2 > 1 > 3

2 > 1 > 3

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2 > 1 > 3

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I liked the concept of being summoned as part of a boss fight.

3 > 1 > 2

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1 > 3 > 2

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based and based

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2 > 3 > 1
Twenty-three is number one!

1 > 3 > 2
While 3 is mediocre at best, 2 is absolutely terrible, I have no idea why there's a defense force for it.

>2 is absolutely terrible
but 3 isn't?
>b-b-b-ut 3 doesn't have the nonsensical earthen peak to iron keep transition
so it makes sense that fucking andre is your only blacksmith thousands of years in the future?

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>but 3 isn't?
3 is definitely not absolutely terrible. It's underwhelming in some ways, but it's not a bad game.

>but 3 isn't?
No, I'd say it's fairly bad
2 is just that shit.

Don't speak for me faggot.

>defending downgraded shit
Its not even the acceptable downgrade, its literally reduced to pre-alpha state, what kind of cuckshit is this

>so it makes sense that fucking andre is your only blacksmith thousands of years in the future?
That's not the same Andre
1 is really good
2 is shit
3 is pretty good

Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

Any other opinion is discarded.

Demons Souls:Dark Souls 2::Bloodborne:Dark Souls 3::Dark Souls 1:The Surge 2

Its obviously the same andre

Did you even play Dark Souls? There are like 9 Andres petrified

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1 > 2 > 3

>dark souls 2 was your first souls game
>it's your favorite
literally every 2cuck

The ds3 andre literally talks about knowing ds1 characters

1> Demon's > 3 > 2.

And? That character were still alive until recent events


I think Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls 2 game

What makes DS so much better than 3 in your opinion?

Miyazaki: Um. Rather, Andre is there for a minor amusement. Actually, since the first Dark souls, we were developing him as a part of "the Clan of Andre, the blacksmith". And we thought all those Andre looking corpses with embers were exact look-a-likes, and this time, it is the same idea.


Dark Souls 2 is objectively the game of the decade. I mean this unironically.


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DeS > BB > DS > DS3 > The Surge 2 > DS2

They are all good and do certain things better then others.

1 > Best World Building and Level Design (Lost Izalith never happened, Best NPC's, Best Magic, Best Nostalgia, Has Mother Fucking Gough

2 > Best Covenants, Best Build Variety, Best NG+ Mode, Best Fashion, Power Stancing, Best DLC

3 > Best Boss Fights, Weapon Arts, Best/easiest Jolly Co-operation, Very Unique Weapons, Best Endings

It all comes down to what you love most about Dark Souls and what you look for/enjoy when playing a Souls game. Dark Souls 1 will always be my favorite but Dark Souls 2 will forever hold a place in my heart.

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Sekiro> best combat
Bloodborne> best atmosphere

Armored Souls when?

das1 > des > bloodborne

dark souls sequels aren't worth playing

3 feels fucked to play


Bloodborne>Massive Gap>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Dogshit>the others

I do not remember Sekiro or Bloodborne being the topic of this thread. Oh wait. That is because they were not. I love Sekiro's combat and i love the theme of Bloodborne but once again, that is not the topic of this thread.

Stop inviting yourself into conversations you were never a part of you fucking cow.

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1 > 2 > 3
I'll always prefer 2 over 3. I don't really get how 3 has any fanbase at all. I acknowledge 2 has flaws but I legitimately enjoy exploring the world whereas 3's world is just boring and soulless. Where was all the hate for 2 the first couple years it was out? Yas Forums constantly talked about it and was at least liking it somewhat.

ultra based

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Only genuine retards actually think 2 is good, now shut the fuck up.

BB = DS > DeS > DS3 = DS2
All of these games are great on their own, but 2 and 3 reek of chasing a high.

These are the same fucking retards that still play vanilla Skyrim and think they're having fun.

>but 2 and 3 reek of chasing a high.
>DaS above DeS
It's like you didn't actually play DeS or something.

This is it. Only trannies disagree.

Being fully aware of the flaws in a game but still enjoying it makes you a retard?

>Imagine being this much of a fucking nigger.


>I do not remember Sekiro or Bloodborne being the topic of this thread. Oh wait. That is because they were not.
No shit
>Stop inviting yourself into conversations you were never a part of you fucking cow.
Really, bitch? Fuck you man, I go where I please.

Opposite for me. I didn't realize how shit 2 was until I had to be without Internet for a while.

Andre’s original backstory before it was cut was that he was going to be the nameless king in DS1. He even is still the only character with moving lips. I’m thinking they were going to revive it in DS3, then cut it but kept him in anyways.

>These are the same fucking retards that still play vanilla Skyrim and think they're having fun.

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DeS was good, but lacking. An unfinished beta of ideas the devs thought were cool. DS is them taking those ideas and actually finishing something with it, not "DeS was a massive success, so lets just milk that again beat for beat!"

Das=BB>DaS3=DeS>DaS2>most soulslikes

>Best Endings
I know it's subjective but out of all souls games the "fuck everything" ending from Ds2 was the most memorable to me. The rest felt too vague and often created more questions rather than answers.
>Aldia: "There is no path."
>character clenches fist
Absolute kino.

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You are not wrong.

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Wow user, you are brave and strong. Chicken tendies will be done in 10 minutes, remember to take the trash out tonight.

I can see why, DeS feels pretty jank, still my all time favorite game
Why do you like Bloodborne? I personally can't be assed to give a shit about it

Finally, the post that saved Yas Forums

Litlle bitch. That's right. Stay down,dog.

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>Demon Souls
It was cool, too many fuck you levels and too few non gimmick bosses though.
>Dark Souls
It was good, a great world layout and fun bosses.
>Giants Souls
It was alright, lots of variety in builds and a NG+ thats worth playing is really cool.
>Blood Souls
It was a cool direction for atmosphere and the weapons were all fun to use.
>Dark Souls 2
I dont know why they made a sequel and just copy pasted areas and NPC back. Fun Souls has decent pvp though even if the healing is balanced for scrubs.
>Dragon Souls
Awesome combat and a world that felt fun to explore again after the last game. Really could have used a few outfits though.
>Kings Souls
I hope this is as good as I think it will be. Sad theres no info out yet though, they can clearly do some good work.

Shanalotte >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone else

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Fuck off, you're the participation reward of taste in games.

It's not.