So it begins
So it begins

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How good is the game

I'm really on the edge of buying it. It is as good as it looks?

It's not good.

It's rough around the edges but better than vanilla Warband was. Which means modded Bannerlord will probably be the best.

It's early access, there is a lot that is not implemented or not polished yet. I'd argue it's just as good as vanilla M&B right now, but the jank is still pretty obvious.

Speaking of mods, anyone else using the screamerlord profile with Voice Attack? It’s fucking awesome to just shout “cavalry, charge!” instead of futzing with the menu commands.

I don't care much about mods, just wonder why it's so goddamn popular here and on Steam.
Must be just a shitty year I guess, I'll stick to Iceborne

Both better and harder than vanilla warband

>8 years in development
>needs a billion mods to be fun
what the fuck is wrong with turks?

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can you make a big buff amazon chicks in butterlord?

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Lads I need good female character codes

I want to start with warband first.
How heavy is the managing of the army when the fight starts?

dumb noa poster

Once it starts? Not heavy at all. Before the fighting you’ll want to set up your archers and have the cavalry harass the enemy, but that’s it.

Like in a total war game but with a different camera, worse AI and no pause button

You can manage it as much or as little as you want. How much that will affect your success will depend on what type of army you're using. Varied armies will require lots of micro. On the other hand if you're parking your dumb rhodok ass on a hill waiting for people to charge you, you won't even need to turn your brain on.

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>just wonder why it's so goddamn popular here
Because it's a good game. Imagine that.

What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of my crossbows utterly defeating your advance.

>ahaheaheahe imagine if bandits had machine guns ecks dee
Take that you fucking tree hugging shits

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Nice abs. Would lick.


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how do i select which soldiers i take with me for assaults? it keeps giving me shit troops

Does warband ever end or can I eventually somehow conquer every fucking plot?

>max height
>arm wraps
>battanian savage armor
>hide boots
>rough bear hide shoulders
>2 handed axe
Just need a muscle and bust slider.

i just found out

so in the list of your party, you have to put the soldiers you want with you right after you

fuck no it didnt work

Put your best troops right under you, at the top of the list

This game has some great potential for warrior waifu mods

Filled with minor bugs, needs some tweaks on design goals but still a fun core attached to it.

Pretty damn buggy, but the game is great and they’ve put out a fairly sizable patch each day since “release”. Quite literally getting better every day, and the nexus page has a surprising amount of mods already

>perks not working
>can't improve relations with lords
>can't improve certain skills

Shit’s gonna get crazy when the modding tools get released along with the full game. Just sucks it’s going to take us at least a year to get there.

It's shit. You'd think the graphics would be better than the first one lmao

Does the sharpening effect actually do anything? Any side by side comparisons?

Is this like large-scale Kenshi?

I can’t fucking wait for Warsword Conquest Bannerlord edition

Sandbox game, there's no end

I'm used to that kind of jank. It hasn't bsod my pc like stalker did so I'd call that minor


Kinda. There’s an overworld with what are basically sprites that represent parties and groups, along with towns, villages, forts, etc. and then there are battles with maps. It’s not truly open world, in that you can’t directly control your character outside battles, towns, villages and forts

The only similarity to Kenshi is the fanbase. The games are absolutely nothing alike but they attract the exact same players, if you like kenshi there's a very good chance you'll like mountain blade, but game play wise they're nothing at all alike

Similar spirit, different gameplay.

Thanks. Might give it a try.

This retard wont level up no matter what i do.

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>M&B has been a staple for anyone with a PC for over a decade
>Warband has been out since ‘09
>people still asking dumb shit/getting confused about shit in bannerlord that was in warband or acting like they never played M&B
I hope they’re pretending, it’s warband+ not theoretical astrophysics

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It's all shit. I refunded it

Is it possible to install mods on pirated bannerlord anons?

Give warband a try instead. It's like 1 dollar on GoG and will tell you whether or not you should get bannerlord because they're fundamentally the same game

how do i own an imperial settlement?

How to make my guy a kid in the creation menu?

>mountain blade
are you retarded?

It was on Steam’s front page during a time where a lot of people are hoke and playing vidya. There are definitely a lot of baiters simply because of the praise the franchise gets, but there are also a lot of zoomers trying it.

I'm having fun. :)

I can beat 40 looters with me, a horse and a sable. :^))))))))))

>noo not the heckin storito noo
Whats wrong kid, dont you wanna be the bannerlord

Don’t bother, there are shitloads of baitposters around since it came to early access.

Uh, thats not allowed

Unlike you I have some standards. No matter how much they'll polish this turd, it's still going to be shit.

*are home

I'm sorry. :(

The combat/gameplay loop is the only good thing. The writing is trash, the animations are terrible, the bugs are enormous, the balance is awful and the performance is beyond garbage.

I really don't know what they were doing for 8 years

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It's popular because Mount & Blade is a one of a kind series with one of the biggest cult followings on PC bar none.

Very on the fence about it for now.
Warband is the better game until they iron out and complete a fair bit of content.
40k+ for a crossbow

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Press R

You bought a mount & blade game because you saw a sticky on Yas Forums and wanted to fit in and then complained about the writing LMAO. holy shit talk about retarded


Is a game made for numales and soÿlent filled neckbeards hyped to high heavens and zoomies want to see what all the fuss is about

>implying writing has ever been a thing in M&B
>implying the animations haven’t always been janky
>implying the devs aren’t actively fixing bugs
>implying the devs aren’t actively balancing
>implying performance issues aren’t being worked on
It’s almost like it’s early access or something. Also
>what is massive staff loss
>what is a small team
>what is barely any funding
>what is having to build the engine from scratch
>what is Turkey being a shitty place to develop games

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh shit, thats way too young
I thought you could be a teenager ish, I remember readin on their blog and seeing one in a walking animation

I still can't believe this garbage got a sticky. I cannot fathom why this board is so hyped for this trash. 8 years of development btw

Well, the bait posters found the thread. Fun’s over.

>mfw playing as a merchant
>selling 200 pottery at 146

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Lots of early access jank, but the devs are updating it frequently and I believe that by the time it's done it will be much better than warband
the new siege and clan mechanics are really great

I'll buy it when they come out with warhammer fantasy and lord of the rings modules

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>giving (You)s to bait posts

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Well shilled post, not gonna lie.

>gameplay loop

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The siege battle looked cool and I thought it's a game for me. In reality, it's just a boring, buggy mess. Looks ugly and the AI is shit too

Unless you have autism you simply can't enjoy this meme game

>Warband is the better game
I honestly don't think it is. I have some major grievances with Warband that Bannerlord has improved so much that I can't go back to the Warband way. Mainly the fief system. I hate how villages are separate fiefs to the castles they're attached to. Your first village is always in a random spot far away from your first castle, and your castle's village gets assigned to some other random faggot. Your castle prosperity is tied to it's village but you don't even own the village so you can't improve it or take care of it properly. Now in Bannerlord you get the villages with the controlling castle, so when you're granted a fief you get your own comfy chunk of territory that you control everything in. that and the militia system for your castles make bannerlord the better game already in my opinion

If you ignore them they start samefagging and posting fake arguments to fill the thread with their bullshit. I actually find the psychological implications interesting, honestly.


I agree, but I also don't see how they could make a game like this without all of those concessions, look at the dogshit that was kingdom come, people thought that game was going to dethrone mountain blade because basedboy jew danny vulva PWNED THE SJWs on twitter. Mount and blade is the only game of its kind really.

>can't improve relations with lords
Sure you can. Completing their quests does it, completing their clan's quests does it, defeating bandit hideouts adjacent to their holdings does it, wedding their relatives does it, assisting their fiefs' villagers in combat does it. Gifts don't, and neither does personally saving them in battle, both of which need to be fixed, but there are ways around it.

>can't improve certain skills
Which ones? In my current game I've improved everything but crossbow, throwing, and leadership. Leadership has gained XP but hasn't leveled yet, but I'm almost certain I leveled it in past games. I don't know about crossbows or throwing because I never use them outside of the XP-less tournaments (another thing that needs to be fixed).

>no muscle slider
Rip my hopes and dreams.

I hope this attracts gay modders. But we always miss out. You can make some pretty fuckable men though if you're into the WW2 infantry aesthetic.

>zoomer graphics fag thinks mount & blade is for him
at least you know better now

Why do baitfags feel the compulsion to ruin peoples’ fun?

>implying writing has ever been a thing in M&B
>implying the animations haven’t always been janky

and that they haven't improved on this in the sequel makes it even more a valid complaint

f3 + horse = 1 result
f3 + porn = 0 result
wtf are you doing here?

Do you feel the same way about games like Kenshi and Factorio? Because if so, I can tell you with 100% certainty that no one here gives a shit what you think.

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>caring about writing in M&B
>implying the animations are the same

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Still no nude textures tho

You actually want mount & blade to be about writing and dialogue and be another generic side quest skyrimtcher 3 game? thank fuck it's nothing like you wanted

check the thread this is not a Dark Souls game

The mod seems to have nipples somewhat modeled but they’re just a regular skin texture.

they're already in the base game just open up the skins file and go to the woman section and you'll see something like femaleunderweartop="x" just set it blank

>No feasts

This is you

Sarah Jessica Parker?

>tfw making my character and the underwear didn't load in for a split second
>mfw I realize the devs actually modeled all this themselves and it's just not supposed to be visible by default
it was inevitable

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>shield+spear on tournament
>take 10 fucking minutes
>you both do 8 damage to each other
>90% of the fight is trying to go under the shield
Ah yes, back in the day the biggest war casualties were people dying of old age.

Calling me a zoomer while praising the most soi game of 2020 so far. I bet you love to eat ass too zoom zoom


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The writing isn't important because you need versatility. If the writing was too good and specific it would be jarring and fucked up on repeat playthroughs with different scenarios, and really for a video game the dialogue isn't even that bad, I wouldn't nominate for best writing by any means, but it's definitely serviceable.

here, have your shillcoins.

When you can’t prevent it, might as well beat them to the punch.

Titless boobs are so great thing. Ghostnipples or completely gone on 3d models. Not much porn of it. Someone get on that.

I can only level up his riding skill because he's a dogshit tier fighter and he can't hit anyone.


>you must either hate the game or be a shill