How can a single game make a whole board so utterly butt devastated?
How can a single game make a whole board so utterly butt devastated?
It dosnt.
How many shill threads do we need?
>point out stuff you dislike with the game
This is why Yas Forums is a shit board
Don't worry, Final Fantasy 7 remake is coming out soon so the board will be filled up with those shill threads instead.
Welcome to the party, pal.
Because it appeals to everybody and it’s doing well and these basement dwelling losers feel like they lost their underground exclusive epic doom guy
new masters level when?
How can a single game have such a big s*y following
Game is okay I wouldn't say it's revolutionary or breathtaking like the last one one. I would say it's 84 at best.
More like 6 fags in a discord and a few dozen tween imitators who think it's cool to be a hater
There are a group of tryhard boomers that see themselves as "elitist" but suck completely at this kind of game. They wanted to laugh at the game being too casualized and easy but cannot handle even Ultra Violence (and still struggle a lot on Hurt me Plenty). Frustrated of any pretension of "I'm too hardcore for this babys' shit", they react with blind, aimless, pure hatred.
Just call them what they are, low IQ shitter trannies that should be suiciding, not playing games that are far above their skill.
Lol. Get a load of this fag.
Yas Forums is incapable of liking anything that's popular.
This is the best fucking game ever.
Everything about the actual combat is much improved (apart from the fact that you're still moving from arena to arena), it's all of the stuff in between that brings down the experience.
LOW AMMO LOW AMMO LOW AMMO adds nothing to the experience except the constant need to watch a second-long animation after 10 shots.
I'd be fine with the bing bing wahoo if it was actually challenging, it's really just trivial filler shit, which is a shame because the actual platforming is pretty tight.
>I'd be fine with the bing bing wahoo if it was actually challenging, it's really just trivial filler shit, which is a shame because the actual platforming is pretty tight.
If you want platforming, go play Crash Bandicoot.
My point is that it would be better if it wasn't in there at all, but since large portions of the game are dedicated to platforming then why not at least make it challenging?
A true chad would like both the original Doom Games and the new Doom games based on their merits. They may not be exactly the same, but they are all good for different reasons..
that's me except doom 3 because i haven't played it
>why not at least make it challenging?
Because it's not a platformer, it's a FPS with platforming elements. People would hate it if non-shooting parts of the game hindered progression. For challenging platforming, please go play an actual, dedicated platformer game.
LOW AMMO LOW AMMO LOW AMMO adds nothing to the experience except the constant need to watch a second-long animation after 10 shots.
Or you could switch weapons, perhaps. Spend all your ammo for ALL guns before chainsawing enemies for more. You're not supposed to use the SSG all the time, the game was specifically designed so to players NOT rely on a single weapon.
Just finished Mission 4 and to be frank its way too overhyped on this board
I was expecting GoldenEye level revolutionary but it doesn't even come close
the game was always popular since the beginning, way to out yourself as not alive when doom came out
it's my first runthrough, ultra violence or nightmare?
I did nightmare and I am glad i did, but don't feel bad to turn it down to ultra violence because a lot of people feel nightmare is unfair, which it can be.
Doom elitism always made me laugh, since the original was easy enough that I finished it on ultra violence with keyboard aim as a child. Sure, there are hard wads but that's true of every game with a map editor. Quake pvp is hard if your opponent is good, but so is literally any pvp if your opponent is good.
I did Ultra Violence and you should Nightmare.
I don't mind the fact that you have to watch glory kills and chainsaw animations, it's the fact that you can't turn off those shitty LOW AMMO LOW HEALTH warnings and that stupid red tint to the screen that puts COD jelly to shame. THEY ARE ALWAYS FUCKING ON SCREEN due to the design of the game.
>sanic speed on glory kills also gives COD jelly
they could have at least made it blue
How can a single man shoot a hole in the surface of mars?
>oh hey how cool is this boss with a floating UFO body
>o-oh I have to kill two of them straight after I guess they're still cool
>o-oh I have to fight them every level now
Also the Cyberdemon sucks because you never have to fight him for real. There's always BFG or sword ammo lying about.
Ultra-Violence for that perfect blend of fun and difficulty
Nightmare if you wanna die in two hits
I did nightmare first, it's pretty hard but once you build your muscle memory it's very fun
Play the arc complex master level if you want tyrants.
It's already out son
The only good cyberdemon encounter was in one of those slayer gates before you got the bfg or sword. It kind of spoiled the fight though since the gate is placed well before they actually introduced him in the campaign.
The game has a real bad habit of spoiling things.
>oh shit I'm going to enter an arena and fight some new demon
>pick up page
>here's information and an image of the demon you're about to encounter
i did ultraviolence but i wish i had done nightmare (I am gonna do a second playthrough)
I played on Hurt Me Plenty, did I mess up by not playing it on harder difficulty? The game drags anyway towards the end, just throwing the same demons at you over and over.
The tutorials have got to be the worst part. I slogged through them until the tank bosses when it literally told you how to beat the boss. I turned them off after that fight.
I didn't even realise you could turn them off. But how were you supposed to know to meathook into the second-last boss?
I didn't use the meathook.
I personally played on Hurt Me Plenty and it was nice. Not particularly hard with extra lives, but I don't understand the desire to die a bunch of times on your first play-through. I'd imagine Nightmare is more like a run-away simulator than anything. I think they give you one or two new demons every level, though.
Why is this allowed?
hey, what do you use to take screenshots? Afterburner stopped working after I formatted my PC, for some reason
I just hate the fucking marauder.
Not only does his presence bring the combat to a grinding halt where you have to patiently wait for him to do his attack before the game allows you to damage him, they also have a bad habit of putting him in small arenas or places with a lot of obstacles where his pathfinding freaks out.
In what way was goldeneye revolutionary other than being on n64? I wasn't really impressed with it,by 1997 I had already played system shock, doom, marathon, rise of the triad, hexen, dark forces,turok, and quake.
nothing's changed in 15 years i can guarantee you that
In what fucking way was doom 4 revolutionary? It was just a good fun FPS game but revolutionary?
So why are some people bitching? It just looks like Doom.
Thought about getting 2016 but I watched a bit of it and it looks boring.
Because people have different opinions.
Are you new here?
pic related
My sentiments exactly, and yet it's here in my Doom game.
Tortanic happened and now every shitposter on Yas Forums wants it to happen to any new hyped game.
skipped on 2016 for the same reason until i pirated it last year. it's one of those games where actually playing feels way different compared to just watching it
It's like the developers just had a bunch of mechanics and systems they thought were cool from other genres and then proceeded to do the absolute bare minimum shoehorning them into a DOOM game.
And then when you try to criticize the game for doing too many mediocre things at once, the shills come out in full force and say.
>it's supposed to be a HARDCORE shooter, user, if you want to play an X why don't you go play Y instead?
Yeah but why specifically? Something-something Doom is soi now, blah blah. It looks like fucking Doom.
just discord trannies because doomguy exists to slaughter their kind
A few weeks before launch the shills were really trying.
Now the game will be quickly forgotten, because its arcade formula doesn't have as much depth as people think. And the frantic battle coupled with levels of 30-40 minutes is extremely tiring, I doubt that many people will have the patience to dedicate themselves to this game for more than a few weeks.
The game will be forgotten until the shills return to the viral marketing of the next Bethesda / Zenimax Doom.
Borderlands 3 manages to do arcade arenas better with their dedicated slaughter arenas while Nu-Doom v2.0 is too busy sniffing it's own farts about "chess".
>people discuss single player games less after everyone has finished all of the content
kind of funny that you think this proves anything at all
That's what you said about Doom 2016, back in the day.
No one cares about your garbage game, Randy. Eat shit and die.
Don't be mad just because we're doing Doom better than Doom, Hugo :^)