How are those islands coming along?
Comfy Animal Crossing
i need some park inspiration.
mine just feels so generic. though it might be because of the limited items i have as well.
What does it look like so far?
>turnips are priced at 27 bells
Post and rate
I have kicks and sisters and upgraded nook and all fruit. Didn't check turnip prices
Dodo code is 82Q6D
I need tickets. Anyone selling? Can give bells, gold nuggets, fossils, hybrid lilies
Sahara's here
Turnip prices are shit
I'm salting the land so I can terraform it so no fruit trees or anything special and looks pretty shitty ngl
you don't gotta leave anything
When it comes to commisblocks, does it mean like all the the other villagers live in one square? I was planning to have 3 villagers living together in different areas on the island. They may be next to each other, writhing each group.
Dear Nintendo
Give me Crab villagers
>were selling this cardboard box
>its in limited quantities
>120 bells
thanks for the car user y mous. does anyone else have space themed items? im willing to pay
How much space does bamboo need to grow and can i move them closer later
Does anyone have a spare DIY for the knight shoes? I just got the helmet again and I have it and the armor.
You got a long pier, right user?
What happens after your 10th villager moves in? Do I need to build another thing?
Also, anyone got a fish/bug list?
How rare are hybrid islands?
I-i didnt know there were different lengths of pier.... Mine is short
one space all the way around
they follow the same rules as trees
holy fuck when can i start terraforming?
I just got the campsite built today
cuckfy tranimal crossoy thread
>lost Cast Master at a 93 streak
same as trees. even though they spawn out sprouts, the dig points will be inbetween them
I went to two yesterday while hunting for a villager.
>bro don't judge people by their looks!
*instantly kicks and replaces weird/ugly villagers with popular ones*
hey guys do you like my fanart of tha bois ahah woo
Big piers give big fishe
You still have a few more days sadly. You gotta get your island to 3 stars. Then the next day you'll get it
is your wall what saharas selling user?
>>bro don't judge people by their looks!
Who has said that?
O-Only 14 planks... Is it enough?
I only ask because its literally the only reason I need to go to a nook miles island anymore, is it even worth the investment with the miles or should I just breed them?
why do i have no motivation to play this game anymore
i do the majority of my fishing at night.
so sometimes ill be at the point where ill kinda zone out a bit and then miss a catch.
You should take a long walk
Yes, but how about you make a slutty Raymond now haha
Any of you lads have red lily seeds?
I hate that I have two villagers that I can't get to leave at all. Killing the excitement of the game for me.
I lost mine at 96...
I bought it today so maybe
heres one more for the coomer society
Oh shit you can put items on piers? Im gonna add some stuff to mine now! I mean, with SIXTEEN LONG PLANKS, theres a lot of space to fit many things in there (:
So about that datamining, Is is confirmed that the Roost is coming back to the museum?
I burned myself out whenever I got island designer tools. I dont know what to make/theme my island and it frustrates me to not know what to do.
Can you expand and relocate your home on the same day?
maybe the game isnt for you?
my motivation is getting better outfits/items and have a better looking island compared to my friends.
just got my first tarantula island, bros
Fuck you user now I have to live with another small size impediment.
That's talent you jealous failures.
You are average sized, nothing to be ashamed, its not the size but how you use it.
Unless you are a 12 planklet, then you are just a cuck and will have to beg to use your friends BBP to fish.
I don't know, but your town is based, DS user
>want space themed room
>need celeste recipes
>she has only shown up once
>have short pier
>feel insecure
>fish Tuna and Barreleye right after each other
>6 fishes after, Blue marlin
Its not the lenght but how you use it. Also shorter distance to run, more efficient, etc.
I wont attract basic bitches like Sea bass but only double-digit IQ villagers care about these
Yeah actually. Moose looks pretty cool, I'm impressed.
what do you think?
>he's a pierlet
Cute bun
I don't either.
I didn't even timetravel.
I waited 2 weeks to be bored.
Is it because I'm a man?
the cylindrical scrolling world was a mistake
i just got paths and terraforming today, so it's a bit of a mess for at least a week. i need to move villager's houses around. i've done very little to make bells today
because its not a game but a chore simulator
Hello to that ballon user two threads ago. Here's me popping a blue balloon and getting a diy
1/10 for Lucha
Not even them, but it's a novel concept and shit execution. Who wants nothing but str8 lines?
>10 planks on pier
is that the smallest so far
If you have nothing else to do, then don't do it, you're gonna waste a lot of miles you wanna save for terraforming.
(I killed many birds with one stone: Collected weed to sell for the miles, was looking for a new villager, then happened to land on hybrid islands)
i played wild world to death. then again i'm not 13 anymore.
Is Ankha ok?
Every island is a tarantula island if you knos what you're doing.
Fuck these water bugs though.
Anyway, I need Garden gnomes. Specifically, Garden gnomes in colors that I don't have.
Especially the sunglasses garden gnome.
Asking to catalogue. Can trade bells or fruit or some other shit you may need.
>He has a short pier.
>deserted island life
>make into an urban city
I see this with all asians even japs, Koreans and chinks are the worst with their commie block shit.
House customization when?
>look mom i posted it again
>replaced Muffy with Hazel
>willingly with Amiibo
get on my level
It's not guaranteed it'll be materials but blue balloons do give out clay and iron more often. Same with yellow being money. I just got a recipe from a green balloon but it's much rarer than getting it from a red.
I have a spacesnake in my pants.
What does the pier even do
Nigga what's with that aspect ratio?
Time Travelling is catching up to you.
>Villagers actually using my meeting area and sitting together
Feels comfy man
It's a deserted island he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it
What are you doing with yours, picasso?
best i can do is make you iron boots i dont have the dyi for it unfortunately
I got Mabel in town, and cherries for the picking. Dodo code is DKC2L.
I only go for bamboo islands now, the waterbugs fucked everything up
you get certain fish when you fish from it
>Is it because I'm a man?
if you mean no longer a child, probably.
yeah i have so much shit to do in game i can't be fucked to do it
>though it might be because of the limited items i have as well.
This is my biggest problem. I'm on day 7 or 8 and I have jack shit for furniture. I'm still using the basic bitch simple bed for fucks sake.
I put a lifering on mine.
Got the 5 stars build some water falls made it easy to get around paved the roads what now?
I get errors when I try to make my own webms so I had to use a shitty website to do them
I don't have any amiibos bro, I just visited a lot of islands so the only randos are the two starters and O'Hare from the camp. I'm actually trying to track down a Tasha NFC card so I can kick out that pigger Kevin.
make your island cool
>Try to do Cast Master
>Fishing eggs doesn't count
how did you manage to fuck up the webm this bad
had sadly my shops closed and i gave my seeds away, i do have several fully grown red lillies that i can plant on your island?
uncertain. There are lines related to it being part of the museum, aswell as a Haniwa excebition.
Considering they do the splatoon tactic, it might come in a year or two.
wow thanks blush emojgi
>everyone playing AC, looks comfy
>wish I had a Switch
>comfy has been switched out with rage and despair about eggs
>wishing reduced
Easter Event basically put the game on hibernation for me. Southern Hemisphere has nothing going on except eggs at the moment
im not trying to hear anybody's bullshit
nintendo snuck a penis joke in the game
where my 14 planker bois at?