What do people see in this shitty MMO?

What do people see in this shitty MMO?

>Absolutely terrible early game fetch quests
>Early levelling is LITERALLY spamming 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 on your keyboard millions of times
>Zero socialisation even though the game is an MMO, no one talks in duty finders or parties unless it's to call you a shitter
>Over reliance on 'epic DPS rotations' where literal manchildren and NEET crybabies will moan at you if you aren't doing the absolute pinnacle of best rotations to get maybe 1% more damage
>Tons of ERP'ing men playing women. Like I thought WoW was bad but this is just insanely bad
>The outer world zones are useless and pointless once you levelled through them. There's literally no reason to ever go back besides shitty FATEs
>Graphics are fucking awful and there are so many textures that would look at home on the N64

Why even play this over WoW?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why even play this over WoW?
To not play it like an MMO desu
It's a shit MMO. I come back once or twice a year to catch up on the MSQ and check out the fights I missed before fucking off again and waiting for another bucket of content.
That said, if I had to pick between fatass men ERPing as futa anime girls infesting my hubs and fatass furries ERPing as Wolfgang Mooncry, the Alpha Hound of Ram Ranch, I'd take the futa anime girls. At least then it makes sense for me to judge their shit outfits as I ride by them.

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FFXIV is a single player RPG while you're leveling and then a coop instance game like PSO or Monster Hunter at level cap
It's really not an MMO

Also its [endgame] combat is infinitely more enjoyable and varied than WoW's five button priority list trash

>It's really not an MMO
This is very true. why do they call it an mmo then

What do people see in any MMO? Why not just play a good game?

>Untrue (based on personal experience).
It's not like people will sit around a campfire and talk about their day during a dungeon run, but to say that no one ever talks isn't exactly accurate either.
>What the fuck is an 'epic DPS rotation'
Also not a problem considering it's bannable in public chat channels and you have a blacklist.
Not that I expect you to have done literally any of the extra/side content available in the game based on your post or even the most basic gathering/crafting by the sounds of it.
>Partially true
Saying that graphics are 'fucking awful' is clearly bait (2/10 got me to reply I guess) but there are some bad textures here and there, that's not wrong.
>Why even play this over WoW?
Because WoW is worse in every aspect regardless how hard you shitpost on Yas Forums.

I'm gonna call you a nigger now. Nigger.

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you can ERP in Limsa on a trial account

to attract people who play MMO

It's for people who have no taste.

Just finished my first ARR relic Yas Forums.
Couldn't be happier.

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Does anyone on Behemoth need an FC? I need more members.

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Which relic did you go for, user?

Nirvana zeta and I helped my buddy get Longinus Zeta

Very nice. Will you be going for any more of them or are you content for now?

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Imagine wasting your time on relics lmao. It's literally a virtual item retard have sex.

might go for some heavensward or stormblood relics for my other jobs but not for a while

Because people can be wrong about things?

this is the ffxiv shitposting thread, not the serious ffxiv thread.

Where is the serious thread?

What the fuck is this faggots problem

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omegalul it's really hard to believe that people sided with emet selch

fucking poggers dude

What makes you type like this?

lmao, I go there and people just say random shit in the wind that means nothing and has nothing to do with anything on topic, it's fucking weird. Going there just feel like how it just be to be inside someones head that just types literally everything that they think about unfiltered.

>lmao, i go there
stay there

>>Absolutely terrible early game fetch quests

ARR is pretty dry, but it picks way up by the end and you start getting the empire, cool music, engaging assassination plots, etc.
>>Early levelling is LITERALLY spamming 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 on your keyboard millions of times

It is a little slow at first, but that's been a thing in FF forever, a bit slower thoughtful RPG combat. It paces well with the enemy aoe and interesting boss moves etc.'

>>Zero socialisation even though the game is an MMO, no one talks in duty finders or parties unless it's to call you a shitter

That's antisocial zoomers, not FF.

>>Over reliance on 'epic DPS rotations' where literal manchildren and NEET crybabies will moan at you if you aren't doing the absolute pinnacle of best rotations to get maybe 1% more damage

That's antisocial zoomers, not FF.

>>Tons of ERP'ing men playing women. Like I thought WoW was bad but this is just insanely bad

That's antisocial zoomers, not FF.

>>The outer world zones are useless and pointless once you levelled through them. There's literally no reason to ever go back besides shitty FATEs

Somewhat true, but there are hunts, gathering, alt class quests., treasure hunts, beast tribe quests.
It's no different than any other MMO, just WoW forces you into dailies out there and FF doesn't, preferring to have its daily token griding in the more challenging dungeons and raids. The beast tribe are pretty equivalent to dailies but they're optional where it's more mandatory in WoW. Regardless people are going to choose to socialize where they want anyway, which in FF is discord and Limsa and not centered around a daily hub. What is ultimately the difference? No one is flying through old WoW zones that often either.

>>Graphics are fucking awful and there are so many textures that would look at home on the N64

Now you're just blatantly lying. Still one of the very best and most aesthetic MMOs out there.

Bros is there a settings of 3rd party program that can let me filter certain words in PF?

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I meant to say I went there the other day to check it out, not that I frequent it. Also 10/10 quotting.

I hate this game so much but this music is awesome.

What new relic you getting ffxiv bros?

Gunbreaker relic here

Im going for MCH

Probably PLD.

SB was a misfire for most jobs outside of the Pyros stage, but outside of the ugliness that is the final Hydatos version, PLD has always been fortunate when it comes to good relic aesthetics; there are few out there that rival Excalibur/Aegis Shield and Aetti/Prywen.

DNC because it's my main. I hope one of the steps looks good because all the current weapons for it look like dog shit.

Will the expansion after Shadowlands homoginize Tanks & Heals further?

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>Running weeping city as healer
>co-healer never rezzes
>final boss, get caught in one of the hair traps and die because nobody wants to kill it if it isn't literally right under the boss
>spend literaly 2/3rds of the fight dead
>healer never rezzes me
>later half the party is dead, I focus on specifically what the healer is doing
>see her use swiftcast
>uses it on a heal or an attack, not sure which except for the fact it definitely was not a rez for one of the 4 dead people in the party

Finally someone from another alliance rezzed me, only to almost instantly get caught in another weed trap and throttled again. At least we didn't wipe
I'm torn between DRK and BLM. BLM is my OG class, but I'm more maining DRK right now.

I kinda wanna know what the aesthetic of the weapons will be, are they gonna be mechanical looking or still more fantastic themed.

How would it even be possible to homogenize tanks further?

Wrong image, let me help you out.

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Sounds like you all were just as bad.

in-game in the Yas Forums cwls

You mean /vg/ cwls.

You mean the reddit CWLS.

same thing

>/vg/ cwls
That sounds like hell

Literally paying the game to be a tourist attraction.

GNB for sure.

DRK maybe just because it's the expac for it. wasn't really too impressed with this expac's relics though.

An actual good story that keep you hooked

>Bozja / Catmen centric
>GNB name
>Some faggot is going to get a Bard weapon

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What do people see in any games? Why not just read a good book?
t. Boomer

>What do people see in this shitty MMO?
I like it
>>Absolutely terrible early game fetch quests
>>Early levelling is LITERALLY spamming 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 on your keyboard millions of times
Like any mmo out there ever
>>Zero socialisation even though the game is an MMO, no one talks in duty finders or parties unless it's to call you a shitter
Good, i dont need to tell you how to play stick to your role and we will do fine
>>Over reliance on 'epic DPS rotations' where literal manchildren and NEET crybabies will moan at you if you aren't doing the absolute pinnacle of best rotations to get maybe 1% more damage
Like any mmo ever
>>Tons of ERP'ing men playing women. Like I thought WoW was bad but this is just insanely bad
Like any mmo ever
>>The outer world zones are useless and pointless once you levelled through them. There's literally no reason to ever go back besides shitty FATEs
Like any mmo ever
>>Graphics are fucking awful and there are so many textures that would look at home on the N64
Like most mmos ever
>Why even play this over WoW?
WoW shitter still seething over classic not being any good.


Nice retort

No argument in, no argument out

>unskippable cutscenes in trials
>unskippable cutscenes in raids
You think we'll get unskippable cutscenes in future dungeons too?
4 man ones, 8 man lvl50 msq ones don't count.

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All you have to do to skip is push the escape button user...

>I can spew retarded unbased bullshit and other people should be giving me legitimate responses
Here's your pity reply

Its all i ask since my initial response was coherent and gave some good criticism to the op

wtf do people see in shooters? you just click the mouse button.

this is how xiv players respond to criticism

can you skip the ruby weapons intermission then?

No, that you cant do.

>All you have to do to skip is push the escape button user...
No you can't you stupid retard

Stupid retard is kinda redundant.

Yes i have addressed that in a previous comment. Theres a scene you cant skip woah game ruined 0/0 would not play

>Why even play this over WoW?
Why do black tar heroin when I can do cocaine?

>drug analogy

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