Top duck
Animal Crossing
cute duck
That's not Scoot.
Cute. Anyway, I need a cardboard box for a craft. Can someone sell me one?
looking for space themed items, willing to pay premium
522 bells per turnip
Hot Item is Brick Oven
Any cut is appreciated
>campers can kick out villagers
This is pretty cool. They added a way to boost the chances of getting rid of a villager you don't like
Villagers are coomers too
I thought Vinny doesnt post here anymore?
Anyone got samurai pants or shoes in their able sisters?
Ok I figured out why ffmpeg was spitting out errors and I wanted to redo this webm
h-how long are your docks bros?
12 planks here...
*takes your free plot*
Is there anyone that wants to swap up fruit-based furniture? I can give out Orange Tables / Wall Clocks.
oh shit, thats a cool idea user. Fuck you for being more creative than i am
What think of my future villager list once my NFC tags come in, and my autism? I wanted all cute characters + species and personality diversity. Like having two cats though.
give me Dodo codes, I wanna draw dumb shit
Yeah, give code, I have 4
How do you even get those? I have yet to get any fruit furniture
Top duck posting
Anyone knows if there's a bowler hat in the game? Also, is there a goatee too? Can't find other beards.
How did you make him that?
look at this dumb duck
Anyone willing to sell a non-yellow lighthouse?
still a loooong way to go
Reposting from last thread.
Real fucking question here. What furniture sets have been cut? Rather, what sets can you guys confirm are still in? It's legit hard to tell right now because of disinfo from faggots, and I see more non-set items and lots of non-custom variants of items. I can confirm that the Cute set and Imperial set are still in. Cabana is as well, but is renamed "Rattan". I think the Kiddie set is stealth in as a custom for wooden-block set DIY. What have you guys seen so far?
I'm sure he does, anonymous and shit
>2 (two) peppies
I wanna draw kind shit.
Cube is best duck.
To fellow anons wanting to build an arcade
Why does he remind me of an old Nickelodeon/ Cartoon network character that i cant quite put my finger on...
i have a throwback rocket
Dodo Code(TM): 1X9S7
I want to invite Scoot, but I've already got Boots and Leonardo.
I was trying to get rid of Canberra. She tricked me today though, after days of not speaking to her she finally had the cloud over her head.
It turns out she lost her notebook.
on my way, thanks user, i'll hook you up
Just use webm for retards. It's easy as fuck
Also reduce res to 70% of source for Twitter rips so it still looks good
How much? I got white ones, but I still need to grind some miles to get delivered tomorrow
I could trade the cherry radio and lamp for those
For me it was one of the requirements of my first three move-ins. Alternatively, if anyone is looking for a Gold Armor crafted, all you would need to do is provide the 8 nuggets needed for it.
anons crafting sakura stuff, let's help each other out. I've gotten zero (0) recipes after the last like 30 balloons and I'm tired of farming them so if anyone's interested, let's craft each other stuff.
pic related is what I can do. give me the mats and I'll make as much as you want. if anyone can craft the pond, bag, or pond stone, I'll provide the mats (and perhaps a gift) if you can make me them.
Holy shit how do I get this wallpaper?
gaston is incredibly based as pick
16 big boy steps
Suggest a cute normal or sisterly. I'm open to kicking Sprinkle off the island.
Post a code and I'll bring them. I do already have a radio though.
ill take it, what do you want
You are my savior. I just need one bro.
She's precious, I got her from a mystery island and consider myself extremely lucky. When I saw her from her behind I thought it was Bill at first, then she turned around and I invited her immediately when I realised who it was.
i randomly got the pear wall and orange table from balloons a few days ago
whoops, meant petal pile, bag, and pond stone!
Is there really a limit on how many trees I can have for five stars? Isabelle is telling me my island is too rural
This fucking sucks
What happens when a villager moves out when you're also at 10 villagers? Do they leave an empty plot in the space where their house was? Does this fill with a random villager if you don't find one quick enough?
i'm on linux so I use ffmpeg without any gui but I'm still learning that. Thanks for the tip
I can do 5 tickets or 500k
>clear entire bamboo island
>relocate all the bamboo to one side of the island
>4/5th of it is nothing but a clear field
>keep getting tiger beetles and atlas moths on the same coconut tree
Biased towards Celia, so grab her.
Woa, is it animated?? holy shit thats cool, i want it too
i got a rocket in my pocket. i also have this nice Throwback Ship
What's a cut item?
yes and yes
YEs, definetly, what do you want?
cut down the coconut trees, dude
How do I get the animated rain/lightning wallpaper Baabara has in her house? Its fucking sick
House is empty for one day. After that is filled with random
The wiki says you start getting a penalty at 220 trees.
It also says you need 50 fences to get three stars, but I just did it with 18. I would take it with a grain of salt.
What does the town rating depend on? Have yet to get to that part but I want to be ready.
Cherry blossom lanterns all over my island are absolute kindo at night. They look awesome at literally any location.
>yeah. what are you gonna do about it, faggot?
based space dandy mouse
I haven't seen all the animated wallpapers yet but someone posted a stormy rain one with like animated lightning or something.
I'm pretty sure you can only get these from Sahara and I don't know how to trigger him coming to your village. It's completely random. I got a cool cityscape one that lights up, but I'd rather have that rainy city one.
522 bells per turnip
Hot Item is Brick Oven
Any cut is appreciated
Sorry, communication error occured.
Cut of profits, doesn't matter how much
I'm fairly certain he's the one who made this thread to eventually talk about scoot
I havent done any online stuff yet. What's this about people getting stuck in the airport, and wuh-ohs?
this *unzips dick*
you should upload your stuff via a facebook instead of twitter, you can download it more easily and the video isn't garbage
I'm not Vinny, I'm an autistic faggot who likes him. My animal crossing island has two pigs on it. Those being Peggy and Hugh.
money. would be great. not really sure what else unless i see your storage. i also have a lab experiment set if that'll interest you
B-Bet I'll get that recipe tomorrow haha
I have a throwback container. It's white and looks like it'd belong on a space station
where do yopu get rocket? i need my tengan toppa gurren lagun for my japan vs america themed island
New to ac, r8 my town
Kinda wanna get rid of this rhino, she’s always a bitch to me
money sounds good, I'll get the miles and order the thing, hope I can find you here tomorrow
if you find someone else with a lighthouse ready, no need to wait for me
Oh well, I'll give you an extra one you can trade to someone else. Code is DX9WD.
Flower, tree, and outdoor furniture count.
Dropped items.
I had a villager sitting on my dock and she wouldn't let me get back on the island.
How long will the Spring Bamboo and Cherry Blossom Recipes be in the 'normal' Balloons?
I need to know exactly how stressed out I should be over these fucking balloons taking up my air and head space.
Sahara is a male??
Yeah he's one of the cutest cranky villagers imo. Top tier mustache.
I'm pretty shallow and meh on the eagles besides for Apollo. Inclined to replace Penguin Sprinkle with a female Frog character I think like Lily.
They leave on April 12th :3
i got mine from a balloon
Wuh oh
Wuh oh
Wuh oh
What's going on over there?
calm down autist
I wish I had Cookie.
Can you customize that campsite sign?
Ooh, please make some gold armor too, I have the nuggets.
Any kind user can craft me starry-sky wall? Will tip start pieces, bells, cherry blossom wand, streetlamps, gratitude
Alright. I'll post around the same time tomorrow on here and in the general if I don't get anything tonight.
do people still drool over big piers or is this meme over
Is there anything that can scratch the creative itch that Animal Crossing gives, with the hot, sultry seductive animal people that Animal Crossing gives? I wanna play a tycoon on Xbox or something, but it always feels so soulless. It's so nice having people with personality living in your village, and also being able to show your work to your friends.
how much material does the sakura lantern need? i want to store enough material for 20
Dodo: 26JN3
molly is pure!
the pier isn't the same size for everyone?
Does anyone have anything that would go well with this floor?
Zucker and gamer wolf are good tho.
ill offer you 20k
heres a dodo, islands currently a mess so please ignore that
6 petals and 4 hardwood each
I love my wife Carmen!
Check your recycle bin. They spawn in there for me pretty much daily.
On my way.
>or is this meme over
didn't this meme start like, 2 threads ago?
try dragon quest builders 2
I don't fucking know? I figured he was? Does it matter? It looked like a guy to me...
the skull wall? its what i did
Nooks at 512 bells per turnip for 2 more hours
Able sisters selling a royal crown for 1 more hour.
I've got enough money, don't need a cut. You keep it all.
not funny
didn't laugh