The Last Of Us Part 2 got leaked on Youtube

Seems like some crunched as fuck devs got really mad, footage is being uploaded on YT as we speak

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Looks like utter garbage.

lol! bruh moment

reddit:the game

looks so fucking boring

Wasn't the game canceled anyway?

How will Yas Forums react once the game comes out and gets a high metascore?

How is delayed cancelled, get out of your echo chamber anime boy

>this shit gets leaked but Duke Nukem Forever don't
I'm slighty mad.

What the fuck is that horseriding dialogue? It's not even worldbuilding

PRE ORDER CAN- oh wait I didn't pre order this trash

leaks is another term for viral marketing

>Normal conversation when horse riding
>Voices don't get louder when they are farther apart from each other

guitar bit looks fun

looks good to me, why's everyone saying it looks bad?


I don't think anyone cares about metascores.

Probably only the first part. This reeks of Ubisoft tier "leaks".

Its funny that this thread shows how no one cares in Yas Forums about these aaaaaaa sony titles.

Why are the VAs so bad, holy shit.
Aren't they supposed to be famous actors?

Also, it sounds like their voices are coming from nowhere.

what a surprise, it looks like shit

What an idiot.

>10 meters away while riding horses
>talking to eachother as if they are sitting on the same couch

So, what's Sony's answer to this? You'd think releasing the game digitally ASAP sounds reasonable.


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They could have at least leaked the whole movie

so what's the full story, now that it's out?

joel dies in the first 2 hrs, you play half of the game as the girl who killed him, ellie becomes a villain and loses everything she loves END THE CRUNCH NAUGHTY DOG!!

Then magically when it gets released Yas Forums starts suspiciously talking about sony titles and how good they are yet this leak cant get even 100 replies.

Imagine.if someone leaked bayo 3 or even a small game like smtv, there would be countless threads.

Dont fall for the shilling. No one really lines this shit in here.

GOTY confirmed

For reals?

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Yas Forums would be more surprised if this game got any metascore below 92.

Reup the vid nigga

it's so bad, i can't believe the kings of movie games would do something this amateurish

It's confirmed to get a 94 or higher and I wouldn't be surprised if it wins GOTY too.


It probably will win game of the year unless BotW2 comes out
What the fuck else is there? FF7 is a "Part 1" and RE3make is disappointingly short even if it's good. Anyone who's looking knows Cyberpunk 2077 is a washed down version of what was originally planned, so unless Lego Star Wars really blows us away, Last of Us 2 is game of the year

They used the word indefinitely, which usually is used for cancellations. In this case, it’s because they don’t have a new release date yet.

I am telling naughty dog about these videos

Damn, the game is only a minte long? blunder of the century.

so zombies aren't event plot relevant now?

>rockstar was able to do this in rdr2
hell I think it was the same in rdr1

Cyberpunk if it gets released this year

nobody thinks it's going to win goty awards because it's good
it's going to game GOTY because reviewers are idiots who eat tash like this up

Re3 is short and also not good.
My personal goty will probably be XB DE, you know how a remake should be done. Improving and expanding the original.

Anime and Japan
The greatest enemy of Sony

girls name is abby, her dad is the doctor joel killed who tried to sacrifice ellie for the cure. her story is better than ellie's, she's the actual protagonist

Is she cute?

absolutely not. story is still amazing tho


she looks like ronda rousey if youre into that. ok im done talking bye

Good joke

>le bait and switcharoo
>guys its like MGS2 it subverts your expectations and puts every character into perspective
I hate GOT for killing fun in the media

Fucking Ezio's AC and GTA SA had it.
This goes beyond memeing, this is truly embarassing

>that guitar part

NOOOO no games use the touchpad! Snoy!

Oh that's that butch lady from the early trailers?

Yea I'm into that. Godspeed user.

yeah no way they would bait and switch people this fucking hard. get outta here larper

Only Snoyfags care about this shit

Can confirm

It's real

>use touchpad for gimmik
>refuse to implement gyro support for aiming

Her dad is the female doctor you kill towards the end of the first game?

this industry is so freaking done

Oh no no no no no


Oh no no no

>"Oh god all my friends are missing and I'm possibly alone in this huge auditorium in this post apocalyptic setting"
>"ooh a guitar"

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Didn't they lay off a bunch of the actual developers and replace them with animators instead?

Tbh I'm just glad they didn't make Joel rape Ellie or some shit anons were saying in the other thread.

>I'm just glad they didn't make Joel rape Ellie

TIL I'm a crunched as fuck dev

It's disgusting

Sounds kinda kino. Hope it's true

Days gone had gyro and it was shit

I still can't get over how awkward the voice acting sounds.

The absolute state of play

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yeah the Play! PS2 emulator is still pretty fucked up

just leak the story and call it a day

imagine spreading that jewess' cheeks and smelling the musky hair god

it's not even coming out this year and still would have lost to ff7 if it did.

nothing posted there is amazing in any way so far.

>first hour you play as the new girl and you kill Joel
>then you play as Ellie and murder a lot of people to get the idea of her being a villain
>ghost Joel hallucinations
>Lesbian relationship is just that Scene
>new girl kills Ellie
the end

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Naked ellie getting me hard. Why wont naughty dog show her tits

coordinated leak

>Ellie loses everything she loves

Only part i dont believe. Everything ive seen and read they have ellie as the untouchable god who does no wrong.

The PS4's gyro is trash. The trackpad shit can get through testing since it's such a small part of the game, but no one's gonna put up with shitty aiming the whole time.

I actually believe it

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>new girl kills Ellie
Don't give me hope user!

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this is sufficiently shit and sufficiently boring to sound believable

Hope this game gets completely spoiled and the soi devs at ND collectively kill themselves.

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oh, god, i want this to be true

i have no stake in this series so i want to watch millenials take a huge fucking shit all over it and piss their whole audience off because they're so OBSESSED with plot twists and unpredictability for the sake of unpredictability

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So you play as pic related? Seems legit as that one trailer was focused on her and looked liked a more darker story.

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Horseshit. They wouldn't focus so much on getting brownie SJW LGBTWTFBBQ points if they were just gonna make the lesbian evil and have her killed. Even if they make it justifiable it's gonna spark some fake controversy and make them look like an evil company for having the shitty lesbian killed.

100% thought the second one was RDR2 from the thumbnail