3.3% rate

>3.3% rate
>70 rolls
>0 SSRs
>Finna quit this shit game

DOA thread!

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation.jpg (1377x1079, 380.24K)

Wanted Luna, got Kasumi. Outcome was still pretty good.

lol good one. Now fuck off.

This VV isn't a game. Just mod it to swap between the suits you like as the game is just a glorified photoshoot.

How do I increase my rank from SS-?

It's dynamic and depends on your participation in current events stop playing for too long and it will drop to S

>only 7 rolls

It's based on how hoard you grind compared to everyone else and resets weekly. Depending on the event and the rewards more or less people may be grinding like crazy.

I love Kasumi!

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Please stop posting pictures of my wife, creep.

at least with 3.3% you're really still not expected to get anything
but when you spend 10k on it and get 2 of the same SSR back to back
that's some bullshit

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Sorry user but she's my wife.

Attached: Wife with ring.jpg (2160x3840, 1.04M)

I too would be mad if I rolled SSR for a useless cow like Hitomi.

I got Marie three times in a row in the Valentine's 13-way gacha.

I got 2 and farming my ass off so I can fap to her in more exotic positions.

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For the AGA collab how do you get the VV bikinis for the girls? Also, when playing with a controller is there any way to switch the lock-on target?

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>at least with 3.3% you're really still not expected to get anything

You're over 90% likely to get an SSR in 70 rolls with a 3.3% chance.


Attached: best girls.jpg (2160x3840, 969.66K)

You really should be able to make your main girl random. I want to see someone new every time I open the game

Those will be next week.

Post more Momiji and Tamaki


Attached: Absolutely wasted.jpg (3840x2160, 1.09M)

>inb4 the red dress is no longer trendy when this set releases

Tell them to do that in the survey.

anybody got Momiji in high cut lingerie?
If you can't post here can you post in the DOA thread on /e/?


i blew up like 40 tickets and arouns 60k stones.
i cant even beat the ss+ matches but then i got depressed to the point that i said fuck all and did 500 stones pulls in the gatcha (inefficient, i know)
but suddenly got Kokoro anniversary suit. lul
i got lucky but fuck this fake news event

Attached: stomach ache.jpg (1920x1080, 384.21K)

No SSR is trendy two times. Never happened, never will.

Is this for real? A SS+ rank after you're done with the SS.

Level 70 outfits were barely able to clear SS

>Never happened
It did.

Nut inside Lei Fang.

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I want Honoka to take a fat shit on my chest

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>over 90% likely to get an SSR in 70 rolls with a 3.3% chance
it's still 3.3% just 70 times. Your chance stays the same


>Level 70 outfits were barely able to clear SS

You're supposed to have them at level 90 bro

I don't have materials

>another mathlet

If you flip 1000 coins at once, what's the chance that at least one of them is heads?
Hint: it's not 50%.

Attached: Helena 7.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

>3.3% rate
We need to get Trump out of office so we can focus on what matters most, forcing reasonable rates for real money rolls.

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post lewds

>thread gets deleted


that would be bad for the thread

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I love my wife Misaki

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oh I get it now. it's gacha as in gotcha as in you have been swindled out of your money. makes sense now

Imagine how I felt when I got that bitch twice

>2020 and doaxvv still not in vgg

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oh sorry

guess I'll work with what's been posted :)

>roll Misaki first try
>roll Kokoro second try
>finished all SS+ with just both
Feels good to not be a lucklet desu

Attached: Ooooohshit.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

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Not enough posters

>VV bikinis for the girls
There's a swimsuit gacha for that. It's the next section below the gacha for Kasumi/Marie.
It's separated into two sets, and you should have 3 outfit bags for it, so you can get 3 of the suits. If you happen to dupe, it'll give you the bag back so no worries of that happening.

However, getting more bags is apparently mainly from freebies whenever they add more suit gachas, duping 4* characters in the non-pickup gacha, or just paying up, so the 3 bags you have now is probably all you'll get before the collab's over.

>switch the lock-on target
For targets on-screen, it's 'B' on my Xbox One controller.
I did try the option of having manual and semi-auto modes on at the same time, and it lets you also flick towards off-screen enemies with the right stick.

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>ever playing gachashit in the first place
You deserve to be cucked

I love Luna!

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Post more Momiji

ecchi is better than straight up porn or nudes anyways

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Kokoro > all

is that one of the requirements to be in vgg?
honestly, doa threads can go over 500 reps in just 12 hours or so, really fuckin annoying everytime i see this in vg, feels so out of place lmao
cant blame the mods everytime they delete these threads

vg threads just slow down and devolve into discordshit and cuckposting from schizos

I was mad at first because I wanted Honkers, but then I remembered Kokoro was the girl I played with the most in Xtreme 3 so I guess in the end it turned out OK. Misaki is my favorite now though

Attached: Goddess.jpg (1920x1080, 187.89K)

it is :)


asking to be mounted from behind

>got like 1 new SSR nostalgia dress everyday

feels so good bros

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Those feet are so well done. More?