4 was peak thats why everything after was shit
because it's like remake but it's THREEmake
Because we played REmake and liked it and realized RE2 019 and 3Make aren't sequels to it.
>Wesker transforms into the Tyrant.
Your retardation is showing
>not RE3make
People like you deserve to burn in hell.
>they're too iconic to be cut from the game
If only you knew how bad things really are...
Wrong. RE5 is better than RE4 in every conceivable way
Implying, resident evil world isn't actually a resident evil. It's like hell but with science, instead of paranormal.
RE1 honestly still has potential for another remake even if its starting to get retarded at that point
the sharks make zero sense in the outhouse so you could easily expand their role and make them actually scary by putting them and the aqua ring/ maybe other things involving them into the lab instead
yawn should be moved into the outhouse basement so it would be moving through the giant pipes of the mansion/ outhouse
turn shit like the black tiger into an even bigger monster and bossfight
improve and expand lisa trevor, make all areas even more dense and complex (especially the mansion and the lab) and add all kinds of weird monsters into the lab. In general RE could easily use more unique almost miniboss type roaming enemies like weirder mutants resembling the shit from revelations trudging around
>not R3make
Biohazard3 was incline af, it took everything good about the first two games and perfected it, RE4 turned the series into action schlock tpp shooter and it's setting was shit.
RE1 already has a remake wich is the only good remake btw
They kept the hunter gammas in 3 didn't they?
Is there a good mod for REmake's backgrounds?
Thats gonna be a big yikes from me
I have no idea why Capcom doesn't just make this a mode so the classic fans will shut the hell up already.
Then again the guy who was working on the mod for a fixed camera version of 2 did quit because of how fucking annoying classic fans are so I suppose I understand.
Capcom talked about REmake of 1 again
Are there any Jap devs who can handle a yearly release schedule well?
...and removed spiders, crows and gravedigger in return.
Holy shit this is how Jill should look instead of the tranny we got.
If they keep swapping between A and B team and reuse tons of assets from the remakes? Sure
Spiders and crows barely added anything to the game
Gravedigger does suck though but I can see why they'd cut it they wanted to focus all the bossfights around Nemesis
Okay but not Capcom for sure so who?
You've seen so much tranny porn you think girls look like trannies and it's legitimately gross
You probably think pic related looks like a tranny
I can't wait until the whole trans movement reaches a point where the majority suicide result makes it illegal for therapists to encourage it and they just slowly disappear and we can stop talking about them in every single fucking thread
The aquaring was in the guardhouse because it was a different project. Just wish the aquaring had some aquatic mutants instead of just the sharks.
Crows would be annoying as fuck in a third person system unless they were fat crows that couldn't fly like in Bloodborne but you'd bitch about that too
>Spiders and crows barely added anything to the game
neither did Hunter Gammas. Are you really disputing nu-Capcom is cutting corners in every way possible?
Hunter gammas are way more iconic and are actually unique to the game, spiders were just reused from the first game they weren't special at all and crows are just shit enemies period that don't deserve to come back