
>figure I'd get a Switch
>go to the store
>literally all sold out
>go to two other stores
>sold out as well

What the fuck?

Attached: 435fd56.jpg (2448x3264, 483.99K)

There's literally a pandemic going on and you decide to go out for a fucking video game?

Fuck off

yes, does that bother you faglord?

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what shithole country do you live in where video game stores are open to the public during a fucking pandemic?

it's just a flu bro

>7 billion people stuck at home because of pandemic
tard thinking stores are even open. sage.

Best Buy is considered essential retail

go check if there's no onions either

Theres literally a pandemic going on and you are wondering why people are buying pastimes while isolated?

Fuck off

your not allowed inside the store stop fucking troll kid.

Yeah I'm glad I got mine 2 months ago. Sucks that it doesn't have as much AAA titles as I want though.

Didn't you hear? The world is ending

Animal Crossing is such a good game for being stuck at home.

>buy animal crossing switch
>sell my old switch on Ebay
>start bid at $200
>it gets up to $430

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Walmart is still open you fucking retard

>bored, this quarentine sucks!
>why is the switch sold out? Its not like the entire country is also bored at home all day too!

Fucking idiot

cause dipshits are going to the stores as soon as they open to buy them and scalp them online for double the cost

Less than .5% the worlds population either had it, has it or died from it
Fuck off retard it’s just old people overreacting and freaking out and guess what it’s old middle aged people in charge of all the stuff so they are scared imagine thinking
>niuuuu you can’t go outside you will get virus
Okay retard

>urrr notallaoed to leave your house XD
>muhh social distancing
>people stuck inside bored and alone
It’s not hard to figure out retard People are probably buying them right now

god you're about as dumb as all the old people who won't stop going to book club.

You're a fucking idiot if you aren't taking this situation seriously.

>People are forced to quarantine in their homes
>OP doesn't understand why all the Switches are sold out


>Nooooo muh meme virus that old affects old people the already sick or people with diabeetus nuhhh stop
Imagein being you keep crying over some retarded scare most country’s only have like couple thousand dead and they have like millions of people and if you look at the rate of infected vs dead it’s Bascially fuckinh notjunb but keep dreaming or

Demand spike combined with supply issues. That's what you get for made in china.

>go to the store
What the actual fuck? Have you barbarians never heard of AMAZON?!

Because it's still spreading exponentially you fucking moron

Someone's not paying attention to the span of time this is happening. New york ran out of room for the dead so they're using refrigerated trucks for mobile morgues.

You don't have a switch by now? I got mine at launch
It's Nintendos next handheld since the 3ds was 6 years old then.

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Imagine licking one of those joycons

>hundreds of thousands of people either laid off, furloughed, or otherwise can't work
>can't go out to do things
>decide to get a new system to help them pass the time because (you) are not the only person in the world who's bored and has 300 bucks burning a hole in your pocket
>production throttled because Chinese manufacturing is still recovering
How many times do we need to go over this, OP?

Amazon is bullshitting everyone right now if you order anything at all it won't arrive until 3 months from now

Don't binge too much user. The game is designed to be a slow burn. You can get a good 30 minutes maybe an hour of progress/farming a day but after that play something else. Don't skip the day forward over and over. You'll play the game 60 hours in a week and wonder what's left to do.

i don't know but I feel it is related to the shortage of toilet paper.

>quarantine everyone so it's harder to get the virus and not as many people end up with it in the end
>gosh what an overreaction was that really necessary?
>don't quarantine and half the world gets it
>wtf why didn't they do anything????

>work healthcare

Must be nice to stay home all fucking day and play vidya.

we live in a post-fact society user. if they haven't seen something with their own eyes it doesn't exist and if anyone says it does they're liars.

weeks. 3 weeks.

Targets essential so they’re all open like normal except for the people in masks

It’s a nothingburger. All of these lockdown policies were influenced by a bunch of SJW climate lefty retards who are disconnected with reality and came up with doom projections and stats and models which have been so wrong that they need to hang for war crimes because of the damage they’ve done

It's not
I miss work, playing Animal Crossing is helping but I'm still starting to lose track of days
Idk how you NEETs do it

>1/3 people who tested positive for it die

No it’s more like quarantine most of the people except allow them to get food and groceries and funnel all the infected into little aisles so all the employees get it and put it on the products and expose and infect everybody coming through and also infect food at take out restaurants then infect their families when they go home and make the problem worse.

Fuck off, tranny. Retardera is over there

This is your brain on Yas Forums

So what's your solution, smart guy
Everyone wears a bubble suit for a year?

Gamestop put new bundles up for sale on their website if you don't mind buying from them, though I don't see any that leave out the second, ~$70 controller.

Good goy, remember to stay indoors. Don't worry about the economy that's for us to worry about.

ITT: We uncover the fact whether this Corona Virus exists or not by checking the hospitals where it's "patients" are kept and doing other searches.

And then we destroy the disinfo ourselves with complete ease. It should be an operation almost too-simple. But then again that shouldn't stop them from installing the 5G towers that cause symptoms related to the diseases and using that to persuade the people into believing the virus exists; thus forcing mandatory vaccinations (which are poisonous, deadly to health and contain ID tracking chips) forced re-locations, martial law and all that shit.

And next we'll uncover a way to deal with those completely.
There's probably some stuff I haven't covered yet.

Are we all ready??!

This. Don't order electronics from an online retailer that provides essential supplies.

it's walmart

In the US 12 states have no stay at home or social distancing policies being enforced to this day.

>stop fucking troll kid
Retard ESL lol

>Idk how you NEETs do it
we're bored as fuck too, we're just used to it


You're retarded. I literally ordered a new monitor 2 days ago and it arrived two weeks early. I'm staring at it as I type.

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At least not all anons are under control.

I ordered a modem and a router. Said both would take ~6 weeks. Got the modem in 2 days and no sign of the router about a week and a half later here.

>doesn't own a Switch already
Deserves to get Wuhan'd

I guess it depends on the seller. Unrelated but holy fuck I love this monitor.

>tfw so remote that there are no cases in my city

Attached: E6F59B7F-65B5-49A0-BD47-88BBCF5699AD.gif (498x359, 407.54K)

we /rural/
No idea what the attached image is.

Attached: fugg.jpg (480x360, 18.73K)

>only 1 case since last sunday in my county despite having 2 universities and a community college within a 20 mile radius of my town