I wonder what valves haters now think after Half Life Alyx was released

I wonder what valves haters now think after Half Life Alyx was released.

Before, anytime you'd mention valve people would flip and say valve doesn't make games anymore or half life 3 is never coming.

After HLA released I haven't seen it anywhere. Even Epic shills feel like they've died out.

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I mean, technically Half Life 3 still hasn't been released. Half Life Mutt can be more aptly referred to as "Half Life 1.5" since it's a prequel and not direct sequel to Half Life 2.

People who have the energy to talk about the "retcon" are either ESL or that one faggot trying to shill his youtube

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Honestly is it even a retcon? Personally I took it as in that moment Gman snatched Alyx and put her in a semi stasis, and took her back years to soften her up. After all he is powerful enough to do it.

Nice flop

>Gordon sees Eli die, something that G-Man sees as Gordon failing his assignment or show incapability
>G-Man merges timelines by tricking Alyx into using the gravity gloves, which have *always* been in G-Man's suitcase
>When Gordon recovers from passing out, Eli is also surprised he is now alive, but notices Alyx gone
>HL3 begins on the hunt for G-Man

I just watched beta build ending from VNN (stream vod deleted I found a download) and they had the ending much more long and Eli looked super surprised he was alive.

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HL3 never did come and all we got was a VR tech demo. Valve is dead and its corpse is being raped by Campo Santo.

Valve for the past several years has been an esports company that prioritized maintaining micro transactions and tournaments. There's not a lot worth admiring when that's all a game company commits it's time and effort to.

its really not
valve patching the end of portal 1 was a retcon, half life alyx wouldnt make any sense if you disregarded the end of episode 2

This game came and went faster than any game in history.

>someone was so mad they can't afford VR they took the time to make this

eli literally says in the alyx ending "son of a bitch and his unforeseen consequences". it's the same as saying i knew it'd happen/he'd do it"

>proving his point

>"Oh man how I get the point across that I am right...OH I KNOW"

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the sudden hatred for valve is hilarious
the fact that all it took was a good exclusive for a platform no one wanted to buy makes it even funnier when you realize how shit their company has been for the past 8 years prior to HLA's release

it's like bloodborne all over again, just on a smaller scale

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>the sudden hatred for valve
Have you been living under a rock?

it's more pronounced now than it has been since portal 2's release, and even then I think there's more now than there was back then

this is maybe the lowest iq post ive ever seen

they did the same thing with portal desu

aw yeah?

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>I wonder what valves haters now think after Half Life Alyx was released.
That Alyx is overrated trash, that VR is a dead meme, and then something about how Steam is a terrible platform.


>Half-Life 3: Hunt Down the G-Man

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Portal 2 swept the Yas Forumsgas and everyone said how much Yas Forums loved Valve. Of course it's going to go downhill when all they've released is Artifact and hat simulators.

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It's a retcon if all time travel is a retcon

>took 5 seconds of the last entry and said "no that didn't happen"
>not a retcon

Half Life Alyx was mediocre and probably the worst Half Life game after Blue Shift

i dont know why you guys are annoyed that it's a retcon when g-man is a living retcon. episode 1 was a retcon based off how hl2 ended. the fact that alyx's ggloves were what was always in g-mans suitcase since hl1 is proof that is what he is. a retcon

Blue Shift was the best Half Life game though

I'm saying I think it's funny that this game's release is what has brought it to a boiling point

>the fact that alyx's ggloves were what was always in g-mans suitcase since hl1

that they can never reveal what he is or who he works for just makes him a, I don't know something higher than a deus ex machina, as well. they might just as well run with it.

you realize retcon is an abbreviation of retroactive continuity right? if eli's death still occurs within the continuity of the story, its not really a retcon.

>if eli's death still occurs within the continuity of the story, its not really a retcon.
it no longer does, though

>Before, anytime you'd mention valve people would flip and say valve doesn't make games anymore or half life 3 is never coming.
I was one of the few people who clutched on to Valve and hoped they would still deliver after all this time.
Now after playing Alyx and seeing that retcon, yeah Valve is fucking dead.

Valve is actually talking about working on a new main story game. And they said it won't be VR exclusive.

Also HLA has desktop dev/debug modes in it, and people are already working on making it playable thru them.

sure it does, if you were explaining the story of half life from start to finish to someone, how could you skip over Eli's death? it's integral to the story

>imagine a person who thinks it takes energy to talk about shit


>I wonder what valves haters now think after Half Life Alyx was released.
the same thing i've thought before, lol
that Valve is a better distributor than a games company, and that they've literally never made anything other than a mediocre game

strawman as much as you like, but they're just trash

>muh "yoo dun lik it cuz yoo are poor" argument
it's like you're trying to embarrass yourself and have everyone hate you


>HL2 is still best rated PC game of all time
>Say's it's mediocre game

Maybe to you yes.

there's no such thing as a good game, user

literally the pleb masses talking
Half-Life 1's intro is top tier, but everything after that and it just falls apart
the best thing Half-Life 2 did was enabling the continued development of the Source Engine so we could get GMod, and even then most of that is terrible, too
no, but there is no such thing as a 10/10 game

>no, but there is no such thing as a 10/10 game
anything less than 10/10 means the game has flaws and can be picked apart endlessly, which means it's bad
I reiterate, there's no such thing as a good game


no, a 10/10 is merely a game that confirms your biases
10/10 games don't exist, but they exist to people
if you're disagree with me you're just wrong

name 3 good games user

you're a pleb with shit taste (redundant, i know), so you don't get to have an opinion on your betters (that's me, by the way)
no, lol


>people like things
wow shocking
doesn't prove me wrong faggot

>no, lol
must be pretty sad being you

i'm god, i don't need to cope on anything
literally does
i am quite a happy, if sometimes bored, person

What's the point of this thread?

what is the point of any thread?
what is the point of anything?
we're all just gonna die anyway user

killing time while "working from home" before i jump back into my gnome chompski run

if you're arguing that people subjectively liking things equates to good games existing then you're the most smoothbrained poster I've ever met

i dunno, but i'll use them to make fun of brainless fanboys and their shit opinions
it's literally a cult

I swear to god either Valve forgot that SMG mags have 2.5x the rounds that pistol mags do or they changed their capacity late in development because I cannot think of any other reason why there is so much fucking SMG ammo in the game. They throw so much fucking SMG ammo at you that there's no point in using the pistol or the shotgun anymore. 30 fucking rounds a mag and the fastest reload in the game. Decent damage and easier to aim because of full auto and fat bullets.

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I use threads like this to procrastinate at work since shitposting makes the hours go by faster

no, lol
just about literally everything can be measured, therefor just about literally everything is objective
it's why i can say Valve's games are objectively bad with a straight face

a 10/10 game is a fantasy that makes someone irrational and therefor cannot logically criticize said game
i get you're fucking stupid, but do try harder, Anonymous

>can't prove me wrong
>just calls me stupid
thanks for the concession bud

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Headshotting things behind cover with the pistol is the EZ mode of the game
Shotgun is absolutely worth it if you get the grenade launcher

you LITERALLY do not understand abstraction, don't @ me you double-digit IQ cuck

Well yeah, because Valve has now made a game. I also said shit like "Valve doesn't make games," because they stopped making games. But now they make games so I no longer say that.

You burn through the ammo faster than the pistol though. Pistol is also more accurate for longer range.

>just about literally everything can be measured
Then you can demonstrate how to measure a game's quality, right?

I played on Hard and relied mainly on pistol headshots, but it felt like a fucking pea shooter. It got a little ridiculous seeing their head slam back about a dozen times before finally hearing the flatline.

lol this is cute

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