
Looks good

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chink shit made by tencent
>looks good
fuck off chang you will get bomb for your bioweapon.

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it does not

fuck off chink shill.

>combine csgo and overwatch

>worse than both

>looks like a ps1 game

Overwatch and csgo are both shit so no

>10 streams on my tab
still no key

social score too low chang

are you implying cs doesn't look like a ps1 game
I don't care about this game at all, but I hope you're not seriously insinuating that csgo with it's 32x32 res textures is anything but ps1 tier horrific terriblesness.

it looks like absolute trash

even cs 1.6 looks better than this shit.

shut the fuck up

People don't play CS for the graphics, user. Graphicsfags are peak retard.

Nah, you're just bein a contrarian now, this is a very deliberate, ugly minimalist style to try and be "clean" for "esports". That's why all the decor on the maps is up, and not at model level so you never get confused. Good choice in theory but it just makes the maps look lifeless cause no one's ever looking fucking straight up.

fpbp, fuck tencent

most shilled game on twitch imagine you made a game with n64 graphics and put all the money in marketing literally how chinks subhuman think

friend of mine told me opening multiple streams on one account actually fucks your odds because twitch detects it. Like muting the streams apparently also fucks you on drops.

>game looks like shit
>streamers getting thousands of viewers and donations for playing gameplay videos and not actually playing the game

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I'm still waiting for the riot games fighting game.
I dont care about fps

discount version of crossfire, which is already a discount version of counterstrike

it's ugly because riot has dogshit graphic designers.

league is also ugly relative to dota.

It's literally cs go with flashy abilites. Absolute trash.

fuck off shill

>another moba shooter hybrid
yawn city
shan't be playing this one

riot wins again, 600k+ viewers for more than 8 hours. everyone's going to be talking about the game now

and then the game dies when people realize it's shit and the graphics are ugly.

>400k+ chink bots

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Yes, just like everyone was talking about Bless online

Based inferiority complex


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>nothing anywhere 2 days ago
>didnt even know it existed
>suddenly its fucking shilled everywhere

All I care about from this game is the futa SFM/Blender porn. It's the only thing these hero games are good for.

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it's only going to attract the csgo tryhards and rejects

no objectively, league models/map look ugly. dota models at least have some effort put into them.

What's Jeff Kaplan thinking right now

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>noooooooooooooo china we're still sucking your cuck good


>thread dies
>immediately make a new shill thread

how can riot be so fucking bad at graphic design?

>here's a game for those of you so shit at CS.GO you need an alternative

might just work

Do you honestly think a company the size of Riot would pay people to shill their game on Yas Forums? Please go /x/ and stay go

Yas Forums is unironically one of the largest and fastest boards on Yas Forums. This site gets millions of eyes on it every single day.

And this is Riot we're talking about. They're as slimy as their chink overlords.

this is just overwatch but slightly different graphics and against robots, whats the price tag on it gonna be?

Chink bots are everywhere, particularly now that the world is mad they caused a pandemic.

$40 for 1hour of gameplay since there are only 3 maps



wonder if Yas Forums can keep up this amount of seething long term as this game will be a top e-sport and perennially discussed on here for years to come
actually LOLing thinking how much high blood pressure it most be causing


ablities are just CS items smoke bomb/flash bang etc

It looks like some f2p low budget game trying to copy CSGO, while adding shit from other games to look a bit different. Riot could've done better, they have the chinese money, shame.


>cs didn't exist before social media
based retard

>see through fucking walls

>shoot through multiple walls

yeah csgo with VAC ban shit

Fuck Valve I hope this destroys CSGO so that Chinks can finally stop playing it and I can buy some cheap skins.

someone already said they spent 95% of their budget on marketing

do you honestly think a company the size of riot wouldn't pay people to shill on Yas Forums?

said no one ever

even by 2010 standards it's nothing special

well it's clearly not spent on art

I mean fuck, Overwatch fanart looks 10x better even.

it suppose to look like that so the game runs better on shit pcs

>it's SUPPOSED to look awful

even csgo can run on a potato and it looks clean.