goty 2020
Goty 2020
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Trump doesn't even hate gay people though
This just seems like a false flag to me
None of these men wished to kill gay people, though...
It really doesn't look like it. A lot of the anti-gay stuff comes from his mouthbreathing retard fanbase.
Hitler definitely did
Which is weird because Biden is even further right of Trump when it comes to everything not involving social justice
Neither did Hitler or jesus
are you insinuating all jews were gay or something?
you do realize gays, gypsies, the disabled, and the elderly got rounded up too
gays even had to wear a pink triangle
That's probably what the neo nazis taught you but Hilter was only concerned with exterminating the jews and sterilizing black men who slept with German women
Read a fucking book, for fucks sake
This is literally untrue lmao
Nobody likes faggots
the comeback of a pseud. which book? give me names.
>implying liberals would ever do something like that
oh wait
You clearly seem to since you're a massive faggot yourself
No, I was only taught about the 6 million jews for 12 years.
>read a book!!1
The nazis killed a bunch of different groups, not just jews
Then the commies proceeded to keep the exact same shit going but tankies like to pretend they didn't
I hope that's photoshopped or a joke
>tranny hates actual normal homos
It was the Americans who put the gays back in the camps to serve their sentences.
based. do the crime do the time.
jesus looking like a snack, ngl
Senpai, feminists were comparing Elizabeth Warren to Hermione for fucking months, posting sassy gifs about how she'd wreck Trump
SJWs let Harry Potter be entirely too formative for them and now they can't make any other kind of comparisons
Good thing I'm not American then
Nice attempt at whataboutism though
Tankies can choke
>Good thing I'm not American then
Oh, you personally didn't do it so that makes it not a problem? Unless it's the people you hate in which case it is a problem?
Yes? You brought it up in an attempt to shift blame towards me with the assumption that I'm American, but I'm not
No, you decided to take it personally, I just pointed out it the people responsible weren't who you said they were.
This is a 40 IQ post
>glownigger, the game
Who’s your main??
lmao have you even looked at his foreign policy or are you just going "hey it's the Obama" guy like the faggot you are
To be fair Obama is also a rightist
Actually they both did and with good reason.
this is true but people pretend he was the living breathing embodiment of the right wing when his ICE policies were the exact same and he was drone striking people left and right
>good reason
seething tranny
who's "left" to you? Stalin?
no but he should
Ugh sjw game
>pink triangle
Still think that was a hoax considering around the time pink was a man's colour and blue was a woman's colour.
have sex dude
Projecting is bad, user.
This. The chances of another middle Eastern war with Biden are very high, in fact it's a guarantee.
>The teachers at hogwarts we armed and students still died
But.. the teachers saved the students multiple times and are technically warriors...
If you're a capitalist, you're not left
I am anti LGBT bro, reread.
I'm married and gay, so no
Trump doesn't want actual war he just wanted to bitchslap Soleimani
damn steam must have some fuck you money to have to balls to release game about soros and the demonic hordes that he commands.
>Everything not involving social issues
Healthcare, Climate Change?
I repeat, 40 IQ poster
So you're just a butthurt faggot, got it.
Are drone strikes the only thing you third worlders care about?
steam has practically no oversight over what games people put on it anymore
Biden's plan is actually worse than Trump's and he hasn't a fucking clue when it comes to climate change
Dumbass redditor
why is the earth not drastically cooling down as we speak? over 3 billion people are in lock down. brain washed NPC.
>Nothing will fundamentally change
and you're an angry tranny who could never make it as a gay man so he decided to become a woman
fuck off nigger i don't have time for your nonsense