Vidya characters that look like you?

Vidya characters that look like you?

Attached: 20200403170838_1.jpg (1920x1080, 299.98K)

Attached: Yagrum_Bagarn.png (600x1000, 740.1K)

wtf that's literally me??

Attached: DR2RandyTugman.png (300x300, 110.26K)

Attached: DonkeyTF.png (300x285, 97.25K)

Attached: melvin.jpg (789x809, 111.01K)

Attached: cheers to the tojo clan.jpg (3840x2160, 753.14K)

Attached: byakuya togami.jpg (564x555, 60.74K)

are you scared of posting a pic of yourselves, Yas Forums?

Attached: 1582202054820.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

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Attached: Handsominteligentmonstr.jpg (1118x629, 69.15K)

Attached: 1543887668456.jpg (489x629, 139.33K)

I'm gonna headbutt ya

Attached: 250px-Scout_taunt_laugh.png (250x364, 109.01K)

Attached: piggsyc.jpg (300x300, 26.17K)

Attached: etna disgaea.jpg (1136x1136, 141.46K)


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Attached: 200px-Professor_Elvin_Gadd.jpg (200x224, 6.81K)

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Attached: 90976223-85C9-4BD6-B21A-D5DADC314B0A.gif (128x128, 49.15K)

there are no video game characters at my level of patheticness

Attached: ffxiv_09052017_173155.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Was there ever been a Vidya character with acne?

Attached: charger.png (733x1024, 639.87K)

Attached: TSR_Big.png (540x501, 282.87K)

Attached: Shu.png (257x963, 239.59K)

is there a vidya character that has mike matei's clean cut hair aesthetic but a little bit fatter?
I can't think of one

Attached: bb.jpg (1280x720, 95.27K)

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Fuck, you're all ugly.

Attached: Wait my ass.jpg (1280x720, 36.02K)

Attached: gnome.jpg (698x760, 37.69K)

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Attached: norg.jpg (670x857, 52.21K)

Attached: ded.jpg (224x224, 8.08K)

Attached: IMG_3606.jpg.jpg (402x415, 56.49K)


that must be the feller who masturbates all day long

Attached: his smile and optimism gone.jpg (1280x720, 96.24K)

Attached: 65b27c586f6524ff6057f5075956e1a7.gif (540x265, 517.43K)

Post belly

How fat are you guys, really? 245 lb here.

Does Mapes come back anytime after the first game?

350 but I'm on keto so it's mostly muscle

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Attached: 1565435944485.png (360x450, 251.75K)

Based average joe.

205. I could be fitter but I can't stop drinking haha.

220 pounds here, get on my level you lanklets.


Attached: Capture_2020-03-18-20-05-12.png (319x574, 198.08K)

Attached: gob.jpg (198x255, 7.95K)

please god no

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you're ugleh

Attached: 1538522891968.gif (265x353, 1.8M)

Attached: 主人公_カメラ.png (114x216, 5.1K)

Attached: long man.png (438x565, 58.75K)

Attached: F27941DD-EDE1-4F13-9944-0E2A75460D56.png (1647x2554, 2.64M)

Me in the doorway

Attached: necro[1].jpg (800x600, 432.14K)

Attached: 1579978148043.png (526x1035, 246K)

>please god no
scared of afro man pussy? scared hes gonna eat ur ass?

Attached: Capture_2020-02-25-15-57-59.png (416x541, 144.48K)

this character is ruined for me
just cause of one pic

I hated that fucking faggot kid. A shame you couldn't fuck his mum.

post it

what pic