Mount & Blade II Bannerlord

Genocide the Aserai

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In my current game her kingdom was the first to go in like 3 months and for some reason I still see her screwing about on the map with 50 dudes in her party hunting bandits.
Do monarchs not ditch the kingdom if their kingdoms is obliterated anymore? is it theoretically possible to help reestablish it?

surprised she isnt in a dungeon somewhere

Damn I lost my save cause my computer just shutdown all of a sudden, never had this problem in the other patchs, anyway the game is fun but needs a lot of optimization in the single player mode, I hope with a little more time and some more mods the game can be even more enjoyable.

Now I am going to take a time till some issues are resolved

God I cant wait for dickplomacy

When are they going to patch in the rest of the rescue-your-siblings plotline? I can't get comfy conquering until I know my little bro and sis are safe.

I actually executed all their lords, before doing the 10 lords quest and as a southern empire lord, and I think it broke the game. It hasn't felt right since.

Can Rhagaea fuck off and die already so my wife can become empress and our son heir? I feel like I'm going to have to just go with my original plan of conquering the empire at this rate.

>double press

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What do you get for finishing that tutorial quest where you ask 10 lords about things? I'm getting sick of accidentally clicking it and getting fucking booted out of conversation and sitting through THREE fucking loading screens.

You get another quest

I hope they add bestiality

You get the ability to play the rest of the fucking game.
>just now learned about that after running around as everyone's errand boy for 12 hours

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>game advertises large battles
>they're unplayable
What did they mean by this?

GODS, I hate Khuzaits
My grandfather hated them too, even before they raided out border fiefs. Battania does NOT need unwashed barbarians at its gates!

what does it actually do though? Anything important or can I just ignore it forever?

You have to complete it to join a faction, or start your own when that gets implemented.

You get sent to talk to more people who want you get two other McGuffins, one wants to use them to destroy the Empire and the other to save it. You take the three McGuffins to one or the other and then they tell you to join/start a faction, and that's as far as I got with it.

that's rebuild clan one,h'es about the neretzes folly

You can join a faction anyway. You need to complete it to start your own which as far as I'm aware is possible. I've done it but the diplomacy options are greyed out so I'm guessing it's not finished.

I joined a faction after I hit clan level 2 without ever talking to a single noble about the thing though.
ah so it's pointless, thanks. Was figuring it gave denars or something.

Yeah, already plenty of unwashed barbarians inside of your gates, right?

This plus child wives

Sup niggas lol

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Game needs the post battle XP bonuses like in warband. Right now it's kind of retarded that I would intentionally forgo fighting in a big battle just because it gives such a significant xp boost to my troops if I auto resolve.

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Your women sure seem to enjoy us, Vlandian scum


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Spent all my gold marrying Ira, had to sell mine so I could make ends meet before I started earning again.
Feels bad. I'm sorry Husnphree.

Are there cheats in this game like the previous game?

hey just got into warband, can someone recommend me some mods?

What is the white shield icon next to my name for? I have 1 of it, whatever it is and my companions have 0

This game desperately needs some NPC beautification
the asymmetrical facial expressions and auto gen turns everyone into a mutt

Yeah. It's not like you're not using tactics when commanding troops personally. It seems retarded to flesh out the commands you can give then not give you tactics points for using them. The whole skill tree is fucked desu, I can't see it staying this way. I'd rather have the old sytem back.


Can someone explain to me wtf is happening? I'm also losing food and I can't donate my literal tons of cows to them.

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Yeah, you need to do some documents shit though, it's pretty easy just google it. There isn't as many cheats as previous though.

I don't see why you couldn't help re-establish the faction. In my game the Battanians got gangbanged by the Vlandians, Sturgians and Western Empire at once. Despite having no territory their leader's clan still has some parties running around getting kidnapped by bandits. I'm guessing you can join them to help them get a settlement back. As it is, I don't think they'll ever get enough troops together to take it back themselves.

Is there a guide or something that tells you how to do half the shit in this game? The devs seem to assume you know all the mechanics outside of the combat and throw you right in.

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Why ares sieges such a joke? I tested auto resolving a siege as the attacker with 99 attackers vs 150+ defenders and my army won quite easily. Playing the siege is often worse as if you don't take direct control of every regiment the ai will spend half its time switching between targets / orders, which is worse for the defenders but still quite bad as the attackers.

wait, is that really a mod?

clan level probably

yeah. on Lover's Lab

What happens if you execute a faction leader?

How do i get a settlement for myself?

fuck around in custom battle until you get used to all the different orders

Lol my first bit of dialogue in the game. Good first impressions
>4 mini patches later

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I'm at clan 2 so that wouldn't make sense

unspent perk point I think

The whore-queen sold her daughter to me for like 20k and I still had 100k. Ira now is permanently attached to me pumping out heirs. I think her mother is currently being gangraped in a Vlandian prison tower and unfortunately, I can't find the time to bother to go free her.

I thought it was perk points.


wish they add pregnancy. i wanna breed the whole continent

I just now noticed that there are clearly seasons in the game. Most of the map has slowly been covered in snow. It almost reaches the Aserai desert now.


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Those appear next to the skill, the shield I'm talking about is next to my name at the top

Someone else from their clan takes over
Now I dont know what happens if you execute the whole clan

Not officially, youtube will be your best bet until a big guide is posted on the taleworlds forums. Mount&Blade has traditionally thrown players in and let them figure it out for themselves

try 7k
I had about 10 at the time, I hadn't bought into Woodcoin yet. Spent it all on the dowry before they went back to war, and I couldn't speak to either of them. Then Ira's army charged me 2k the next day before I managed to disband it.

You need to make a kiln to produce building materials. -2 means any work will be slow as molasses.

I've noticed no one really cares about the sturgians. To me they seem to be the shittest faction.

>Saves keep corrupting due to EA so just start a new roll each time
>Play a turbomanlet mongolian virgin
>Win every tournament I enter due to sheer luck
Holy fuck is being a manlet op or something?

>Feel urge to play
>But want to wait until the game isn't as much of a mess

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>execute the whole clan
I was doing it to the hidden hand but I got bored with bannerlord when the south empire painted the entire map and haven't bothered to finish.

Are you talking the little grey shield on the character screen? I'm pretty sure that #1 there means you have an unspent perk point my guy, double check

So what's the ETA on skyrim-tier body, face and clothing mods?

>recruit a surgeon who shares her sad story of her groom, friends and family murdered by warband
>"ok just come with us"
>become mercenary and start raiding

I did it again.

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How long did it take for skyrim?

Join a faction. Get influence by winning battles and helping out other lords. Join an army or start your own. Siege a settlement, win and spend all your saved up influence to put the odds in your favor that your leader will award it to you.

Play and if you see bugs, report them.
You'll have fun AND help yourself at the same time.

I'm on the early access ride, I like following along with a game's development, so I can notice changes as they happen. I suppose waiting has its own appeal though.

But that's Bethesda game community, Butterlord is different. Also not sure how well they can make extended sliders and stuff.

I did it, bros.
Tier 6 bowfu.

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modders are focusing on fixing the game first
lewds and beautification come later

Blame parents
